I choose you - fly

That night had been perfect. It had been the best sleep she had gotten for moons. It had felt so strange not having their kits curled up beside her, and she had even woken up a couple times in a panic, wondering where they were, but each time she was reminded that she was back in the warrior's den now, with her mate. She had felt him quietly slip out that morning, probably to assign the patrols for the day. She debated on following him out right a way, but she decided to lay here for a moment. This was the earliest she had woken up for a long time. It would take a bit to get used to this again.

After she managed to fight off the sleepiness, she emerged from the warrior's den, and padded out to join her clanmates. She waited around until he was done with everything, before trotting over to him. She would attempt to bump his chin with her head. "Have any plans today?" she would ask.


It has been a long time since the two have them have been able to sleep together. Whilst it is nice to have Flamewhisker curled up next to him again, it also feels a little strange not to have their kits snoozing nearby, and waking up to a little paw in his nose. Flycatcher wakes up first, quietly slipping out early in the morning to organise patrols, and doing his best not to disturb her.

After he has finished his duties for the morning, he spots Flamewhisker trotting over to him. "I hope I didn't disturb you," He mews in greeting, rubbing his chin against to top of her head. "I'll be going on a dusk patrol later but other than that my day is free. Did you have something you wanted to do?"
She purred as he nuzzled the top her head. He asked if she wanted to do something today, and she instinctively glanced to see what their kits were doing. They are probably out training, mouse brain! It would take awhile to get used to this...She licked her chest fur embarrassedly, wondering if he could guess what she had been doing. "Well, I was going to suggest a race, but my old bones are stiff from laying around for moons. It would be like racing an elder." she would joke, her whiskers twitching and she glanced up at him playfully.

"If you have any other suggestions, I'm all ears...well..probably not all ears. If I were all ears, no prey would be able to hide from me!"

"Hey I've seen how fast some of those elders can move!" Flycatcher laughed, when Flamewhisker suggested that racing her would be like racing an elder. "StarClan have mercy on the poor cat who doesn't get their nest just right." He had certainly been on the receiving end of a few angry barbs from elders who were dissatisfied with their nest.

When she asks if he has anymore ideas, Flycatcher considers the question for a moment. "If you want a race, I'm fine with that," He told her. "I'll just make sure to go slow for you." A playful wink was directed at her before he pressed on. "Maybe we can go the Great Sycamore and hunt for a bit. The prey s still running slow but at the very least it would be good to get you some practice for your hunters crouch. Unless the kits had you playing hunt the beetle, I'm guessing you didn't have much time to practice in the nursery."

She would chuckle along with him at his words, and as she tried to take in a breath a small snort sound happened. "I will be the grumpiest elder the clans have ever known." she would purr, leaning forward to nudge his shoulder playfully. "I pity the apprentices that will have to care for me someday...they will pull their fur out with my grumbling." She tried to imagine them being elders together, but it was then that she realized he would probably outlive her if he succeeded Howlingstar someday. If I go first that is alright...I couldn't imagine living without him anyways. The thoughts both worried her, and comforted her. They were many, many, many moons away from being elders, so she didn't need to worry about that.

He suggested hunting at the Great Sycamore. Even though he explained why, he didn't need to. Prey was nearly impossible to not catch there, and that was where she took her apprentices to hunt when they were learning. The red tabby puffed up her fur in a dramatically overreacted way, but her eyes still glittered with amusement. "Maybe I can find something old and slow like me." she would joke, knowing well that Flycatcher was a couple moons older than her.

She would then start to pad towards the camp's exit, turning her head over her shoulders to see if he was following.

As they talk about elders, Flamewhisker makes a comment about what she might be like as an elder. Like his mate, his mind wanders to the possibility, forgetting for a moment the dangers of one of them outliving the other, falling prey to a vicious cat or illness. He's quite enraptured by the idea of the two of them old, grey, and wise. Surrounded by their family and friends, sharing stories of the past. What would life be like for them then? How much more would change as it had in recent months.

