private I CRACK AND OUT I POUR // howlingfam gr. grandkids

Every chance she gets, Howlingstar spends time with her kin in the nursery. The youth are so, so important to the future of the clan; not only that, but her family means more to her than anything in the world. Her grandchildren's litters are going to be apprenticed very soon, and soon she won't get the opportunity to babysit them like this. They'll be too busy at training with their mentors - mentors she is still deciding on. Burnstorm has requested long ago to train one of his own kits, and deciding on which one has been difficult. Not only that, but with Antlerpaw set to pass her assessment soon, she herself will be opened up to train one. She's not sure which yet, but...she quite literally has her pick of the litter.

"Hello, little ones," The tabby purrs warmly as she ducks into the nursery. Piercing green eyes soften as she gazes upon the lively bundle of fur that is her tussling great grandchildren. "Well, not so little anymore, huh? You all are just about grown out of this den!" Humorously, she glances up and around her, as if she herself can't fit comfortably within these walls. "Why don't we go outside, hm? What would you all like to do?"

// @LITTLEKIT @Dovekit @beetlekit! @Scarletkit @Meadowkit @mottledkit

Meadowkit is the resiliant sort, the kind of cat who could get knocked down over and over and over again and somehow find the strength to get up every single time. Her mother's death is just that - an invisible force trying to knock her over, to take her out of the game, but she is determined not to let it. If nothing else then for her father, who is more scarce than ever, and for her siblings, who needed her the most in this moment. "Yeah! We'll be apprentice soon!" She loudly declares, puffing up her fur and sticking out her chest in an attempt to make herself look bigger. Soon, her and her kin would join Flamewhiskers kits in the apprentice den, kit-games and nursery stories would be far behind them and Meadowkit fully plans on throwing herself earnestly into her training. For now though...

"We should spar! I wanna spar!" she declares, her green eyes shining with mischievousness for half a second before she launches herself at one of the other kits with a delighted squeal upon her lips, aiming to bowl them over with her big paws and if she is succesful in that, she would next try to pin them as quickly as she could. "I'm gunna be the bestest fighter in the apprentice den" she declares proudly, her alabaster tail waving in the air. She would do everything she could to ensure she became the kind of cat her mother could be proud of.

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    A large fluffy red tabby kitten with a white chest, stomach, tail, muzzle and stripe running along her back. Her eyes are a deep, forest, green and in her pelt one can usually find flowers woven
    easy in battle + no formal training

Perhaps, beyond his parents, Beetlekit was only going to listen to his great grandmother. The she-cat had taught him so much so far- the code, how to respect others, even when to be quiet and when to be loud. His ears perked as her familiar form pushed into the nursery- which, by the way, was feeling smaller everyday, and he chuffed in greeting. "Yeah, that we will." He agreed with Meadowkit, pushing to his paws a moment later. A grin found his face as his head turned, Meadowkit launching at him.

Beetlekit, of all kits, was more then ready for it. He whipped himself around, being bowled over, but tossed her off of him with deft hind paws. He rolled onto his feet, eyes wide and wearing a sharp grin, ears pushed forward. "Not if I'm the best- get in line, Meadowkit." He called. Ears flushed for a moment, reminding himself that Howlingstar was watching this, and he stood straighter. "Let's do this outside, yeah?" He called, nearly taunting, weaving around his great grandmother to step into the sunlight of the ravine.

Vision turned, pointed, back towards the entrance, ready for anything Meadowkit was going to dish out.
  • "speech"
  • BEETLEKIT he/him, kit of thunderclan, six moons.
    LH black smoke with bright green eyes. still on the smaller side due to age, but will grow into a very broad and built tom-cat, mirroring his father's build.
    not mentored yet / / mentoring no one
    no romantic interests / / BURNSTORM X ROEFLAME - sibling to dovekit and littlekit, adoptive sibling to hopekit and coalkit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by dallas ↛ dallasofnines on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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Mottledkit knew that she was destined for greatness the moment she could understand the concept- a bloodline as powerful as hers was something the whole forest she quake to witness and soon enough, they would bear witness to her siblings and all their glory. Howlingstar's great grandchildren... the strongest group of kits to have been born since the founding of the clans, that much she's sure of. When destiny comes knocking at your nest, you should not ignore it and Meadowkit seems to understand this too, jumping to her feet with glee to beg for a chance to prove their worth in combat.

Mottledkit had practiced plenty, the tortoiseshell thought to herself, glowering at Beetlekit as he began tussling with her sister. He was often a source of her ire and unfortunately, he tended to best her in spars despite her best efforts. An infuriating thing, given how inclined he was to solve disputes with his paws where Mottledkit was concerned. It was no great matter... the moment they were apprentices, she'd outshine him tenfold!

"You've fought a lot of battles, right Howlingstar? Can you show us some really cool, secret leader moves?" There had to be some sort of star-blessed power in those claws after all. How else would you strike fear into the hearts of your enemies and maintain a tight grip on your clan?

"You look like you'd blend in with a tree," she observes matter-of-factly, as if the older molly had never considered this advantage before or noticed it herself in her many years of life.​

༻ ♥༺ Normally, Littlekit looked forward to her great-grandmothers visits, she would eagerly settle at the stout she-cats side and fumble over her soft-spoken words. Howlingstar was her idol, the matriarch of legend and greatness that had grown sturdy roots in the oak forest.
When the tabby leader ducks into the nursery, it is not the typical starry-eyed greeting from Littlekit she is met with, the ribboned kitten looks for surprised than anything, barely able to conceal the guilt that was grappling at her vocal cords. Meadowkit and Beetlekit race past her to give the leader an eager greeting, and Littlekit lets them guide the conversation. Skyclaw’s words are swimming behind kitten-round hues, and Littlekit finds herself assessing Howlingstar as Meadowkit and Beetlekit insist on sparring on another. To her, the leader had always been wise, maternal, and good. It was those traits that made her strong.
Yet, when did the line become blurred? Were those traits alone enough to make a strong leader?
Unable to say anything, Littlekit instead greets her grandmother by bumping her head lightly against other older she-cats shoulder. Shuffling towards the exit, Mottledkit’s questions spark interest in the kits gaze, and Littlekit suddenly knows what she wants to say to her beloved great grandmother. “I…I wanna h-hear how you, uhm.. came to be leader.” The request is spoken with equal measures of uncertainty and curiosity. Perhaps if she gained a bigger picture, she could erase the doubts Skyclaw had shared with her.

