camp I DON'T CRY // short post thread

"i never thought it was possible for something to die twice," sandthorn notes distastefully, and by stars this mouse looked like it had. she flicks an ear to marigoldpaw's question before answering in skypaw's place. "take it if you want it, marigoldpaw."

  • SANDTHORN she/her, warrior of thunderclan, fourteen moons
    sandthorn is a stocky fawn ticked tabby with a golden gaze. born a loner, she was abandoned soon after birth and taken into thunderclan by hollow tree. she is a laid back molly with a good heart and a strong drive to protect her clan, but she does have a hot-headed streak that can coax her into irrational decisions. like most thunderclanner's, she is distrustful of outsiders and committed to her duties.
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking ↛ see battle info here
    penned by vayle@vayl5 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

Much like Marigoldpaw, he would be grateful for anything and he turns his blue gaze to the group of young cats and flicks a feathered ear as he offers "I can't imagine how long but with how much harder it is to find prey... Better than nothin'." That was his opinion anyways, he's eaten worse than a stringy and chewy old mouse.

  • grizzlyjaw.png
    ✦ 50 moons old
    ✦ thunderclan warrior
    ✦ bisexual demiromantic, mates w/honeydapple
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ✦ difficult in combat; relies on brute strength, street smarts, and his large size
    ✦ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ✦ penned by bosstaurus
Laying down near those that were talking, Leopardtongue looked over towards the mouse and shook her head. "Prey's gonna get much worse than that here soon." She'd comment, ear flicking right after. She didn't envy the apprentices - they had a surprise coming come leafbare.

  • "speaking" // thinking // action
    Leopardtongue - 35 moons - she/her - ThunderClan - warrior
    MEDIUM physically // MEDIUM mentally


just a whiff of it stops her in her tracks. freckleflame tosses her head up, making an exaggerated, wrinkle - nosed face of disgust, ” EUGH! split it? th’ furs comin off! “ she exclaims, squeezing her eyes when marigoldpaw takes a bite, ” yall’re about to get somethin that makes yellowcough look like a walk in th’ park, no doubt about it. “

  • i.
    f. she / her, daughter of sunfreckle and rabbitnose. large, fluffy cream - ribboned tortoiseshell she-cat with seaglass eyes. fire - forged, smoldering ; shades of vibrant russet, dousing swathes of shadow and interwoven with ribbons pale cream come to drape like licks of flame over a well - toned form.
    in warriorhood she has grown to full, hulking height ; unspecified maine coon heritage born of sunfreckle's kittypet background shows itself in large, round paws and tufted, long - furred toes set upon thick, tabby - splotched limbs. freckleflame is broad shouldered and square - jawed, wild cheek fur like the blazing edges of a red sun — a hulking, thick - furred thunderclan warrior, forever blaze - kissed. a characteristic lack of personal space leads her to a slouching, touchy posture, often inclined to lean or bump against her peers, all while bearing a lazy, bright - eyed grin.

  • FRECKLE-removebg-preview.png