He smiles when she agrees to go to the Great Sycamore, once again making a comment about age. Flycatcher laughed out loud at her remark. "If you're old then I must be ancient!" He shook his head in amusement. As she pads towards the camp's exit, Flycatcher follows suit, padding alongside her. He knows Flamewhisker seemed a bit wary about a race, but Flycatcher is keen on a light run. He knocks against her playfully. "Come on, old lady," He begins, teasingly commenting about her age. "I'll race you to the tree. I'll make sure to go nice and slow for you."

Flycatche does not wait for a response before darting forward suddenly. Despite the rapid movement, he doesn't actually run very fast when he's outside of camp, keeping to his own desire for a light run and keeping it slow so as not to push Flamewhisker too hard.

As she glanced back, she saw that he was indeed following her. He bumped her side playfully, and called her an old lady. Her mate suggested a race to the tree, and before she could agree or disagree, he shot off from her side. Her pelt ruffled from the name, and the fact that he had raced away. You stinker. she thought, before shaking her pelt out, sort of prepping herself for a run. The red tabby then pushed herself forward, using her back legs to propel herself. She hadn't run like this since her little adventure after the kits were apprenticed. Of course, she had paid the price for it too! Her muscles had been sore for days after that run, and she didn't really want to do that again quite so soon.

It didn't take too long for her to catch up to him, and she assumed that he was taking it easy on her. Just wait till I get my stamina back she thought challengingly, her eyes glowing eagerly. Pushing herself a little harder, she came to run by his side. Her pace slowed so she could talk to him, and part of her was thankful for him to be going slower. Her paws already hurt, and she already felt winded. "What's wrong Bug, afraid I can't keep up?"

Despite his head start, it doesn't take Flamewhisker to reach him. Not that he is surprised in truth, he had kept his pace slow so that Flamewhisker could keep up with him and potentially. "Bug?" He echoes, raising his eyebrows. Was that supposed to be a nickname? Hadn't one of those SkyClan apprentices called him Bugcatcher accidentally recently? Oh, he hoped one of the warriors hadn't gossiped and she had gotten ideas. Still, he had to admit he kinda liked the name,

They ran close together for a while, but when the Owl Tree was in sight, he tore away hoping to make one last dash forward to see if he could beat her to the landmark. Regardless of the outcome, when they arrived at the tree, Flycatcher would turn to his mate with a smile, his breath coming rapidly now due to the exertion. "That was fun," He purred. "It's been a while since I just got to run."

Immediately he echoes the name, raising an eyebrow in confusion. Her eyes gleamed with amusement, wondering if she should respond, or just keep him hanging. "A nickname, silly. You're my little bug!" Her words rolled off her tongue with a purr, before pushing her way forward. She had been able to pull ahead of him for a short while, but she was tired now. Her pace began to slow heavily, and he tore away from her with ease. He had reached the tree before her, but that was alright with her. Her paws were not used to this level of activity anymore.

By the time she arrived at the tree, her pace was more like a mere trot. Her tail rose happily, and she came to touch her nose to his cheek. It's been a while since I just got to run. Her eyes narrowed, and she attempted to lift a paw and swat at his ears. "It's been awhile since you've gotten to run? I don't want to hear it." The words here harmless, and laced with a teasing tone. "It was fun though...pretty sure my paws are going to fall off! The mice around here will have to just run to me!"


Flamewhisker lifts a paw to swat at his ears, and Flycatcher feigns a reaction, pretending as though she had caused him serious injury. Although her words had been said in jest, there was some truth to them he supposed. Here he was, joking about not having run like that for some time, when his mate had been confined to the nursery unable to stretch her legs too much.

"Well, at least you can get out and about more now," Flycatcher beamed at her. It wasn't as though they had stopped going for little walks around camp after the kits had been born, but Flamewhisker had been limited with how far she could go. It would be nice to hunt and train with her again as they sometimes used to do before the kits arrived. "Do you smell anything interesting?" He asked, glancing around at his mate before taking the chance to scent the air. He sniffed a few times before shaking his head. "I'm only getting mouse and some kind of bird."