camp i dont wanna go to bed tonight .. praying

. ° ✦ The behaviors and beliefs of a child were often skewed with innocent misunderstanding. Trying to grasp concepts that were beyond what little minds could truly comprehend, but rather find explanation in more simpler ways. StarClan was one such entity, and while Bravepaw did not struggle to understand the whims of their ancestors, instead he overestimated their capabilities. Going so far as to believe even such a cat as himself could have sway over fate.

When his mentors family had returned to camp in tears and hot breaths, Bravepaw had merely been a small kit. Leopardtongue and Batwing spoke often about StarClan, offering condolences or reassurance by thanking StarClan or sending wishes to their ancestors. Of course without hesitation Bravepaw had done the same in hopes the starry spirits would answer his pleas and returned their beloved Clanmate. At first Bravepaw had thought it was a common courtesy, to pray for lost or stolen Clanmates and simply hope for the best. That was until a few sunrises later Sunfreckle had returned from his captors and the kits prayers had been graciously answered.

Undoubtedly he believed the same would happen for his dear friend Fallowpaw. Her disappearance had hit Bravepaw's heart deeply, saddened that she was not there to see him leave the nursery. Sad that they could not prepare their nests to lay beside one another as denmates once again. Since her absence he had dedicated a prayer for her every night, determined to see her once again.

"-and please make sure Fallowpaw isn't hungry, wherever she is. And tell her that Bravepaw has been keeping her nest tidy while we wait for her to come home." His voice is soft, a shocking contrast to his usual boisterous demeanor. Bravepaw took his moment in prayer very seriously. If he truly had such a connection to their starry kin that they could return Clanmates at his request, he would give this gift the honor and respect it deserved.
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  • ooc: — just a delusional little kiddo praying to starclan!! bravepaw may have hinted at this 'special ability' in the past but he doesnt speak on it in detail :)
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
  • Nervous
Reactions: SATURNID
Once a rogue, always a rogue, Raccoonstripe thinks to himself as tufted ears swivel to catch snippets of Bravepaw’s prayers. The kit who’d been dropped unceremoniously into their laps by an owl had chosen to return to her roots—wherever and whatever those were. Raccoonstripe shares Burnstorm’s sentiment—traitor. Any cat who would not give their life to ThunderClan do not deserve to live among their safety, their security, their camaraderie. If Fallowpaw found their way of life so detestable, it’s surely in their best interest to remain the rogue they’d been born as.

He supposes the young cat’s denmates don’t share that sentiment. Bravepaw, though, is ThunderClan-bred and born, with a lead warrior for a father, a respected queen for a mother. His prayer is childish and soft, whimsical, but Raccoonstripe only shakes his head as he approaches the boy. “And what if she doesn’t want to come home?” He blinks, not unkindly, in Bravepaw’s direction. “She left of her own accord. Maybe they found where they really want to be.” Which, clearly, was not ThunderClan, he thinks.

, ”
Fallowpaw's disappearance only served to dredge up foul memories and feelings as he was made to relive the loss of Patch all over again. Why should she be stolen from his life, never to return, yet others get to have their friends and loved ones waltz back into their life? Bitterly he hoped that Bravepaw's prayer would go unanswered, maybe then he would see the harsh reality of life.

The calico prowled up alongside Raccoonstripe, his former mentor, and he found himself agreeing with the lead warrior's words. Though he had no intent of being quite so gentle. "She abandoned us, lets not forget that. Abandoning the clan in leafbare is especially cowardly. Pray for those still here, Bravepaw, not for those who have turned away." Wildheart knew that his words were harsh, brutally so, but he felt that they were true. He had been made to face the bitterness of losing someone special to him with no shoulder to cry on, why should anyone else be granted such mushy love and what-ifs? He gave a shake of his head as he began to prowl away.

. ° ✦ His peaceful moment in prayer was interrupted, though Bravepaw did not immediately assume poor intent. The apprentice viewed his Clanmates fondly, unable to believe they could ever act maliciously toward him. Or that they may think lowly of him or his actions, so when Raccoonstripe offered his own inquiry it is not taken poorly.

Fallowpaw wouldn't leave them. Fallowpaw wouldn't leave him, her friend, behind. He was told how the dusty-furred molly was dropped into ThunderClans lands through delivery of an owl, shaken and bruised from its talons. A miracle she survived such an attack, how lucky she was they knew medicine. Her life was saved because of his home's kindness and she was reborn as a Clan cat in turn. She did not leave them.

"Why not?" Came his challenge. "Fallowpaw's my friend. That doesn't make any sense..." Wildheart supported the Lead's accusations, sending wide ears to fold back while he shook his head. "It's not kind to lie. Fallowpaw wouldn't abandon ThunderClan, she disappeared like Mister Sunfreckle did." Of course, Bravepaw was spending the last of his kit-days tucked in the nursery when she left. He wasn't there to see it, or in the apprentices den to catch whispers of what had been said.

