I don’t think quite like I used to / Chickadeepaw


♡ 02.29.24 ♡
Mar 28, 2023

ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
When she was still in the nursery, Acornpaw only really saw her adoptive siblings when they came to visit Mama, but now she lived with them.
That had been the biggest comfort to the apprentice when she had first moved in, choosing the closest spot possible to them, dragging Oakpaw along because she needed him close by, too.
Gingerly she prods at the bird in front of her, her stomach too twisted for a proper appetite.
Chickadeepaw is next to her, so Acornpaw passes the meal back over to her sister, staring intently at the ground for a heartbeat before she’d finally look at the other.
"I don’t think I apprentice as well as the others." Acornpaw admitted with a small frown, "they still look at me like… like a rabbit, soaring through the clouds." She continued, the effort to not stumble on her words blatant on her scrunched expression.
"Can you show me? How to do this?" Her question is a riddle, as are most of her words to most, but she looks to Chickadeepaw with a hopeful gaze. Acornpaw didn’t want to be adequate, she wanted to be better- better than all of them, like Chickadeepaw was.


"Show you how to apprentice?" Chickadeepaw was a connoisseur of weird questions but if pushed... she would have to say that was one of the weirder questions she had ever heard. There wasn't any particularly right way to be an apprentice. There were apprentices like Lichenpaw who specialized in medicinal herbs and all that weirdness. There were apprentices like herself, Hawthornpaw, and Sparkpaw (the cool ones who knew how to have fun) and then there were apprentices like Shinepaw and Falconpaw who were... less fun.

But Acornpaw was her sister, which meant that Acornpaw was going to be the absolute coolest ever (after herself, of course.) "You just gotta show everybody you're as cool as Mama or Kildeercry or Crowflower. Once you say you're part of our family, they're all gonna bow down because we're the absolute awesomest. Like how I took on a whole fox and lost an ear to prove it!" She twitches her good ear to show off the difference. "See?"

ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
When Chickadeepaw echoes Acornpaws own prompt back to her, the girl only gives an earnest nod in reply.
Yet, it doesn’t take long for her sister to take a dive into all of the specifics, her story of the fox causing Acornpaws round eyes to only widen further with a soft gasp as she peered at the others scars to prove it.
"Okay… So I should make an announcement, then? So everybody will know?" Acornpaw replies slowly, piecing together her own conclusion. "Once everybody knows, I need to take on a fox?" Acornpaw tries to suppress the shiver that ran down her spine at the thought of battling one of those beasts. Personally, she had never seen one, only heard plenty of horror stories.
"I don’t think I want anyone to bow down… but I would like to be better than all of them. I don’t like how they think I’m strange, or stupid. I’m not. I’m smart. " Acornpaw admits with a small frown tugging at the corner of her maw.
"Im not a flying rabbit." She reiterates with a more solid nod.
If she had to take on a… fox to prove it, then so be it.
She’d really have to step it up in training, though.

