I DONT LIKE YOU // Gravelsnap

It had not been that long ago Periwinklebreeze had been fainting and with his repeating history over this matter the medicine cat felt like he had to go out of his way to do more then he previously had been doing. It was just that he couldn't be there at all times watching Periwinklebreeze. He had more to look out for than just them...and since Bluepool had failed completely as their mentor according to them there was no point in going to her. Vulturemask had to come up with some other idea and unfortunately his next idea was not his favorite one but he was running short so couldn't be picky.

"Are you free right now?." Vulturemask had walked straight up to the black and white tom who was anything but fond over. In fact he didn't like them very much. If he had any other options to pick from he would much rather have picked that one but he was not a fool and could tell Gravelsnap and Periwinklebreeze had grown very close lately...much to his own dislike. But it was not up to him to decide who Peri wished to be friends with. In a way he saw himself and Rosepaw in them, but of course this was never something he would admit out aloud. " I need to speak with you. It's...important." he narrowed his orbs while coldly waiting for their answer.


The sight of a pitch-black tom approaching them is enough to bring a scowl to Gravelsnap’s face. He asks whether they’re free, and they tilt their head to him with distaste clear in their eyes. "What does it look like," they grumble, sitting up from where they’ve been lazing about, sunbathing. Their hunting is done for now, resting up for their next patrol, and they don’t particularly enjoy their rest being interrupted like this.

They can’t help the instinctive way that their lip curls into a half-snarl, showing a glimpse of their teeth. It’s no secret that they dislike Vulturemask—that they don’t trust him. How could any WindClanner trust a healer trained by the traitorous healer who’d come before him? They don’t understand what Peri sees in him, why their friend trusts him so implicitly. "What’s so important?" They question the healer with a black brow lifted in suspicion. If he’s trying to convince them to do his dirty work, to turn against their clan, then he should know that it won’t work.
[ you put the fun into dysfunction ]