camp I DON'T LIKE YOU &. being mean / rta


Jul 27, 2022

poppysplash was never known for her nice behavior. no one ever managed to get close enough to her, and she simply didn't care enough to be nice.... that was until she met willowroot. back when they met, the felidae still went by caraway, and they were nothing more than an annoying loner. still, even back then, she left quite the impression on her. she'll never admit it, but she's pretty sure that she fell in love with willowroot at first sight. back then... her uncle was still around. she shivers just at the thought of him, or any of her family members returning. she wanted her kits to know nothing of any of them. they deserved to know nothing about her kits. her little guppies.

as she returns empty handed from yet another hunt, she can feel a stare upon her. it makes her agitated more than anything, as she adjusts the flower tucked behind her ear.

"you keep returning empty handed! how in the stars did someone like you become a warrior, huh?!"

she turned her head with narrowed eyes, growling lowly as her tail lashes behind her. did she ever say she had her anger under control? hopefully not. because that would have made her a liar.

"would you like me to demonstrate why i am a warrior? hm?"

there is a dangerous gentle to her gaze that makes the npc back down, with a huff as poppysplash rolls her eyes, knocking into them as she steals their prey.

"i thought so. and look at that... i did catch something. let's see who would love to eat something. who's hungry!?"

Mix-matched eyes fixated on the situation as she perched upon a flat rock, ears twitching in suprise as a piece of prey was snatched from her clanmate. Petalnose herself didn't have the best reputation to be nice, she was to the point and anything that got on her nerves she'd let almost anyone know. Although, doing such as snatching prey was something she didn't think about unless it was well deserved. A small remark from their offender was something she rather sided with, something she would have spat if she was merely seeing a warrior feast upon their food without addition. A heavy grown fell from her lungs as she stretched her aching muscles from her recent patrol, bouncing off her perch and landing with ease. A part of her character would indeed get involved in this situation but her duty as a lead warrior gave her more than reason to bud in.

She had heard Poppysplash was of similar character to her regarding attitude, although Petalnose never made the move to interact with her.

What was a good first impression? Who needed it?

A clear of the woman's throat was made as she stood behind the two, tail swing like the branches within the wind. "Snatching prey like an owl, I see? Then it better be off to good usage, yes? Yellowcough is running rampant. I believe you should hand it over to Ravensong so he can get those warriors back to their feet and adding to the pile again." It was tone of warning more over suggestion, holding her frame high and confidently as she was prepared for a retort.


Petalnose had a temper, but what Poppysplash had was a problem. He had never gotten along with the fiery tortie at any point in their relationship and mostly ignored her for Willowroot's sake entirely but he was hardly going to ignore a grown warrior acting like a petulant child over some harsh words.
"Do as Petalnose says and then-" A sharp look, orange eye narrowed and blazing, "-get back out there and try catching your own prey. Don't come back until you've at least a morsel to add to the pile." It was an order, he hardly dolled them out much lately due to the stress of dealing with his kits and yellowcough on top of sorting out the clans patrols and daily duties; it was Smokethroat's hope most their warriors were sensible enough to do as expected without him having to harp on them, but obviously this was not the case. "Petalnose, why don't you accompany her?"
And keep her from pulling any more nonsense stunts like swiping prey to make a point. It was the sort of petty, childish thing he expected from the apprentices and regardless of his friendship with Willowroot he'd not be letting such a thing slide so easily.
As Poppysplash was returning, Mosspaw was just setting out for a hunt of her own. At the sight of her mother, she visibly perked up, and was just about to raise her voice in greeting when the trouble. Her eyes narrowed at the words directed her mother's way, then widened as she snapped back by bumping into the offender and snatching their prey away from them.

Before she could even glance around to see if anyone had seen, Petalnose stepped forth to confront her mother. The tension in the air was enough to make Mosspaw squirm, though her suggestion to give the prey to Ravensong was a fairly light punishment in the apprentice's mind.

Then Smokethroat arrived.

Mosspaw grimaced, shying back. Silently, she agreed with Smokethroat, even if she did not want to voice her opinion. Stealing prey was no way for a was no way for a warrior to act, especially in response to such petty insults. It was embarrassing to have her own mother act this way in front of the deputy himself, of all cats. She tried to walk faster as she passed the scene, her ears flattening back against her head in shame.​

⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆ Parents teach their kids a lot, obviously. Fallinglight never knew his dad, and he didn't spend much time with his mother, but he's learned from that nonetheless (albeit things that kids who grew up with their family likely haven't). Mosspaw's not really a kid anymore, close as she is to warriorhood (and to his own age), but that doesn't mean she's immune to her mother's behavior— it just means the effects are different than they would be if she were still a kit, and right now, to Fallinglight's eye, it looks a lot like shame.

