i dont actually care [deersong]


astronaut in the ocean
Aug 7, 2022


Quill was tired.

He hadn't been sleeping the greatest that week and his restless nights were starting to catch up with him. Of course, due to the fact that he always looked half bored out of his mind it was hard to see the true exhaustion beginning to settle into him, easily mistaken for his usual non-challance and lack of enthusiasm. And so Quillpaw wasn't worried about anyone really noticing.

Those worries were farther removed when he returned to camp that evening carrying a fat squirrel in his jaws, assured for once that his growth spurt wouldn't leave him failing at every turn with clumsiness. He may be tired and awkward in his growing body, but he wasn't weak or useless.

Though the freshkill pile had been his destination, the sight of a familiar coat had him changing course, a decision he wasn't even fully aware he'd made until he was standing directly in front of a lone Deersong. "Here." he muttered, dropping the catch at her paws before mismatched eyes glanced away.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
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( ) The Deputy had been grooming her already perfect pelt when the sound of pawsteps caused her pause and she looked up, pleased to see that it was Quillpaw before her. "What it is, Youngblood." Her familiar coo holding a bit more affection today than usual.

The queen was due any day now, and while her belly had not gotten as swollen as many had assumed it would, the cloak of pregnancy was still quite visible upon her. She heaved herself to her paws with a tiny bit of extra effort just as the apprentice dropped a rather large squirrel before her and spoke with a single word that it was for her.

The smile that graced the molly's feature only brightened in gratitude as her half-tail waved behind her like a happy flag, "That's one slammin' catch, Quillpaw! You'll share it with me, won't ya?"



He wasn't sure why he had gone over to Deerstep. He had blatantly avoiding the shecat ever since she'd announced her pregnancy, too uncomfortable with the idea of more kits in the clan. Granted, he didn't think for one second that Deerstep would ever hurt or neglect her kids, but the world had a way of making things happen that left Quill unsettled at the idea. The entire concept of parenthood, of that bond between parent and child, of unconditional love just seemed so far fetched to him that even when he was face to face with someone as good as Deerstep, he couldn't make himself see it.

And that only left him feeling guilty, because he shouldn't be thinking so cynically toward someone like her.

His true wariness though, came from Thistleback himself. Quill had spent time with the cat about as much as he had any other working adult in the clan. They'd been on hunts and patrols together, had found newbies at the border, and Thistle had even been one of the few to check in on him when he'd busted his tongue open face-planting. Has the chimera not lived the life he'd had or experienced the things he did, the spiky older tom may have even proved to be likeable in those mismatched eyes of Quills.

But he couldn't bring himself to trust it.

Thistle was just one cat in a long line of other adults Quill wouldn't let his guard down for; Blazestar, Dawnglare, Daisyflight, and just about every other warrior and queen that stalked the forest.

Somehow though, Deerstep didn't seem to be on that list. It was something that surprised him as much as it annoyed him, particularly because he couldn't figure out why. Just what in his brain had decided that it was okay to not hate her? To maybe even trust her?

And why, when he wanted nothing to do with her pregnancy or kits, did he find himself concerned enough tobring her food straight from his patrol?

"What it is, Youngblood."

He hated the way some small part of himself took reassurance in the nickname, as if it meant something to him when he knew it shouldn't. His own parents had never bothered to give him that kind of affection, so why should he tolerate it from Deersong?

Still, he made no move to correct her.

"That's one slammin' catch, Quillpaw! You'll share it with me, won't ya?"

There was a moment of hesitation before he responded. Quillpaw rarely partook in the social activities of the clan. He never shared tongues with other cats, and the few times he had shared prey with another it had always been with a cat his own age or younger. Sometimes he'd hang out with Twitchpaw or Figpaw, but even then their time was spent watching storms, staring at stars, or occasionally training away from the judging eyes of their mentors. Not that Quill saw his a lot. He was pretty sure Sharpeye had given up on him thanks to his shitty, disinterested attitude.

"Thanks. And sure. " he mumbled after a moment, finding that much to his annoyance, he didn't want to disapoint her.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
( ) Deersong would smile warmly as her invitation was accepted, and the queen was careful to scooch over so that he could join her in her lounging spot. She would take the first bit, purring lowly in contentment as she chewed and savored the warm prey.

As she waited for Quillpaw to begin eating as well, the deputy would watch camp for a peaceful moment before meowing softly, "So, what's been on your mind, Quillpaw?" Turning to look at him now, her aqua gaze seemed to glow with patience as her head tilted whimsically to the right, "Your aura is all kinds of murky. Is training going alright?"

