i dont need a fix, i need a friend [Dandelionwish]


Aug 1, 2022

He couldn't think straight anymore. Didn't trust himself to, anymore.

He'd thought he'd had it figured out when he first came to Windclan, that he could show their leader loyalty and then weed out the disloyal by seeing who wasn't willing to do the same. It would be clear cut, and he could ice out anyone that didn't fit the mold of what he was looking for. Because after everything he'd lost, Coldsnap hadn't had time to waste his energy on cats that didn't plan on sticking around. He'd happily cut the dead weight loose and walk among those who were cut from a cloth more like his own and it would be the end to his problems. Maybe he wouldn't have friends, maybe he wouldnt be well liked, but he also wouldn't be opening himself up to more pain in the future. He could continue to circle and protect that jagged, bleeding shards of his heart without having to worry about who he let close because only the worthy would have been able to earn any kind of proximity.

But those were the imuplsive whims of child, a defense mechanism born from a confused, lonely, angry, kid whose instintice reaction had been to withdraw from the pain.

The problem was that he wasn't a kit anymore. He couldn't keep cutting the world into black and white when he was drowning in the grey. Couldn't keep hiding himself away from a pain that was no longer there. This wasn't the marsh. These cats didn't want to leave the moors. He was okay. He was fine. So why couldn't he fucking let it go? Why couldn't he convince the rest of himself that it was okay to stop holding on? He had made the decision that night with Dandelion to walk a better path, to stop torturing himself and to do some actual good for the cats around him, but he felt like he hadn't moved an inch despite the weeks that had flown by.

He'd stood by while Emberfang tried to speak the truth. He'd pushed Rosepaw away right til the very fucking end.

But it was his talk with Hyacinth that pushed him over the edge. She was the only adult he'd ever let into his life, the only one he'd ever come to listen to and respect, and her resignition had flown in the face of everything she'd ever taught him.

Just like that, he'd lost the last of the solid ground beneath his feet.

His return to camp that night was late, far beyond the hours that any sane cat would find themselves up, and yet for Coldsnap his return was early. Not due back until dawn, the large tomcat stumbled through the entrance to camp just after 3am.

His chest was unbelievably tight, heart hammering away in his ribcage like it wanted to tear itself from his body, and really that would be a pretty accurate description in general for how he was feeling; like everything just wanted to burst out of him. He would have screamed just to try and see if it would help, but the last thing he wanted was for the clan to see him like this; disheveled, shaky, borderline manic. He was desperate for some sort of clarity, for someone to just tell him what the fuck he was supposed to be doing, because quite frankly Cold didn't know anymore. He didn't know what any of it meant or what the 'right' thing was- all he knew was that he didn't trust himself to provide the answers. He'd twisted himself up too much to navigate his own maze to any kind of epihany, and he was tired of trying.

There was only one cat left that he could trust. One cat who might be able to help him make sense of it.

The den was silent as he stepped into the entryway, and had his mind been calm he might have turned around to let the medicine cat have their rest instead of bothering t hem over something so ridiculous, but in that moment Coldsnap didn't have the ability to reason. He was desperate for something to untwist his thoughts and slow his racing heart, and so he called out into the darkness and hoped that they'd forgive him for it later.

"Dandelionwish, I- I need to talk to you. Please." his voice was raw from screaming at Hyacinth and his claws ached from having flexed them into the frozen earth, but those were the last of his concerns.

windclan warrior - male - 10 months - a large, dark grey tabby with yellow eyes


Sleep did not come easily lately, he missed the warmth of the den with his nest near Honeytwist's and hers with her kits still nestled into it alongside her. It made him long for the apprentice den, the nest he shared with his siblings before his path diverged from theirs and he was left to tread unfamiliar territory. Back then he was confident and assured he would be fine with his mentor's teachings, but she had broken beneath the weight of the burden placed upon them and before leaving she had placed it all firmly onto him knowing he would not abandon the cats here as she did. She might have not had any loyalty to them, but he did, not to the clan itself but to the individuals. He'd grown to care for them, understanding that life often meant cats could not simple leave on a whim when bothered by circumstances and to leave them floundering alone would be too cruel. Cruelty was not in his nature. Neither was a good night's rest anymore, he found his mind constantly running through what-ifs and things he needed to do so when the sound of footsteps registered in his den he was not so deep in slumber he did not hear them.