  • LITTLEKIT she/her, kit of thunderclan, 4 moons.
    Amber-eyed, dense-furred chocolate smoked she-kit with black ribboning stretching across her face, foreleg, and tail.
    daughter of Roeflame && Burnstorm ࿏ sister to Beetlekit && Dovekit
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    penned by Noor@toyangel on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Heart swelling with affection, Howlingstar watches her great-grandchildren with a smile on her face. It seems like just yesterday they were so small, toddling around the nursery on unsteady paws and skinny legs. Their energy and enthusiasm for apprenticeship only serves as a reminder of how quickly time passes, how important it is to cherish these moments. A gentle laugh escapes her as Meadowkit exuberantly demands a spar, which is quickly followed by Beetlekit's quick counter. Eyes twinkling, she shakes her head at the two. They're so full of life! "You will be wonderful apprentices with that excitement!" She purrs warmly, whiskers twitching with amusement.

Turning to Mottledkit as the group slips out of the nursery, she gives a chuckling nod. "Sure, my dear, why not?" Of course, she won't actually show them anything too complicated. They'll learn all of that in their apprenticeships. But what's the harm in giving them a headstart in learning some coordination? She straightens herself, tail flicking up confidently as she mews, "Now, this one is sort of complicated. Are you ready? You turn on your side, like this." She leans to the side, slipping down so her right shoulder is placed on the ground. It looks and feels awkward, sure, but it would all be going so much faster in battle! "Push off with your hind legs so you dive under your opponent. And then swipe right at their belly before getting back to your feet!" She demonstrates swiftly, sliding across the ground and delivering a fake rake of her claws against an unseen enemy before climbing back to her feet. "But remember, claws must always remain sheathed unless you're in a true battle," The she-cat reminds them, tilting her muzzle downward towards the six of them. "Go on, try and practice!"

Her gaze softens as she turns to Littlekit, who very hesitantly asks her question. Her ears fall back, unsure of quite how to answer this. She became leader because of Emberstar's death. Her too-soon, too-young, too-brutal death. A flicker of pain crosses her face before she sits down, tail wrapping around her paws. "Well," She begins, trying to find the words. "It was a path filled with challenges. I was the clan deputy, when Emberstar was killed by dogs. She gave all of her lives to defend another - the bravest cat I knew. And I had to fill her big paw-steps. There were moments of doubt, but no ThunderClanner gives up. Not ever. So, I was determined to push through." Cocking her head to the side, she nudges Littlekit's shoulder and smiles. "Is there more you want to know?" She will always try to be open and honest with her kin, if she is able to be.
Scarletkit watches the lively interactions with awe-filled split-toned eyes. Howlingstar's words resonate deeply with her - after all, she has always been proud to be kin to the ThunderClan leader! She listens intently, trying to ignore the excitement around her with Meadowkit and Beetlekit sparring. Taking a deep breath, the kit pads forward to stand beside Mottledkit. "I want to learn, too! I want to be a strong warrior!" She has to be. She can't have given up on Ivorykit for nothing. She has to make her family proud. She will learn everything she can. It won't be easy, but she knows she'll work hard and do her best.

Turning towards her sister, she narrows her eyes earnestly. "Want to practice it?" She trills, tilting her head to the side as a playful smirk plays on her lips. It looks kind of hard...but she's sure she can do it if she listens closely to her great grandmother's instructions!
Despite the recent tension within the clan Dovekit couldn't help but to be excited about the coming moon, knowing that they'd be an apprentice alongside their siblings and cousins. They could only guess who would be their mentor, knowing not to ask Howlingstar for a specific cat for it was her choice and her choice alone, but it was still tempting to come to their great-grandmother and beg for specific cats, say why they should get a council member or a family member over any other cat. They wanted to be the best and no other cats in Dovekit's mind would do. They were stuck thinking about this when Howlinstar herself had come to the nursery to visit and quickly the young ThunderClanner lost their thoughts, eyes brighting up as a smile formed on their face at the question of what they wanted to do today.

Sparring was mentioned, learning secret leader battle moves, stories and then they were out into camp watching Howlingstar show off a battle move that seemed awkward and was surely too difficult for untrained paws to grasp onto. It didn't mean they wouldn't try though, and as Dovekit moved down closer to the ground instead of staying steady once shoulder met earth balance was lost and instead they summer-salted head over heels, landing with a small thump on the ground, brows furrowing slightly before looking to see if the others were having any better luck before waiting as Howlingstar shared her story with Littlekit and all was forgotten. As much as Dovekit wanted to be the best a story would always get them to stop what they were doing and listen in, curious about the history of the clans and those around them.

"All her lives?" They would echo, ears flattening for a moment in thought before they pricked once more to look towards the oldest of their kin. "I thought you could only lose one?" One at a time, unless Dovekit had misunderstood somehow.

  • -- ignore that this is so late omg
    -- afab ;; they/them ;; thunderclan apprentice
    -- sibling to littlepaw && beetlepaw
    -- lh chocolate silver lynx point
    -- stubborn && questions everything
    -- speaks in bolded #96b6a6