I can't explain what's going down | Hunting patrol


May 23, 2023
//Apologies for the delay but here we are @LILYBLOOM. @Lakemoon .
Claws were drawn, but there laid no prey beneath them. Her grey-blue optics skimmed the low waters that lapped at the shore of the river. The cattails knocked gently against one another, rattling an unspoken language to the blue sky above. The day was pleasant, a usually ideal day to hunt but.. It was proving difficult and Honeystone couldn't pinpoint one solid reason for it. Tabby striped ears would pin against her head as a sigh parted her maw. "We can try further up the current." She'd suggest as she turned her head to address the members of the patrol. There were so many issues bubbling in the stream of her mind; the trash, the river level... and the loner. She hoped that the patrol sent to track them down was successful without any injuries. Flicking her tail to dismiss her thoughts she'd resume a weak smile before padding along, her nose tilted skyward for a trace of any land prey. Maybe they'd have better luck with that instead.
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It was not often that Lilybloom found herself on unsuccessful hunts where the prey seemed almost non existent. The tortoiseshell warrior was aware of some of the issues her clan was facing in regards to the river and the strange cat that had discovered on their land, but Lilybloom was surprised it was having such a detrimental effect. After failing to catch anything after believing she was following the trail of a vole, Lilybloom returned to her patrol with her head held low. Honeystone suggests looking further upstream, and Lilybloom merely blinks before nodding, her one eye glancing to Lakemoon for her opinion. "Sounds good to me," Lilybloom answered. "Hopefully we'll have better luck there too."