Dandelionwish lifted his head wearily, blinked both mismatched eyes in a slow stare at the dark tabby standing before him and he almost didn't hear the warrior's words. It was the stutter that got him up and moving, Coldsnap was such a reserved tom that his words rarely clipped and he spoke with a calm eloquence that might be enviable if he didn't know the source of it. The point tom rose stiffly, not pausing to stretch and moved over to lean into his friends side with a low hum, "Yeah-yeah, of course! Let's take us a walk then?" Out of the confines of the camp where prying eyes and ears would not bother them and he could hear the woes of the dark striped tom who very rarely wore his heart so openly. He gave an insistent push with his shoulder, moving to guide them to the camp border, "What's on yer mind?" He had an inkling, he had a powerful inkling. With what happened with Emberfang and then Hyacinthbreath's resignation, the clan was seemingly losing the veil that kept cats loyal and beneath the surface turmoil was brewing.


He was there, of course he was. The only damn cat in camp that could be relied on these days, and Dandelion arguably had more problems than any other cat to contend with. Politics had meant trouble for the healer on more than one occasion, there were multiple cats with ongoing ailments, and he was constantly having to deal with Sootstars bullshit, be it the discent she caused among her own, the injuries she sent to his den, or the fact that she'd go so far as to strip Dandelion of his mentor before he'd ever even had a chance to truly learn from her. He probably hadn't been sleeping the greatest either between Peri and Coal being in and out on the regular, along with Melonpaw.

And still, he didn't hesitate to come to Coldsnap.

What was left of his heart twisted in his chest when they pressed against him, a mess of metal cables, bloody glass, and ice that was trying to beat, to thaw. His body tensed at the gesture, but he didn't move away. He was always moving away from others. Why was it so hard to just sit still, or to lean closer? But he trusted Dandelion. He wouldn't run from him.

"Yeah.." he agreed, the words a blind mumble of agreement as he adhered to the other gentle shove and turned back to head for the barrier. Once they cleared the tunnel the tabby drifted back toward the other, trying to ignore the wrongness he felt at their shoulders brushing because he was tired of it feeling wrong. Tired of not appreciating the cats around him while they were still there.

"What's on yer mind?"

And there it was; his chance to let it spill. Everything he'd been bottling up was being given an outlet, but now that Coldsnap had it, he found he didn't even know where to start.

"I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing anymore, Dandelion." he admitted, yellow eyes fixed on the ground ahead of him as they walked. "I don't know what loyalty means anymore, or if I like the cat that I am." He was coming to realize that he knew nothing of good and evil, of right and wrong, of honor and disgrace. And worst of all, he wasn't even sure what he was supposed to be loyal to anymore.

"I just- I need you to tell me what to do." he said, the words slow and purposeful. He had tried to seek guidance from Hyacinth, but she'd only told him that she couldn't make his decisions for him. She didn't understand that Coldsnap couldn't. He wasn't thinking clearly, he didn't know what his heart wanted, and he was going to end up hurting people if someone didn't help him.

This.. This was his last hope. If Dandelion shrugged him off like Hyacinth had, Cold was going to fall into a darker place, and he wasn't sure if he'd have the will to climb back out.

windclan warrior - male - 10 months - a large, dark grey tabby with yellow eyes


Coldsnap was a tom he knew was driven by a focus. He needed something, he needed someone, he needed some kind of structure around him with clean lines he could follow that rarely diverted off course or forced him to make his own decisions. Because it was easier that way, easier to cope and adjust with everything when he was on a set path but Dandelionwish knew he had been promptly shoved off of it because he'd been tossed from his as well.
When he and his siblings came to WindClan with their father he latched onto the idea of being a warrior, wanted the full name gifted to a proper WindClan cat, trained under Grackledive enthusiastically, spoke from his gut and his heart and stood for what he believed in alongside Honeytwist and it was these actions that lead her to choose him as her apprentice and then successor. It was never planned, he had never wanted this burden but it came with the desire to help and aid his clan in anyway he could even if he did not agree with their morals, even if he felt Sootstar was better suited to a deep hole than a lofty throne.

"Yer a good friend and I care fer ya dearly, but ye gotta stop demanding other cats think for you. What do YOU want, Coldsnap? Do ye want power? Then throw your claws in with Sootstar's crowd and do her biddin' on demand. Ye want to help cats? Sheather yer claws and figure out how to spill less blood, but if ye just want to be left to your own....there's a whole world out there fer ye to go. To see. Yer not tied down here like some cats, ye broke free a while ago."
He inhaled sharply through his nose, a paw raised to his own head to brush back the marigold spotting through his pelt. He wished he could help more, but only Coldsnap knew who Coldsnap was. Only he knew his own heart.
"What makes ye...happy? What brings ye joy? We ain't got long on this world 'fore we go, it ain't livin' if yer not...well, livin'."