pafp I DON’T HAVE TO SEE YOU RIGHT NOW // rotten food, outburst

He didn't know who had brought the mouse back to camp. He didn't know if it had simply gone bad sitting in the fresh-kill pile or if it had simply been rotten from the start and no one had noticed. Tybalt hadn't noticed the thing either, at least not at first.

He had been sunning himself outside the warriors den when he first picked up the smell of sickness. He glanced around, alarmed, and his breath quickened as he began to silently panic and the memories of his mother's death began to flood his mind. The scent that he searched for now was similar enough to the diseased rat that he was certain it would kill whoever ate it.

The brown tom got up, moving quickly through the camp. His jaw was clenched, and his tail lashed with agitation as he searched for the culprit, desperate to get rid of it.

And then he found it. A mouse at Olivepaw's feet, the tiny apprentice leaned forward with her jaws parted to take a bite.

"Olivepaw!" he snapped sharply. Tybalt's pelt bushed in alarm, and he quickly smacked the prey away as he came forward to admonish the small molly. "Don't eat that!"

"Couldn't you smell it wasn't any good?" he asked, his tail still lashing wildly. "You'll get sick if you eat it! It'll kill you!"

He was yelling at her now, speaking louder than he'd previously meant to, but unlike his usual outbursts, he wasn't really angry. He looked angry, he sounded angry, but in reality he was terrified, and his eyes were alight with fear. Terrified of watching someone else succumb to a horrific death, while all he could do was watch and regret not knowing what was coming next.

He continued to scold her, the words pouring out of his mouth faster than he thought possible. "Was this in the fresh kill pile? How long had it been there? Don't you know how to tell when prey is bad? Why didn't you have someone else check it first? Do you want to die?” He spit the last sentence, likely going too far in his reprimand, but he hardly cared. His legs were trembling now, and it was as if he was looking through the apprentice instead of at her.

// please wait for @olivepaw
Honestly, Olive is a little scattered brained, and she tends to not notice certain things. When she picked the mouse from the fresh kill pile she hadn't thought twice. Shes about to bite in to it, savor her breakfast until theres a shadow that fell over her, smacking the mouse away and causing her jaws to snap against air. She opens her mouth to complain lightheartedly until her name is spoken, angry, she knows the tone and immediately there are tears in her eyes. What did she do wrong? "I-" the words catch in her throat as she shakes, cowers under the screaming, maybe she should have been more aware because then this wouldn't have happened-

Do you want to die? Its these words that break her, tears running down her cheeks as she bows her head. She shakes like no other, like a leaf in the wind and now her appetites gone. "I just thought it was food." its spoken in a small voice, ears pinned back as she shields her face with her paws, fighting back the familiar hiccupping sobs. "I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry." Useless. She wants to retch all of the dinner she had yesterday up, she feels sick to her stomach. It was just a mouse, just a mouse, she didn't think she could die from it.


It would be hard to avoid hearing the outburst coming from Tybalt, and it honestly rubbed Wildpaw the wrong way. The apprentice stood up from where he had been laying down and he proceeded to march his way over to investigate what exactly was happening. He looked at the warrior to begin with, then at Olivepaw and her unfortunate find in the freshkill pile. Whoever had left that deserved to be shit on by a pigeon! Disgusting. Still, he didn't believe Olivepaw to be scolded in such a way.

"Oh lay off! She made a mistake so don't go getting your whiskers in a twist! And I doubt it would have killed her, she would have thrown it back up." Wildpaw growled as he locked his narrowed sights on the older tom. He didn't know what his deal was nor did he care, but he wasn't going to leave Olivepaw without some form of support. "Go get yourself something better from the pile."
Tybalt's ears pinned back against his head, and he rounded on Wildpaw with a hiss. "Shows how much you know!" he snarled. It didn't matter if Olivepaw threw it back up. It would have already begun to fester and rot her insides. And sure, she might throw it back up. But whether it would be early enough to only sicken her was a gamble. It could very well come too late, bringing with it violent shaking that wouldn't stop and saliva that foamed at the apprentice's lips. She would vomit until the sick became a deep scarlet red and she choked on what she brought up.

The image flashed in front of him, flickering from a vision of his dying mother, to the silver apprentice suffering the same fate, and back again. His gaze was fixed on Olivepaw, but he hadn't really seen her since he'd smacked the mouse away. He could only see what might have been if he hadn't. He hadn’t registered her response at all, still too frantic with panic to notice much else.

Squabbling apprentices drew her attention. Dewkit didn't understand what exactly was wrong, or why arguing was happening but perhaps she could be part of it? “What are you guys fighting for?” Surely there was a valid reason as to why the group was so upset with one another. There had to be something she could do to help!


The sounds of sudden panic and then arguing makes itself known to her. The woman sharply turns her head in that direction and she takes in everything, hearing sharp words thrown and she quickly makes her way over. Careful to not trip over her own paws as she attempts to make her way closer to the scene. Even with her limited vision she can feel the tension in the air and her pelt bristles with a little understanding. "B-but you can get really sick from eating food that isn't right anymore. And that...that one stinks." She tries to help the situation a little and her eyes shift back and forth from one silhouette to another. The pale molly twists her ears and she looks towards Tybalt then. "Tybalt...calm down. It's okay. Olivepaw is going to be okay." She can hear his panick. His quick and fluttering breathing.

Then she hears a child speaking up. The kind words making her angle her head down a bit as her feathery tail wavers in the air. "I think everything is fine. Just some bad food is all. It'll be taken care of."
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It was Dewkit's voice that pulled him back to reality. The voice of someone he loved. He whirled around to face her, his heart still pounding in his chest. His teeth clenched, he returned to reality in a sharp jolt. Ariella was there, attempting to calm him, and his gaze fell to the still whimpering Olivepaw. She was crying. Had he really yelled at her? He...he didn't remember yelling at her. But then why was she...?

He ducked his head, turning and not meeting anyone's gaze. "O-Olivepaw," he stammered. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean--" His voice faltered, and tears threatened to spill down his face. Pelt still prickling, he clenched his jaw again. He would not cry in front of them. They had already watched him shriek like an upset kit. They had seen him vulnerable. Weak. He would not allow himself to crack again. Not here.

Shoulders still heaving with quick breaths, Tybalt surveyed the cats surrounding him through narrowed amber eyes. "I.." he started. He exhaled a long breath through his nose and shook his head quickly, like it might jolt loose some words of use. And then he turned and ran, ducking through the camp entrance just as the tears began to spill.



The young tom growled lowly but managed to avoid speaking up again, instead sitting back and observing the situation as it all unfolded. Though he still had no idea as to why Tybalt was acting the way that he was over something so silly. When the tom eventually fled out the camp Wildpaw was left feeling even more dumbfounded. "The fuck?" Did he care that Dewkit was in earshot? No. He'd swear like a city-born rogue any day. "What's his problem anyway? Utterly ridiculous."