His bright gaze follows Mosspaw as her pace kicks up, and he steps over to match his gait with hers. "I've heard people put a lotta weight on filling our parents' pawsteps to make them proud, but sometimes they go where we shouldn't," he says pleasantly. "You probably don't need me to tell you that, though." She doesn't seem much like Poppysplash, truth be told.

  • ooc:
  • FALLINGLIGHT / / 11 moons old / / amab and uses masculine pronouns; will be startled by the use of any others.
    — warrior of riverclan / / earned warrior name early at 10 moons / / skilled but not experienced / / mentoring [n / a].
    — npc parents / / father died in the great battle and mother left when he was apprenticed / / no contact w / siblings.
    — flirtatious & disastrous bisexual / / fairly indiscriminate (even when he should be) / / closed to long-term romance.

    a fairly trim, athletic cream tabby and black chimera with high white. fur is thick and a bit sharp, though tends to soften and curl primarily around his face and tail when wet. eyes are a bright, gleaming blue at home with the river on clear, sunny days. he is rarely without a devil-may-care grin, though despite his daring personality, has yet to accumulate noticeable scarring.
  • blurb goes here


it was not a secret they never got along. still, it was annoying that he was now deputy, and besides... she didn't exactly do anything wrong. sure, it was childish and not a proper warrior behavior but she spent so much time doing just that, was the harm in being a little kitten like sometimes? would everyone much rather her be the more violent and less fun version that she was currently being? seems they did. with a snort, she dropped the prey, twitching her tail back and forth with visible agitation.

"i wasn't going to eat it. i was going to give it to the kits."

mainly, she was going to give it to willowroot. it wasn't as if she was hungry, and now she had to go hunt because the deputy had a stick up his ass. tch.

"of course, deputy smokethroat. i wouldn't dare."

she visibly frowns when mosspaw sees her. that... was not the impression she wanted to broadcast to her daughter. she had been so good at being better but... everyone slipped up, right? sighing, she padded forward, licking mosspaw's fur over, nudging her cheek.

"don't be so glum, kiddo. your mama just... has a gnack for getting in a bit of trouble... not like willowroot. it's alright, i promise to not do it again. want to join us for the hunt? surely you can show me what that mentor of yours has been teaching you?"

she asks, softly smiling at her. she opts to ignore whatever the hell fallenlight is saying. mosspaw was a good kid. she'd never end up like poppysplash, and that she knew. she had two loving moms, and plenty of loving siblings and that in of itself was a lot more than poppysplash ever had. not that she could complain... not anymore.
The commotion had caused Carppaw to peek over- her ears twitching, as if sizing up the situation. With the warrior code, there was supposed to be honor with prey, right? She didn't eat before she made sure the kits and her grandmother did, but what had happened here was nothing short of... nasty. Isn't that the word her momma used when cats were rude to another another? Carppaw drew a bit closer, giving a glance to Mosspaw. Her vision fixed back on Poppysplash.

Carppaw inhaled gently, before her famous tumble-of-words were loosed from her lips, directed at the offender. "Do you have trouble catching your own prey? It's okay if you do. I'm not super at it either yet. Snakeblink has been teaching me a WHOLE lot, so maybe I can help you out! Would you like help?" Carppaw trotted up to Poppysplash, the innocent apprentice's eyes huge and curious towards the older. What Carppaw lacked in common sense, she made up for in kindness.


——————————————————————————————— sinkin' in your ocean
( 🐝 ) Beekit had been messing around with a moss ball outside near the willow den when she saw what had happened, her small pelt bristling in the slightest as large ears sat atop of her head trying to figure out what to do though it wasn't long until Petalnose arrived telling Poppysplash to give the prey to Ravensong and the dark furred molly couldn't help but agreed in her head. It wasn't right that Poppysplash had stolen the other warriors prey and she recalls what Smokethroat had said about Beekit needing to be respectful to other warriors. Didn't that apply to older warriors as well or was that lost to them? It's only a heartbeat that she mulls over this thought before seeing Smokethroat approach and bark out orders at the warrior who decided to steal from her clanmate.

Beekit would perk up both of her ears continuing to stay where she was until she truly grew curious and cautiously approached only briefly bumping into her parent's leg, her eyes watching as Poppysplash followed after Mosspaw who had ducked away in shame and idly listened to Fallinglight's words though it seemed that the older warrior was ignoring him. She can't help but glance up at her father and mumble quietly "Papa... Shouldn't warriors be polite with other warriors?" It's an innocent question and whatever the answer ended up being, the river princess would take mental note of it. Hold it to her heart and remember it well for when she too became a warrior.