i could learn something from you [twitch] [100th POST]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


His time was seldom his own, anymore. It belonged to the the elders, to the queens, to Thistleback. He had loathed it in the beginning, had dug his heels in and pulled back on his leash every step of the way, just enough to let them know that he wasn't some dog to be dragged and ordered about. He'd go silent on them, refusing to answer his mentor with anything outside of vague shrugs and grunts, every met gaze little more than an icy stare meant to cut like a knife.

The days had turned to weeks though, and the more of them that crept by the more Quill found himself adapting to it all. He began to wake up early on his own, no longer in need of the harsh wakeup calls from his mentor. The clumsiness from his growth spurt as gone, trained away by the climbing, sparring, and hunting sessions he was made to undergo. Even his patience was growing, the long days spent reinforcing walls or changing out nests as some cat he barely knew droned on about nonesense sloly building up a tolerance in him to the mindless chatter of others, finding he zoned out a little less these days when others were talking to him. Even his overall performance was improving, his climbing, hunting, and sparring all proving him to be not just competent, but maybe even skilled. He'd caught a lot of prey this winter, had held his own in the treee sparring against Sheepcurl, and even managed to reach a height in Tallpine that had Thistleback himself singing the raven tabbys praise. If any of it felt good, Quill made sure to keep it to himself.

Whatever time didn't belong to the elders, queens, or his mentor though, belonged to Twitchpaw.

Ever since Twitch had forgiven him for hurting that other apprentice, Quill had essentially become a second shadow to the shorter tomcat, following him around like some kind of lost puppy- only Quill wasn't lost. He was exactly where he wanted to be, even if half the time the two of them ended up doing shit all. And that was fine with him. The mere presence of the other as enough of a silent reasurrance that they were still good, that Twitch hadn't gone back on his forgiveness. For whatever reason, he still preferred their company to the others, and while he'd admittedly grown something of a friendship with many of the other cats his age- fireflypaw and bananapaw in particular- he almost never initiated their hangout sessions, never sought them out just to follow them around or sit in silence with them.

Twitch seemed to be the only exception to said rule.

They weren't in camp for once, the snow having stopped long enough for the pair to duck out of camp and into the woods beyond. Just walking. Sometimes it was nice to get away from the noise and crowds, and after the snowfall confining them to camp for a while due to the storms, it was actually kind of nice to stretch his legs and get some fresh air.

"I officially hate snow." he sighed as, for the third time, he stumbled over a hidden tree root or some rock that the snow was concealing, breaking the silence that sat between them. Well, silent save from the soft noises that seemed to always be coming from Twitchpaw, though Quill had long since regarded them as normal and delagated them to the 'background ambiance' section of his mind.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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Maybe moons ago he might have complained about Quillpaw insisting on shadowing him. Might have told him to go away, told him he needed his space, told him he had better things to do. Moons ago he'd been... weaker, though. Worse. Slowly it was beginning to settle in his mind that some cats really did want him around. Not all, but some, and some... mattered. Quillpaw, Butterflypaw, Violetpaw... they were all nice to him, even when he wasn't being useful. The former especially- often when they ended up spending time together like this, they got nothing done. Sometimes they barely even spoke. And yet, it kept going, kept happening, and Twitch never opposed it. Never broke away. It was becoming... part of a routine now, almost.

He really didn't mind. In fact he'd even say he liked it, even if he did not understand why. And really it was worth it just to see Quillpaw snag himself on a branch and almost face-plant, for out of the two of them no-one would guess who the clumsy one was. After the tall apprentice's admittance, a snicker of amusement shuddered from Twitchpaw's mahogany maw, an eyelid flickering closed for a moment. What was that, the third time he'd tripped over now? You'd think he'd learn.