Deersong raked her brain to see if she could remember seeing the apprentice with his mentor as of late, yet no recent memories came forward. Had something happened between Quillpaw and Sharpeye? Her thoughts turned to SNowpaw then and the familiar twinge of guilt touched her chest as she made a mental note to check up on him later.

But for right now, Quillpaw was the focus of her attention and she would take another bite of their meal as she waited for his response.



The entire situation was weird for Quill, but he found that it was only the weirdness itself that was making the interaction unpleasant. He just... wasnt used to sharing prey like this with an adult. He knew that was hardly Deersongs fault, though, just like he knew not every adult was a piece of shit. It was just hard for him to know which ones were good and which werent, because 'bad' didn't always present itself as bad. It had just become habit to reject them all in order to save himself the trouble of trying to decipher it himself.

But, if he reached beyond the strangeness of it, he found he didnt dislike spending time with the queen. Deersong was chill and understanding, never tried to push him but didnt coddle him either- not every adult would watch you fall out of a tree and then encourage you to climb it again. And he appreciated that, was grateful she didnt treat him like some idiot kid who couldnt tell what a dangerous situation was. Because Quill most definitely could, and if he made the decision to take those risks anyways then he didnt need anyone breathing down his neck about it.

Caring without crushing; Deersong was good at that.

"So, what's been on your mind, Quillpaw?"

He took a bite as she spoke, prepared to simply shrug the question off, but she was quick to follow it up with some weirdness that only could have come from Deersong.

"Your aura is all kinds of murky. Is training going alright?"

Murky aura? In some ways, she was just as strange as Dawnglare.

"It's fine, I guess." he replied after swallowing his bite. "Sharp-eyes been busy so I just go out with the patrols or other apprentices to practice stuff."

While it may have seemed neglectful to some, Quill didn't mind. In fact, the chimera preferred it that way. He hated having to follow behind someone, constantly being judged and told he wasn't paying attention. It was annoying, and he liked to think he was learning just fine on his own.

"Why? Does that typically make ones aura 'murky'?" he asked with a lift of his brow, a subtle note of amusement stitched into the final word.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
( ) She would listen in patient silence as Quillpaw seemed to hesitate in his answer. A thoughtful noise came from her throat as he spoke, and she would look out into the clearing as she seemed to contemplate what he had just said.

"No, not exactly." Deersong would coo as her head tilted in its usual whimsical fashion, "Aura's get muddled when somethings' bothering your soul. Usually when a cat feels any kinda negative emotion." She would look back at him then, Her expression calm and warm, "You're a smart cat, Youngblood. Very smart, so I won't lecture you about keeping things bottled up." Her paw would gently reach out and pat his own as she purred, "But I am here if you ever need to talk. No judgments, no worries. Ok?"

Turning back to take another bite of her prey, the molly would seem to smile to herself as she continued, "Now, tell me how the other apprentices are treating you. Making friends ok?" She would side-eye him for a moment before adding, "You and Twitchpaw seem to be getting along alright."



Bothering your soul? If that was the case, Quill was surprised she'd called his aura murky and not 'a pool of tar' or something equally as dark and soffocating. Then again, if honesty were worth anything in that moment, things had been better since joining Skyclan. He wasn't always on the cusp of boiling over, wasn't constantly swimming in an ocean of resentment and shame. Sure, his thoughts always caught up with him eventually, but what was that saying? Out of sight, out of mind. It was easier to keep himself from focusing on the shitty things when he had so many other things to focus on instead; training with Thistle, hunting for the clan, keeping up with his chores (including the extra ones int he nursery and elders den), and the thirty other random things that would happen in a day.

"You're a smart cat, Youngblood. Very smart, so I won't lecture you about keeping things bottled up."

A paw on his own would cause him to tense, not because he was afraid or upset with the new proximity, but simple because he wasn't sure what to do in that moment. Parenting was like putting down the foundation to a house that their child would later finish building, and within that foundation, things like affection, trust, and physical reassurance were load-baring walls- if they weren't structurally sound, the entire building could collapse in on itself. Quills foundation, was nothing short of faulty. The wooden beams were either as dry and brittle as kindling for a fire, or soaked through and rotted by something sickly and spreading.

He wished he knew how to respond like a normal cat in that moment, because Deersong didn't deserve to put up with something like him.

But he didn't know how a normal cat would respond to such a gesture, and so he did the only thing he could do, which was absolutely nothing. He didn't bristle, he didn't pull away, he simply sat there and let it happen, and he hated that the only affection he could show her in return was a mere toleration of her own.

"But I am here if you ever need to talk. No judgments, no worries. Ok?"

