i don't think I'm real - abandoned kit


New member
Sep 4, 2023
This wasn't fair.

He had woken up, and his dad was no where to be seen. "DAD!" he yowled, resorting to screaming as loud as he could for the tom. But scents were unfamiliar. He did not smell the scent of honey his dad had always smelled of.

It just wasn't fair. Why would he leave him? In the middle of nowhere?

Footsteps made him pause, freeze like a deer in headlights, and his heart raced loud in his ears. but the light scampering steps faded as the small creature and the scent of food feed the scene.

He didn't know how to hunt. His dad was beginning to teach him, but his skull shook side to side. His pelt blended well in the shadows, the form of the young child's multi coloured pelt decided to keep to them. His only form of protection, despite the heavy fear of the dark.

But the longer he was out here alone, the more jumpy he became. He was brave, he was strong, he could do this!

But a sickening twist of his stomach shook his pawsteps. To bring himself forward was becoming harder and harder. Icy blue gaze was beginning to search frantically, a tears were quick to brim, before drenching his face.

Sparrow was scared, alone, and felt so small in the large marshy lands. "D-dad.." But this time it was not a yowl, it was a whimper, a cry.

The hint of impending leaf-fall in the breeze was barely noticeable, only evident in the slightly cooler tinge in the air.
That does nothing to damper the lilac warriors spirits, however, she is confident in herself and the hunting patrol she had come out with that they would be able to bring back enough to feed the elders and gluttonous apprentices.
A shaky scent trail had led her away from the patrol, but not too far. Weaving between jutted rocks and swamp puddles as though she was liquid, Heathershade kept her maw parted, determined to find the mystery prey.
The whimper a mere tail-length away causes the warrior to freeze in her steps, the voice did not belong to a wandering kit, unfamiliar and trembling in fear.
She frowns, spotting the quivering kit with an almost overpowering sense of empathy for him.
"Hello?" She chimes, hoping not to startle the poor thing too much. "My name is Heathershade, are you lost?" She takes a step closer, waving her tail slowly to make herself more noticeable.
Hopefully the rest of her patrol would not be far behind.


the initial bellowing sends the lizard she had been stalking into a panic, it's little limbs scrambling against damp earth searching for purchase before darting off into the thick underbrush for cover leaving behind a frustrated geckoscreech to unfurl from her hunter's crouch with an irritated hiss rasping against the back of her throat. nothing spoils the mood of a hunt more than losing out on a potential catch due to something coming completely out of left field such as a caterwauling stranger. with a lash of her tail, geckoscreech delves deeper into the territory with a slightly parted jaws in hopes to find another scent trail quickly but instead picks up heathershade and another she isn't quite familiar with.

it isn't long until she comes across the duo, brows furrowing when aquamarine flickers over the teary-eyed and trembling sparrow. "i take it this is the one that costed me my lizard with their howling?" she hums, unable to keep the annoyance from bleeding into her tone before shaking her head slightly. "i'm going to take a quick look around the area to make sure we aren't overlooking any extra. . . surprise visitors." with that her rosette form disappears into the nearby brush.

  • ✎ . . .
  • to be added.
  • to be added.

The black and brown child, with piercing blue eyes, brimmed with tears, would look up to the lilac female in trembling fear. He was definitely spooked by her sudden form, but he would stiffen up, not seeing a threat. Just another cat. He did not know her, and father always said don't talk to strangers. But he was not here.

"I woke up and my dad, he's gone," he whimpered out, taking a small step backwards. The boy was not just a mere kitten, a bit on the larger size for his age, but he took a paw to his face to wipe away the tears. "My names sparrow," he said softly.

His gaze turned to the brown and cream cat, talking about losing his lizard, and sparrow stumbled a small apology escaped his mouth. As the tom left, he looked up to Heathershade. "Do you think he'd like another lizard?" Sparrow asked, shuffling his paws. "I can try, I'm just not good at it yet..." he mumbled.
➼ Luckily for Nightswarm, they had not been hunting so they needn't worry about anyone startling away any morsels that were right for picking. The ebony feline makes their way over with both ears perked forward wondering what could be howling in the marsh and startling away the few birds that they had seen while getting there. Heathershade already speaking with the kitten and Geckoscreech leaving to search for any other intruders within their territory, whiskers twitching as they grimace at the sight of the sniffling kitten and half-lidded gaze. Nightswarm decides to speak up "I'm sure that she'd appreciate you not wailing. It'll keep you from getting snatched up by a fox too," The side of their mouth twitches as if threatening to smile at such a cynical thought but their maw does not move.

The not-so-small scrap of furs name is Sparrow and it seems like his father ditched him or potentially disappeared but the leaving the kitten seemed like the stronger possibility. The weather was getting colder so perhaps Sparrow's father was getting rid of some deadweight, their ear flicks at the thought and they can't help but frown in the slightest. The clan would likely take the kitten in thus adding another mouth to feed but a new future warrior... That is unless they miraculously find Sparrow's father and Nightswarm personally hopes for that option. An ear flicks momentarily deciding that they should be a smidge kind to the kitten as they add coolly "You'll get better at it with gradual practice,"

/sorry ic opinions,, they're not very Nice

oh great. yet another young cat appears at their border and they can't even begin to turn it away. they're not that cruel. they can't be. with a growl they shake their head, watching geckoscreech walk away and ignoring the urge to follow after her. man, they should have. they didn't want to deal with this at all.

"you should come back with us. my name is chilledstar. we will teach you how to hunt and maybe if your dad comes to find you, he will find you safer than you've been out here."

//ic opinions of course !!
the child shuffled his paws uncomfortably, his eyes dropping as a brown cat began with their response. "Well, I mean, I didn't know. Never met a fox. I'm sorry." his eyes did not raise, feeling guilty. how was he supposed to know there were wild cats here trying to survive? he'd never even heard of them before.

Hell get better with practice, and he looked up, nodding his head slowly. "I've been trying, I'll uh, get there I think.." He's been trying to practice, but nothing yet. It was quite unfortunate, but he was trying.

I'll throw you in the river if you crouch like that again. You know better, do it properly. His ears flattened at the memory. And, if these cats were wanting him to come along, would they do it that too? Maybe it wouldnt be like that, maybe they'd teach him properly.

but the thoughts couldn't help themselves. Was he not good enough for his dad to keep him?

A black and white cat, introduced as Chilledstar came before them now. he didn't really have a choice to not join, since apparently there are creatures that will eat him. "I will try to pull my weight and help anywhere I can." he offered, biting back the thoughts of apologizing for being a burden.