By concealing tree-roots the snow almost looked like it was taking revenge against him for his hatred. He knew that was a stupid idea, but it was... appealing to think of snow as something that had a mind and a will. As if it had a reason for being here. Something so strange- and something that could be so incessant... it seemed strange to call it just weather. "Looks like- like the snow hates you, too," he snorted, kicking a small wave of it in Quillpaw's direction. Not all of it was meant to hit the night-painted tom... but it wouldn't be the worst thing if a little bit struck him. Might be funny, even.
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Quill didn't have answers for the 'why' of it all. If he was honest, the chimera was just as suprised about the development of things as Twitchpaw was. Sure, he'd run with the group of cats back in twoleg place, but there was nothing personal involved in any of it. You could have swapped out every cat there for a completely new one he'd never met before, and he wouldn't have given a damn. They ere just generic distractions, noise, but noise that was prefered to the noise of his homelife- a lesser evil that he was willing to tolerate in exchange for the modicrum of peace it offered the rest of him.

If Twitch was the one being replaced though, he felt like he would mind.

He didn't read into it though, because emotions were messy and messes made his brain buzz unpleasently- usually. Skyclan had surprised him a few times, had allowed feelings to stir without reprimand or consequence; his fondness for Twitch, the soft spot he had for Mushroomkit and Butterflypaw, the sense of ease he felt with Bananapaw and Fireflypaw. He'd never let things like that take root in him before, let alone given them the care they needed to grow and bloom into anything. It was strange to him, not unplesant, but certainly unfamiliar. It left him cautious but curious, hesitant, but willing.

Things he'd never been before.

"Looks like- like the snow hates you, too,"

Paws came to an immediately standstill as a light spray of snow hit him, leaving flakes clinging to his chest and legs, mismatched eyes landing on Twitchpaw in a purposefully dead-pan look.

"I can't believe you'd conspire against me with the snow." he said, letting the barest hint of disbelief disrupt the monotone of his voice. "You know this means war, right?"

Without waiting for a response, he kicked a small wave of snow back at the other, the ghost of a smile sitting on his lips.

Yeah, maybe feeling things wasn't bad all the time.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

A snort of laughter left him at the look that Quillpaw offered him- bemused, but purposefully so. Sarcasm in his gaze, a recognisable spark- like many things, it had taken Twitchpaw a long time to learn that it was in good humour. Early life in SkyClan had been in the company of... well, his parents, mostly. In running errands for them as soon as he was old enough, he'd not had much time in kithood to make friends. So when it had become an expectation that he was supposed to be making friends, the bicolour tom had been entirely unsure how he was meant to do it.

Apparently all it took was a coincidental run in, lost in the garden of a Twoleg nest. A situation difficult to replicate, but one he was thankful for regardless.

At the spray of snow he sputtered, head shaking away the frost; Quillpaw hadn't kicked too much, but most of it had been flung directly into his face. Already-scruffy fur was tousled worse in the aftermath, sticking in every direction possible, frosted and frayed at the end. A stunned expression occupied his face for a few seconds- his nose felt like it might freeze off- but the knowledge it was war, well, that kept the fire going. Lit the amber in his eyes, set a mischievous smile upon his maw.

"Ohhh, it's on!" he cheered, using his hind legs to spin and kick up a huge cloud of the snow in his wake. Daisyflight had taught that move to him as a distraction tactic- It was meant to be a way to kick dust in your opponent's eyes, but it worked even better as a component in a snow fight- a wonderful way to haul as much as he possibly could. "See if that chills you out!" An incredibly stupid joke, but for once he found he didn't care too much about looking stupid.
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Friendship wasn't an easily found thing for Quillpaw, either. He didn't consider himself to have had real friends before coming to Skyclan, not for the lack of cats like Wildpaw trying, but because back then Quill had been in no shape to accept that kind of closeness with another regardless of how much he may have wanted to. Back then the walls had to stay up because there was always someone at home waiting to find the gaps he left open, but he was slowly coming to accept that things weren't like that in Skyclan. And these things felt like small victorys to him, things he was hesitant to claim as fair-won, but that he kept reaching for all the same. He wanted to keep them, even if the idea was foreign to him.

And these small moments with Twitch were victories as well, only he never seemed to know he was winning something until he was left standing there feeling like he had. Trophies in the form of green-gold eyes flashing in determination, in the feeling of snow being kicked up into his face, and without even realizing it he's laughing, honest to god laughing. And the sound is strange to his own ears, but it feels good, like he's just won something else he didn't know he'd been chasing after.

