A frown forms on his maw and his ears lay flat against his skull for a heartbeat realizing that he hadn't seen Batwing settle down for the night but his friends odd sleeping patterns was not unknown to him still remembering how the smoke chimera had not gotten the best of sleep when there had been boars within Thunderclan territory. The memory itself making him shiver for a brief second and decides maybe he had gone to go make dirt or something spontaneous and Batwing-like (the thought itself amuses him) as he closes his eyes. Unfortunately, an hour or so goes by and Hailstorm finds himself unable to sleep as he lifts his head up from his front paws wondering where his best friend was at seeing that he wasn't there and it makes the sepia tom realize a few other pelts were missing from the usual cluster of cats.

He sits up from where he had been attempting to sleep and speaks out with a frown "H... Has anyone seen Batwing anywhere?" A tilt of his head to emphasize on his confusion and his eyes glancing around at any other cats that might be awake alongside him. Worry begins to bloom in his gut and he tries not to think of anything bad potentially happening to the other Thunderclanner especially after the loss of Little Wolf... What would he do without Batwing too? He swallows trying not to think about it. No, surely, the younger tom was safe... Or he hoped so anyways.

/ continuation of this thread here
  • 5_by_caviesh_dg4bkw8.png
    ✦ 48 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic; mates with little wolf
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ semi-difficult in combat; relies on strength and his burly build
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
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lightly, nightbird had fallen into something akin to sleep. all the hunting done today would have usually been enough to have her unconscious the whole night, but somehow she easily stirs at hailstorm's voice.

her gaze narrowed, batwing was gone, and that cat had a special talent for finding danger. she stands to approach hailstorm, following his eyes across the horde of sleeping cats. it was lighter, a few bodies missing here and there. "did anyone see him return from hunting today?" she hadn't, and she had been careful to keep tabs on her clanmates. glancing back to hailstorm, the tom was confused, worried. likely as they all were. "we'll find him," she tries to reassure, but losing little wolf and now having a close friend missing in action, nightbird wasn't confident on how much they would help.

instead of staying and trying to provide comfort, she gets to work like she knows how, making her way to the thunderclanners still asleep and prodding them until they're awake. they would find him, they had to.

  • NIGHTBIRD she/her, lead warrior of thunderclan, twenty-six moons
    nightbird is a small black smoke molly with pale silver eyes. a loner turned thunderclanner, her loyalty and drive to provide for her clan is unwavering. however, she is not known for harboring a bleeding heart, instead equipped with sarcastically fueled wit, brutal honesty, and a sharply edged tongue.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl3 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


Fernpaw hadn't realised how much he was taking sleep for granted until it had started to actively evade him. It hearkened back to his paws flailing in the river after fish, unable to grasp the technique as a bug-eyed runt of an apprentice. Only semi-recently had he at last been able to catch a fish- but dreams weren't a matter of technique, were they? And- having never suffered with insomnia before, Fernpaw had no idea where to start in moving past it.

He wished Mudpelt were here- kind golden eyes would glint with a knowing light, he was sure of it. His father knew, would always know, and yet lay ill somewhere Fernpaw couldn't see and couldn't run to.

The rumble of conversation nearby stirred him from whatever half-slumber he'd been dwelling in- it was almost a relief to have something to distract him from trying and failing to fall asleep. No matter where he was there was something to fail at... he had little time to dwell on it though, soon swept in the worry of what had happened. Batwing- where was Batwing?

Oh, he felt stupid- stupid for not realising Batwing wasn't here, and that it wasn't just him. "Wait... him, and Bobbie, and- and Dovethroat and..." A verdant eye scanned his surroundings, a headcount ticking away in his lagging mind. If there was anything Fernpaw was good with, it was a face. "Sharppaw and Orangeblossom, they... surely they're not all..."

He swallowed, refusing to let his mind wander down that path. Optimism cut clean through his tone and diverted his words. "We'll find him, we'll find all of them. They'll be alright, there's... there's loads of them." But where, where?
penned by pin

Slumber finds a willing host in Smogmaw, peculiarly enough. Insomnia was no longer a nightly visitor on the heels of the lungwort discovery; now wrapped in the woodland's sheltering boughs, it would seem to be completely flushed from his system. He remains a light sleeper regardless, and the low-keyed query spewn from Hailstorm's mouth is cause for his stirring.

Jaws split apart in a cumbersome yawn, and his dusky strands stand on end as he rises in a precarious stretch. Auburn eyes greet the night with mild dismay, and a groan grumbles somewhere in the depths of his dry throat. Noting the collection of cats with their regards lent in Hailstorm's way, however, his ire is soon overwhelmed by curiosity. "Wha'ss happening?" he asks, fatigue clouding over his words. It's a speck too early (or too late) for lively conversation, thus he rules that out while moseying over to the slowly-growing cluster.

A second yawn, far louder than the initial one, rings from his maw just as he tunes into the unfolding discussion. His pale tongue flicks over his upper lip when Fernpaw speaks; the indication of Sharppaw's absence makes him wheel his skull towards the ginger apprentice. "You're saying Sharppaw's gone?" echoes the deputy with agitation tugging on his voice. "I swears, if all five of them are trapped in some bloody cave system... I'll- tss!" Exasperation swells to the point of a scowl.

Mere nights ago had he come to terms with the end of Sharppaw's apprenticeship. Those seasons spent in her company may have been unenduringly frustrating, to the point where he was a fur's breadth away from tearing out his whiskers—but the crowning moment of it all, the riveting smile he wore upon hearing the verdict, was irreplaceable. "If none'd returned here for the night, it means they've been gone for some time," Smogmaw assesses. "Probably don't even know where we're set up. We have to find them."


Winding down after such a surprising ordeal had become a quicker habit than usual. They hardly had time to continue lingering on the dangers they faced, pushed to keep moving forward. Hazecloud had still felt a bit nervous after all of it, though, convinced the fox might return and possibly with more of its kind to take down their numbers.

Sleep was hard to achieve when her head count was still missing numbers. She had never lost the habit of ensuring her Clan was accounted for before readying for bed, and she had hoped Dovethroat might have been caught up in a late-night hunt after it all. But as the moon rose higher and higher, her hope that he would come back that night dimmed. But now hearing Batwing and a few others, the SkyClan deputy included, were unaccounted for added to her worries.

"There wasn't any scent or trail of blood when that fox showed up, they might be in better shape than we think." Hazecloud tried to reassure them, including herself, in efforts to maintain a level head.