no angst I DO WHAT I WANNA DO | snake


A lengthy yawn would escape the cinnamon tinged apprentice as she trots along with the rest of the patrol, her legs having to do a subtle skip to keep up with the rest of her large companions.
Sadly, something that used to excite her had now grown dreadfully dull- a mere obligation to further her training.
Skipping, she found, also grew tiring quickly. Slowing to a casual walk, Roepaw decided to let the patrol saunter ahead of her.
Blank eyes watched the patrol disappear under some undergrowth, and she knew it’d only be a matter of time before they noticed she was no longer taking up the rear of the group.
What was a better time to go off on her own?
Her pace picked up as she veered to the right, happily trampling her own path through the withered foliage that scattered the forest floor. She knew exactly where she was headed- snake rocks. Flycatcher refused to let Roepaw more than a fox-length into the rocky part of the territory when they had first toured, but it was basically leaf-bare now, the snakes were probably hibernating or something.
The place was easy enough to find by memory, but the towering heap of rocks sure did help.
Without a second though, Roepaw shuffled over, peering at the caves with an ear perked.
Content with her assessment, the tabby craned her neck to get a better look at the rocks- not able to see the very top, her curiosity grew.
Tongue stuck out and brows furrowed together in determination, she sprang onto the first wobbly stone with somewhat ease, clambering to the next, and then another.
Luckily, the third stone is much more stable, rooted in damp dirt.
Roepaw lifts her forepaw to take the next step, proud of her progress thus far.
The sudden but subtle sound is barely registered by the mission-driven apprentice, and she has half a mind to ignore it until something flicks in the corner of her eye.
Her high-pitched shriek quickly fills the once silent air as something snaps towards her, it is the color of the stones but long and windy.
She screams again, swatting at it ferociously- only to lose her balance as soon as she makes contact, sending both her and the snake toppling down the rocks.
The creature writhes back onto its stomach as Roepaw rolls to hers, her murky hued gaze wide as she watches it.
It lunges, she scurries back, kicking vicious dirt clumps at it to defend herself.
It’s quick, however, so she has to be quicker.
It makes another move, and she moves with it. Pouncing from one place to another as the stand-off continues.
She is growing tired, however- it’s snooze and you die.
She leaps, sinking her teeth into the tail of the rather small snake and shaking her head vigorously, discombobulating the snake before she proceeds to slam it by its tail onto the ground.
If the snake were to have had enough, Roepaw didn’t care. Her shoulder ached and her lip now had a giant gash down it because of this damn thing, busted by the rocks it popped out of.
By the time the rest of her patrol were to have found her, she would be stomping on the snakes head. "Die fucker! Die already!" Her cry was less of a battle cry and more exasperated.

Obligatory tag for @Flycatcher

[ the adder is not full grown! Just a funny thread for laughs and concerned warriors :,) ]

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Flamewhisker I'll sleep when I'm dead

In theory, their patrol should have been an easy one. Head out, remark the borders, head home. The patrol leader had set a decent pace, probably due to the cool breeze that tugged at their pelts. She glanced over to her side every so often to ensure that Jaypaw was still beside her, but she remained fairly quiet during their trek through the woods.

As they neared the border, something simply didn't feel right. The red tabby slightly slowed her pace, and glanced over her shoulders. Her fur rose slightly, but she would wait a few moments to see if the she-cat ever emerged from the undergrowth. When she failed to appear, Flamewhisker would let out a gasp. Where was Roepaw? "Guys, stop! Roepaw is missing." She waited for the rest of the patrol to stop, then without waiting to see if they were following, she headed back to retrace their steps.

Crashing through the undergrowth, she found where Flycatcher's apprentice had strayed. Her scent trail was still strong, but Roepaw had left the foliage quite trampled, so it was easy to follow her path. As the scent grew stronger, the fur on her shoulder's bushed up in alarm as she realized where the young Molly was headed. Why is she going to Snake Rocks? She quickened her pace, hoping if anyone had followed her they would follow suite.

A yowl pierced the air, and Flamewhisker feared the worst. Tucking in her tail to move faster, she crashed through the undergrowth, skidding to a halt at the entrance to the rocks.

Die fucker! Die already!

With wide eyes she watched Roepaw stomp furiously on the snake's head. Judging by the limp body underpaw, she assumed the reptile was already dead. Forcing the fur to smooth, she trotted towards the young she-cat, her jaws parted as she caught her breath from running the entire way here. Her gaze rested upon the blood on her lip. "Did it bite you?!" she exclaimed, her eyes lowering to the trampled body on the ground. "I'm...pretty sure it's dead."

It should have been a simple patrol. They were just to scout the territory, maybe do some hunting, and return home. Flycatcher had taken the lead, relishing in not being sent to ShadowClan's border for a change. He had assumed Roepaw was close behind so is taken aback when Flamewhisker calls out, alerting the group to the fact that Roepaw is missing. "She was right behind us!" Flycatcher exclaims, turning on the spot to follow after Flamewhisker and the rest of the patrol.

It's not difficult to pick up on her scent and they follow it to the direction of the snake rocks. Flycatcher's brow creased with worry, unable to think of a reason why his apprentice would go there of all places. He remained as calm as possible given the situation until a shriek pierced the air and he snapped to attention. "Roepaw!" He called out before racing in the direction of the sound.

He appears shortly after Flamewhisker does, eyes flickering between Roepaw and the snake. "Are you alright?" Flycatcher pressed urgently, giving his apprentice a worried glance. "Stars, you weren't bit were you?"
hailpaw | 05 months | trans demi-girl | they/them + feminine terms | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold skyblue

Downpour - no, Hailpaw - has never seen a snake before - the wriggly looking thing is oddly smooth, and they find themselves wanting to reach out a paw to feel it. It reminds them of the toys on the branches back with their twolegs. Padding along with the warriors, they look on in confusion as the other apprentice mauls the creature - was it dangerous? was it food/? "What's that-?" they wonder aloud, glancing back and forth between their uncle and Flamewhisker.

"Yeah, you get that snake's ass kid. Do snake's have asses? Important question to the rest of the patrol: how does a snake use they even? Maybe I don't wanna know! Gwahahhahahaha!"
Man, they were really bad at this? How did so many fullgrown adults (kinda) not notice an apprentice missing? Especially a spicy apprentice like Roepaw who was sure to be well accounted for before she started some kind of altercation. Kid had a lot of rage but maybe she toned down he had though-up until he spotted the snake. Or what was left of the snake. Why did they even come near this area? Snake rocks sounded like a bad time! He'd never eaten a snake and he wasn't starting now. Raccoontail plodded along after Downpour, taking a fair bit longer to get to the scene than Flycatcher or Flamewhisker did because frankly he wasn't running for anything. He rarely ran, he rarely had a reason to. If he missed prey he wasn't chasing it, if he was called he was walking. It was a personal preference to not lose his youthful edge by wasting energy when he didn't have to. Some called it lazy, he called it tactical.

nightbird padded over to roepaw's cries with the rest of the concerned thunderclanners, tail swishing lazily behind her. all this drama over a little snake, it was demolished by the time they reached the startled apprentice as well. her colorless eyes glanced over roepaw for injuries, before her attention was gained by an odd-eyed tabby rambling about snakes asses.

"why don't you ask one?" she dryly remarked, sending an annoyed glance in raccoontail's direction. at least with how much he was talking it was unlikely for any other snakes to stick their heads out from the rocks.