"That's a lot of rage, man. I think you need to cool off!" he calls back back, rising to the challenge of not just slinging snow, but horrible puns as well.
Charging through the flinging snow Twitch is trying to bury him in to reach up and grab the low hanging branch above the other apprentice. He gives it a rough tug downward before letting it go and leaping to the side, hoping to dislodge the large but ultimately harmless chunk of snow that had gathered there so it can drop on his friends head.

He's completely covered in snow thats sure to melt and get him wet, a feeling he usually can't stand, but for whatever reason the dampness of his fur is the farthest thing from his mind right now.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

As Quillpaw laughed, Twitchpaw found himself echoing the sound. Pale mimicry, perhaps, but no less genuine. Contagion was normally something that would worry him senseless, but laughter- you caught that as you did a cold, and yet it was so much more pleasant. Bubbling, leaping sound- though it was hoarse in Twitchpaw's throat, a squeak of a giggle fighting through frayed vocal chords, he meant every stutter of it. Not that he could control it- be even if he could, he doubted he'd choose to stop. Another stupid joke, but it flew not from his maw- no, Quillpaw uttered it, and there came more plague! Terrible puns- maybe they were contagious too.

Diving through the onslaught, Quillpaw flew branch-bound; by the time Twitchpaw realised what he was doing, a great mound of snow had already cascaded upon his skull. Cradled in the pine, those leaves could hold much more than the seemed- and again, again, the scruffy tom spluttered. "PfffFFT-" Snow sprayed from his mouth- in laughter, his mouth had been open, flytrap for frost- but such an instinctive gesture gave him an idea.

Quillpaw was close, still- so with all the dithering energy he already had from his constant tremble, he had slumbering within him the potential for a powerful blizzard. Wasting not a moment more, Twitchpaw shook the snow off of him as rapidly and as violently as he could possibly manage, sending it flinging in all manner of directions. At least a bit was sure to make contact. "You're snow joke," he said, internally facepalming at the absolute height of stupidity he had just reached, and yet- yet, he still smiled.
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True moments of happiness, of contentment are few and far between for Quillpaw. They shouldn't be, considering how low his standard for most things are, but that in itself is a testament to the life he's lived and the ways it continues to effect him even now. Somehow though, he's managed to find one out here with Twitchpaw while burrying each other in snow and shitty jokes.

He's still grinning when the other begins to shake their coat, tossing the scraps of leftover snow his way. Its only when they speak that he lets out a groan and topples sideays, flopping into the snow before fixing mismatched eyes on Twitch.

"You've done it. Your shitty jokes have killed me. Ow."

And it sounds ridiculous coming from his mouth, monotonous and dull, the 'ow' most of all, but he's smiling, and he's happy, and it's worth it.

skyclan - male - 10 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders

He falls, the titan toppled- whether it was the onslaught or the feeble comedy that had killed him, he did not know for certain. Well- until Quillpaw verified it as the latter, and another hoarse laugh skittered through his throat, a skipping sound like the shuffle of paws. From where he stood, and where Quillpaw lay, he saw the curve of his smile. Otherwise he might have worried that he'd genuinely become insufferable... a frequent fret, but if there was one cat he did not want to drive away it was the chimera who lay cradled by the snow before him.

Twitchpaw let himself fall too, flopping into the arms of the cold with a flumph, wide eyes peering right out at Quillpaw. "Now the s-snow doesn't seem so bad, does it?" At least in comparison to the puns it brought with it. A twitch of the eyelid, a slight scuff of the snow with a loose paw- but his smile remained. How could he let it fall? It would be lying to get rid of it. And Quillpaw was still smiling, and- it was hard not to smile too. Grin, even, in a show of iron-tightened teeth.

"I don't wanna- g-go back to camp," he stuttered out after a moment. Whether it meant he was happy here, or that he was miserable there, he did not clarify. The look on his face was a hint, though.
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