I DON'T KNOW HOW TO FEEL &. hunting patrol


they were told by their deputy to make a hunting patrol for the day. it kind of ruined their plans of a lone patrol but they wouldn't complain for the day. besides, with some of the cats they'd spend the day with for free upon the patrol, they could not bother to complain about it. they decide that maybe today is a good enough day to hunt near the carrionplace. pitchstar had made sure they no longer hunted there but desperation to not starve this winter made them more willing, so long as they were smart about it. but immediately, there is something wrong.

"use your noses... you all smell something... wrong?"

the scent of rat was stronger than normal. it makes their nose wrinkle with disdain and displeasure. why was the scent so fresh with rats, when they had yet to get to the carrionplace itself. the sudden loud sound of beeping makes their fur spike up, a hiss leaving their mouth. what the hell was that? machinery sounded with loud crunching of sticks, leaves, and rocks being ground beneath twolegs' building and destruction tools. at the noise, more rats emerge from the direction of the carrionplace and they find themself stepping back.

"we still need to hunt. just... be careful. try and stay away from them. I doubt they're very happy with all the noise, nor the prey. they're gonna be a bit harder to find."

the leader clicked their tongue with a huff.

"eeriepaw, spectermask, and geckoscreech with me. bearclaw, needledrift and tadpolepaw go in that direction. try not to get bit by any angry rats."

//im gonna try and wait for everyone to post but i will be posting again ! keep an eye out ! @BEARCLAW , @Needledrift , @TADPOLEPAW , @GECKOSCREECH , @spectermask , @EERIEPAW
Needledrift liked to believe that she was more acquainted with the Carrionplace than most cats were. Chittertongue was a frequent visitor of the veritable trash-pile and cats like Ferndance never turned down a good shiny find, so the gray warrior often find herself trekking up to the stinkier side of the territory, with a good bath afterwards to clean off the stench before she went back to camp. However, she could not imply that she did much hunting in these parts. Angry rats were indeed a very big contributor to that fact.

Still, if her leader decreed it, she would oblige. She flicks her tail over Tadpolepaw's shoulder as the two groups depart. Stay close, is her implicit statement as she follows Bearclaw deeper into the Carrionplace.

pungnant ordors are to be expected when your home is made up of expansive swamps crawling with god knows what and those apart of shadowclan have been accustomed to it for quite some time now but there are particular days such as this one where the smell is outright offensive to the nostrils even for them, why, geckoscreech practically recoils at the putrid essence of rat and twoleg smog that envelopes the surrounding area. "just what we needed, stomping twolegs scaring everything off." she grumbles, expression furrowing with annoyance as the molly eases herself at the side of her mate who splits up the patrol. she doubts that they'd be able to find much variety in their hunt today that isn't fleeing rodents from the carrionplace but prey is prey and with leaf-fall fast approaching they couldn't afford to be picky right now.

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  • to be added.
  • to be added.

Tadpolepaw hardly feels the soft tap of his mentor's tail over the unnerving rattle of Carrionplace monsters, but acknowledges it still with a slight tilt of his head. The strange noise seems to tremble straight through the soggy earth they traipse through, vibrating through his spidery limbs and into each shaft of hair on his pelt, stiffening them beyond his control. He keeps his head low as he follows Needledrift and Bearclaw deeper into the Carrionplace. Shadows crosshatch his long nose when he wrinkles it; the smell of natural rot mixed with the signature sting of twoleg-made scent is far from a pleasant combination. In the back of his mind he wonders if clan cats would change their mind on twolegs were this not their only exposure to them.

A burst of noise to their right: Tadpolepaw flinches a few steps back, and so do a couple of rats. They skitter across the path of the patrol and into the small mountain of refuse besides them. He breathes a quiet sigh. Though he's only been under the doveish molly's tutelage for a moon or so, he obeys her silent order without question, mostly keeping a whisker-length behind her as they step past the carcasses of monsters and their smaller twoleg-made ilk. He hopes it wouldn't come down to him having to catch and wrestle a rat. The ones who'd ran in front of them were as big as the kits in camp, and their flashing eyes suggested an intelligence a ways beyond the toads he'd caught thus far.​

Silent as usual, Eeriepaw trails behind Spectermask and Chilledstar, a dark gaze wandering just as the patrol does.

In all honesty, he'd rather be elsewhere right now, rather than shadowing behind his mentor and the leader while his frustration toward their decisions - the dulling pain of still having to carry out apprentice duties - still lingers. He could be wandering the marshes on his own by now, finding oddities to place alongside Friend in his nest. Other bones, the wings of moths...

Chilledstar's voice pulls him away from his thoughts of trinkets, large ears twitching as his head snaps up to look at the leader. Use your noses, they say, and Eeriepaw quickly finds he doesn't have to put much effort into trying to track such a pungent smell. Something wrong. An odor that brings him back to leaf-bare, to blankets of white calling for the end of the world. Hunger; a momentary replacement of prey.

Unknown noises come next - loud and repetitive, enough for Eeriepaw to stagger back with flattened ears as large rats emerge from their hiding places. Hiding places outside of their usual Carrionplace home. The spindly apprentice blinks in surprise, looking to Chilledstar as she speaks again. They still need to hunt.

They split them off into two groups, and for the first time in about a moon, Eeriepaw finds little dismay in having to tag along with Chilledstar and Spectermask, and Geckoscreech too. He moves closer to them, eyes wide still from being startled by loud noises and far-too-big rodents. Perhaps it's safer this way - to stick near the trio, for now.