pafp I CLOVE YOU ♥ gift

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The white pawed apprentice wandered into the camp with his head tilted to the side comically and a large spherical obtrustion lodged between his teeth. It was covered in dirt and left a gross layer of grit across his tongue but he maintained his grip securely onto his prize as he ambled along forward proudly, head held high. It was not the sort of prey expected to be caught and totted about for all to admire but it had given him the same amount of trouble as any lizard or mouse could and he'd sought it out for one cat in particular. It didn't take long to spot Garlicpaw where she sat, cream and blue spotted pelt easily visible across the still melting slush that was the camp as a whole. Muddypaw padded over with a skip to his step and a grin of white teeth around the object before he spat it out at her paws and it rolled to a stop before her. A large head of garlic, a lump of that scented root now fragrant from having his teeth scoring its skin and leaving little pock marks across the surface. He stuck his tongue out with a gag, coughing and spitting to the side to remove the layer of mud and bits of dirt that had filled his mouth and been spread by his saliva during his quest to deliver this home proper.
"I found you! I thought you'd like it! Want to eat it together? I've never had a garlic." Probably for good reason, it wasn't meant to be gnawed upon and his having dug it up meant they couldn't roll in it to handle the rats of carrionplace but - one garlic couldn't hurt right?

  • PAFP - @Garlicpaw

  • 75204724_SEwNnMGW4YAIr3Z.png
    —⊰⋅ Apprentice of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ LH Chocolate w/low White & Blue eyes

Garlicpaw found the coming of newleaf to be bittersweet. She could see the flowers beginning to bloom, could see the territories coming back to life in both flora and fauna. It brought everyone's spirits higher, the new life coming to the land. Yet even as cats rejoice in the life coming back to the land, Garlicpaw finds herself despairing.

The sun rises on another beautiful day, and Halfshade isn't here to see it.

It still hurts. It will never stop hurting. She doesn't know if her siblings have moved on, but there isn't a day that has gone by where Garlicpaw isn't thinking of her mother. Why can't she come back with the flowers and grass? With the sun and warmth? It's not fair.

Fortunately her dull expression is easily swept away. Muddypaw comes skipping up to her with a treasure. Muddypaw, who's always willing to look under rocks with her, play in the mud, and look at bugs with her. That she has a friend just like her brings her enough comfort to chase the pain away. She gives him a confused head tilt at first. Found her??? Was she hiding????? Then it clicks. The thing he's carrying. It's a garlic. It's her!!

"Wow!! That's a big garlic!!" She chirps with a big smile. It's the biggest garlic she's ever seen!!! "Yeah, I'll share it with you!" What could go wrong? It's just garlic. It smells funny, but surely that just means its edible. She gives Muddypaw a headbump. "Thanks, Muddy Buddy!! You're the best!"

Now was the question of.... How do you eat garlic?​

he still remembers the time they first found the garlic. ah, so many cats rolled into it. it helped pitchstar feel better, once, didn't it? he didn't know how. he hasn't a single clue, even now, how that worked but he guessed that's why he wasn't a medicine cat in the first place. the older apprentice twitched his ears, nose twitching as he sneezed. yuck. it always smelled so strong! way too strong for him, at least. he could only imagine how strong it smelt for cats that had a better sense of smell than he did.

"he isn't sure you should be eating that! maybe we should ask starlingheart? she's smart! raggedpaw is pretty sure she knows, like, everything!"

more than he could say for himself, at least! he was brute. his skills lied in fighting. he was not the smartest cat but he didn't mind! what he lacked in smarts, he made up for in being a really nice cat!

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After a rather harsh season of leafbare, Jaggedpath is glad to no longer worry if his Clan would have to become vegetarians at the decline of prey. Newleaf had a slow start of course, but with the frogs rising from the muddy depths within algae-pooled waters and birds making their flight back into the scraggly forest it wouldn't be long before they're up to their bellies in prey. Hopefully, at least, that was his goal to see every newleaf.

But Muddypaw's gone and dragged in a bulb of garlic despite the bounty of... what was there... a pigeon, a toad, and a rat! Presenting it all short of a shining bow for Garlicpaw, a gift for them to share. "Got all that on yer' tod, din'cha? A black peppered muzzle curved at the strong scent coming from the bulb, and he laughed.

"Go way outta that, my!" He'd rather eat grass if he had to than that!
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  • // OOC
  • image here optional
  • (( jaggedpath )) fluffy white tom with black speckles on his muzzle and bright blue eyes
    ↳ shadowclan, warrior, cismale he/him
    easy to make friends with | bad at romance | good at teaching | bad with kits