"Why should StarClan only protect certain cats? They won't listen any less if I ask for the safety of all my home, all of you. They'll bring Fallowpaw back, you don't understand." The confusion is clear on his face, his muzzle scrunched in puzzlement.
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  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.
Gingerpaw knows of Fallowpaw's circumstances. The circumstances meaning that they were not clan born and that one day on patrol she suddenly decided to leave. he remembers burnstorm's rage. there has been some talk about how in the world she was able to slip away, but it has been some days since fallowpaw has left. I'm not sure if she'll come home. the longer she takes, the less likely she'll be back and i'm not sure if burnstorm or the others would be happy about it... speaking of others being unhappy, both raccoonstripe and his brother (yuck!) are among those who've labeled fallowpaw a traitor. now, he has yet to call her such considering she hasn't come back or attacked her former clanmates.

the manner in which wildheart voices his opinion is cruel and he recalls why he dislikes him. in secret he has the same bite towards wildheart and nowadays it has only gotten worse between them now that he is over 12 moons and still an apprentice. without a doubt wildheart holds it over his head and while their parents reassure him that he's doing great it still stings. when will you get that stick out of your ass? gingerpaw shoots wildheart a glare that is gone in under a second to save face in front of the others. the message is clear: shut up you bully.

bravepaw is understandably confused why it is wrong to pray for fallowpaw's wellbeing. he even brings up sunfreckle's circumstances which is a poor example. "Bravepaw this is going to be sad to hear, but mister Sunfreckle didn't chose to leave the clan. He was taken away by force. I heard that Fallowpaw was on patrol and left, so it's very different. how they disappeared is different. sunfreckle didn't have a choice while fallowpaw did." he explains as such with a an expression of sadness and his tone is gentle. wildheart knows that this is a farce and may be frustrated. however, if he did lash out he would look like a bigger fool.

in any case, gingerpaw takes the reigns and moves to sit beside bravepaw and press their shoulders together for comfort. "I don't know Bravepaw. Starclan has their own way of doing things and we wouldn't know unless we joined them. I... i hope that fallowpaw comes back soon too."
The tabby is joined—first by the mottled pelt of his former apprentice, then by young Gingerpaw, both of them with frowns marring their features. Wildheart echoes Raccoonstripe, and though his tone is harsh, there is a lingering bruise there which the tabby knows well. He eyes the young warrior, wondering—was he thinking of Patchpaw, lost to them now for nearly a cycle of seasons? He tells Bravepaw in no uncertain terms that Fallowpaw had abandoned her Clan, and Raccoonstripe can find no fault with his words, however harshly delivered. It’s true. The owl-scarred apprentice had fled from a patrol as though she’d been kept prisoner—clearly, she wanted to be elsewhere. Gingerpaw tells Bravepaw this, too—that Sunfreckle had not chosen to leave, but that Fallowpaw had ditched her patrol. The lead warrior nods in agreement, giving both younger toms a quick look before speaking again.

ThunderClan has no room for cats who do not want to commit their everything to this Clan,” he agrees, his tone almost bland. “Gingerpaw is right. Fallowpaw chose to leave because she does not want to be here. Why would StarClan bring a cat who wants to be elsewhere back to a Clan they left purposefully?” His tail swishes. “I know she was your denmate, but it’s time to let her go. Concentrate on being the best warrior you can be. That’s all you can do now.” There’s a hint of sternness that creeps into his tone, of authority. There’s nothing wrong with missing a denmate—but the whimsical, fantastical interpretation of StarClan is kittenish and misdirected, he thinks.

, ”
. ° ✦ Gingerpaw's damage control is only met with more resistance, a strong sense of loyalty, of justice to Fallowpaw's image raging in his chest as it puffed with air. Bravepaw was normally not such a stubborn tom, but having not been on the patrol when Fallowpaw left and still sleeping his evenings away in the nursery, he hadn't the slightest inclination as to why so many of his Clanmates were quick to place judgement and accusation. In time he might understand, with a bit more experience under his paws and more maturity he could comprehend it, but unfortunately that would not be the case this night.

"I don't know why you keep saying she left. You can't- you can't prove that. That she wasn't taken too, or lost." His denmate used the gentle reassurance of physical comfort and Bravepaw easily leaned against the larger tom with a sigh. Gingerpaw was one of the older apprentices, he should listen, but he couldn't if it meant saying such things about his friend.

"She will come back... And I'll be the best warrior so she won't ever disappear again." Bravepaw murmured, determination taking place of the confusion that creased his features. "When I'm a warrior, no one will get lost or disappear again. I'll be able to find them."
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that has started to develop curls. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Gradually growing into his ears.