He swallowed past the dry feeling in his throat and nodded wordlessly, not knowing what else to say. He didn't want to talk about those things with anyone, but if there was ever a moment that he'd been tempted to, it was now. Despite every experience in his past telling him it would be a bad idea, a part of him felt like it wouldn't be the end of the world to share certain parts of himself with the molly. In her own words, she just had that 'vibe', you know?

She was what a mother was supposed to be.

The tension slipped from his shoulders as she turned back to the meal, and Quill was greatful for the easy transition back into safer conversation. He was the kind of pretending things had never happened in the first place, and it was the safest way for him to accept something so personal. The other apprentices were a far safer topic, and at the mention of Titchpaw he gave a little shrug.

"I guess." he replied, figuring that it wasn't untrue. He saw a lot of Twitchpaw these days, and he didn't hate it, so... Were they friends though? He wasn't sure about that. They didn't really know anything about each other, or go looking for one another specifically. "He's not the worst."

Not by a long shot, actually. Twitchpaw was actually kind of fun- weird as hell, but not in a bad way. In fact, the more Quill thought about it the more he realized the more favored of his memories included the twitchy tomcat; Titchpaw biting Crimsonbite, Twitchpaw smiling and yelling down to him from the top of a tree during a thunderstorm, Hell, even the look on the other cats face that one time Quill faceplanted and bit his tongue came to mind, when he'd assured the other he hadn't knocked out any teeth by flashing them a toothy, bloody grin that had Titchpaw torn somewhere between horrified, disgusted, and amused.

"Sometimes we practice in the training hollow together- alone, I mean." he offered, because talking about Twitchpaw was much easier than dwelling on the demons of his past. "He doesn't like to look bad in front of Daisyflight when he's having trouble with something. And I don't like being bossed around, so I just go when nobody else is there." he explained. No mentors, no distractions from other apprentices, just them figuring their shit out without having to deal with anyone elses criticism.

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders
( ) Deersong would listen in quiet amusement as Quillpaw talked about his friendship with Twitchpaw and not for the first time she felt grateful that the young tom had at least one other cat in the clan he could depend on. She would nod at the mention of Twitchpaw not wanting to look bad in front of his mother, and she wondered for a moment if her own kits felt that same pressure.

"Nothing wrong with having time to yourself." She would murmur in agreement, "I find silence to be quite relaxing at times." She would offer Quill a smile as she nudge the rest of the prey towards his paws and then carefully reclined into a more comfortable position, "When I was a kit, my mama and I used to just sit in silence for long stretches of time, either just enjoying the scenery or to simply just enjoy each others' company. I'm happy you found a cat to do that with here."

She would go quiet then, her expression half-lidded and content-looking as she rested her head on her paws and exhaled heavily. After several heartbeats of gentle quiet, Deersong would murmur quietly, "You know, I think you're going to become a fine warrior of Skyclan."



Quill was fond of the silence as well. Everything was always so loud back where he'd come from; the hellraiser kids he'd run with, his thoughts, his mom and dad. It was stargazing had been a favorite passtime of his, and still was to this day. In fact, one of the first things he'd ever done in Skyclan was sneek out of camp to go down by the river where there weren't as many trees, eager to see the many stars and that unbroken vastness of still darkness, an abyss he'd willingly sink into if he could. Fig and Twitch had gone with him that night, one eager to explore and the other trying to make sure the first two didn't end up dead. Quill would let you guess which was which.

"When I was a kit, my mama and I used to just sit in silence for long stretches of time, either just enjoying the scenery or to simply just enjoy each others' company. I'm happy you found a cat to do that with here."

Yeah, he was too.

"I think Twitch prefers screaming at thunderstorms." the tom replied with a small smirk before taking another bite of the prey.

It was kind of suiting, actually. The storm that night had been wild, torrents of shifting wind and rain, unpredictable flashes of lightening and random booms of thunder. The entire thing was oddly reminiscent of wild fur, unpredictable twitches, and sudden outbursts. Very Twitchpaw.

"You know, I think you're going to become a fine warrior of Skyclan."

He'd cast a side-glance at her as he chewed, not just the prey in his mouth but the food-for-thought she'd offered him. He'd never really thought much about becoming a warrior.What other apprentices and kits aspired to one day become, Quill saw only as an inevitably. All cats would get bigger, all cats would learn to hunt and to fight. If they didn't, they died. Its why his mentorship was so frustrating, because Quill already knew most of these things from having to teach himself moons prior. And sure, he was no expert on things yet, but he also lacked the overall time and experience that the warriors had.

Still, when Deersong spoke she didn't sound as if she were referencing his ability to hunt or fight. It felt more personal than that, some meaning he couldn't yet grasp for himself.

"Yeah? Maybe."

skyclan - male - 8 months - bisexual - homoromantic - single - very tall tabby tomcat with broad shoulders