Jun 17, 2024
Duke barely keeps a growl off his breath as the Twoleg daubs something strong - smelling onto the split across the bridge of his nose. How's he going to get in with the ladies if he has this scar across his best feature? . . . Maybe they'll like the rugged look. The substance stings, but he pushes his face against the Twoleg's hand, the familiar gesture reminding him of bygone days, and is rewarded with some unintelligible babbling and a heavy smoothing of his tufted fur before they move on.

He pouts, resting his busted muzzle on his forepaws. How was he supposed to know she already had a mate? And jeez, did the guy really have to go for his face? Asshole. He's not stupid enough to pick a fight with the same guy twice, but it's hurting nobody for him to sit here and dream of revenge. That's exactly what he's planning on doing for a few hours, until . . .

. . . Hey, who's this next to him, similarly plastered in artificial ointments? Duke doesn't bother to conceal his appraisal—wide yellow eye, as busted - up as he is, a soft tawny - toned pelt that reminds him of . . . something . . . Huh. Dark copper eyes rove over the unfamiliar she - cat's form, and he's quick to make his decision. Yeah, she looks a little crazy . . . all those zig - zag scars and that yellow eye blown wide . . . it's kind of appealing, actually.

" Hey, pretty lady, " he drawls out, draping one six - toed forepaw over the smooth artificial ledge they're both settled on. His other paw's still tucked under where he rests his head, gleaming dusky eyes gazing up at her. " What brings someone like you 'round here, huh? "


" speech "

Baying Hound sulks, but she survives.

There is a reason she does not tread on clan territory often. This time was... a special case. A lapse of reason - but oh, who could blame her? She was faced with such a terrible sight, a spectre of a child she once loved come to steal away all that she ahd left. A scartorn thing like a taunting reflection, ghostly and mocking and dead dead dead. Or, she should have been, at least. Fallow has been gone since the day that owl stole her, since the day she hushed her remaining childrens sobs lest they attract more predators. Who is to blame her for trying to right the mockery of life that a walking corpse makes? Who is to blame her for trying to protect her children?

The clans, of course. They who sent her, they who would take everything from Baying Hound. They take and take and take. It seems like all they are capable of. Her food, her children, her blood. They would take her life if she let them.

But no, no, she cannot let them have that. As much as it debases her to do so, she knows how to survive. The help of cats is a fickle thing, like bait on a hook - but twolegs are stupid enough to manipulate, should one play their cards right. She does not enjoy their help; she bristles and glares, but she knows that it is better than letting her blood seep out into ThunderClan soil.

Twolegs make better company than cats, at least. It is a shame that she cannot be alone with them, even now.

A glinting single eye trains its gaze on the dark form beside her, similarly scarred and yet far more relaxed in his poise. Large, she notes immediately. Dangerous. He could overpower her - assuming the twolegs have not stolen his claws. Even then, teeth are a formidable weapon. She keeps watch for any sudden movements.

He doesn't seem capable of sudden anything, though. His movements are languid, his drawling voice more-so. "Take a guess," she snarls half-heartedly in response to his question. "Some bastards clawed me up - clan cats, the fox-hearts, all self-righteous and shit. Hope they all rot." Her words are spit with a venom, claw flexing. She heaves an angry breath, and it is a moment before she looks back to the other. The words before the question register belatedly, and her eye narrows. "Been a long time since anyone's called me pretty."

// this got away from me a bit ^^ sorry for the late response !!