
The moon is high in the sky, full and pale as Hyacinthbreath stalks through bushes with her mate. They are wandering together, just as promised- hunting for their next meal in an attempt to avoid the star-forsaken rogues that plagued the forests. Last she had heard, through the kittypets gossiping and loners rambling, the Clans were struggling. There's a sick sense of justice in it all, for the Clans have ruined Hyacinthbreath. Whatever loyalty she once had to them, now belonged exclusively to Pollenfur herself. A striped tail rests on her mate's flank as she stops, the sound of talking not too far away.

Blue-silver fur flickers through the underbrush, and it takes her a second to realize it is Sootstar herself, head swiveling around as if she heard something.

There's something irrational about the way she swings her head around, eyes wide with a look of exhaustion there- Hyacinthbreath takes this moment to breathe. If she killed Sootstar right now, things would end. WindClan would be free of the tyrant- but would they? Would a new tyrant step up, take Sootstar's place? Hyacinth's fury knows no bounds, knows no limits and yet.. She tempers it, for this moment. They are here to hunt, that was all.

A stick breaks under her paw, and Hyacinth shrinks back with a grimace. "Hide inside of that tree trunk, liebling." Hyacinthbreath begs her mate, eyes wide as she turns to look for the blue form once again- it's gone. Where has she gone?​

From the shadows she pounces, a blue blur in the night as claws rake across Hyacinithbreath’s shoulder. Paws land delicately against the ground and she whirls around to face the silver and white cat. She eyes the scar placed upon her chest, a reminder of the oath she had broken so long ago. No matter how far she ran from it she’d always be marked by it, and tonight Sootstar would do to her just as she promised.

”At last… you’re here before me.” Wickedly she smirks, ”Tonight I execute you, traitorous Hyacinithbreath. How fitting that I will get to spill your blood on WindClan soil.” Her fangs glint in the moon’s pale light as her claws flex into the eart below.

Of course she couldn’t forget about Pollenfur. She looks at the calico and meows, @SNAKEHISS , you take care of that one.” The young warrior has remained hidden in the shadows until now, his leader beckons him to serve.

Without so much as another word Sootstar darks forward again, aiming to quickly swipe out at Hyacinithbreath’s flank before darting away again. If successful she whirls around once more and comes back for another blow. She tries to fake Hyacinithbreath out by going for the same location. Instead, at the last second she veers to her other side and dives for her hindleg, biting it with all the force she can give.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Unbeknownst to his clan, Snakehiss is only loyal to himself. Sootstar possesses a power that he could only dream of achieving in his lifetime, and for that he cannot fully bring himself to turn his back on his leader. Not like Badgermoon had. His only chance at getting what he wanted was playing the game; as far as all cats know, he is devoted to the Moor Queen only. Naturally, he aimed to impress the blue smoke molly on their patrol tonight.

After Sootstar made her presence known, launching her attack on Hyacinthbreath, she directed him, "Snakehiss, you take care of that one." This was his time — his moment of glory!

Reptilian-like eyes fix on the vaguely familiar tortoiseshell cat before him. Pollenfur still lives, even after all this time. Snakehiss had been a fresh-faced apprentice when the former warrior had mysteriously vanished from WindClan. Now he stands before her, fully grown with claws sharpened to kill and carry out the commands of his queen.

Like an adder he slithers out from the shadows, striding on long limbs across Pollenfur's path in order to block the battle between Sootstar and Hyacinthbreath. The loner would have to get through him first if she wanted to touch the Moor Queen. "Well well," Snakehiss lashes his tail before snarling, "Not one, but two traitors!" He had been young when Pollenfur had disappeared from the moors. There had been many rumors about what had happened to the she-cat. Perhaps it would have been better for her own sake to have been killed; anything but associating with the filth Hyacinthbreath. The tortoiseshell is a disgrace to the name of true moor cats, and it would be an honor and a privilege to rid her from the forest personally.

Quickly he breaks into a sprint, veering from side to side in an attempt to confuse Pollenfur before suddenly launching forward. His arms were outstretched, claws unsheathed as he aimed to hook them around the traitor's neck.

  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles

XXXXXThe calico queen does not relish in the Clans’ destruction as her mate does; instead, she prays for WindClan’s safety, for the love she holds for Brightshine and Lilacstem, for Echolight’s kits, for her own precious seedlings in Sootstar’s kingdom, for Mallowlark in SkyClan. She creeps warily through the brush with her beloved, heart twisting in her chest as a familiar scent pierces the area like the fumes from a skunk. “What are they doing here?” She whispers, her heart thudding madly in her chest. “Hyacinthbreath…?

XXXXXShe recognizes that angry look in her beloved’s blue eyes, that unhinged snap—it’s an old look, one from her days as Sootstar’s attack dog, but the target has changed. A beautiful tufted smoke steps before them, her green eyes rich with moonlight and her voice like a mouthful of nettles. “Tonight I execute you, traitorous Hyacinthbreath.” Pollenfur’s body jerks, her head snapping sideways. “NO!” Her worst nightmare—the shadows in her dreams, scented with moorland breeze and blood, have found them at last, like a gang of foul-mouthed foxes stalking their victims to the edge of the world.

XXXXXA black warrior, lanky and thin, materializes beside Sootstar. She recognizes him—Snakepaw, though he bears his warrior’s name like a bloodied badge now. “Mercy, we’ll leave—we’ll leave, and you’ll never see us again,” she pleads, backing away from him. Traitor, he names her, and he leaps first to one side and then the other. She trembles, her tail swishing behind her, thick pelt fluffing up to triple her meager size. “I’ll leave, we never meant—

XXXXXHis claws snake out, biting into the tender flesh of her neck. She cries out, blood spattering the ground in front of her. There will be no mercy here—she looks wildly for her mate, her mate who dances a final deadly dance with her mortal enemy, and she knows there is no good ending for them here. “Hyacinthbreath, run!” It is the final thing she would ask of her mate—get away to safety with me, for me, for me—and she turns, knowing Snakehiss will be at her heels as she hares away.

tl;dr — took a wound from Snakehiss to the neck, turned to beg Hyacinthbreath to run from her, starting to flee
Sootstar's voice is like poison in her veins, pumping the fury faster- coursing through her veins. Her lips draw back into a snarl, claws piercing her shoulder and making her hiss in pain. She launches her own claws out instinctively, aiming to slice horizontally across Sootstar's chest. The molly is too fast, and Hyacinthbreath isn't the same cat she used to be- she was rusty with fighting, moreso used to hunting all kinds of prey instead. If for Pollenfur, Hyacinth could have sworn she could have put her past of violence behind her. She blinks, panic rising in her chest as Snakehiss is sent towards her mate. "She is innocent, Sootstar! Leave her be!" Hyacinthbreath snarls as she watches the Moor Queen disappear once more, swaying left then using that damn hind leg bite and Hyacinthbreath can barely keep up, the grip of teeth around her hind leg tight like a vice grip. Hyacinthbreath turns her head then, teeth aiming to tear into Sootstar's ear. This was making her angry, how dare.. How dare she? After all this time, Sootstar saw her as nothing more than a traitor- the favor she once held now gone from the Moor Queen's toxic-green eyes. Her leg kicks out, attempting to batter Sootstar's face into letting her go long enough for her to turn to Pollenfur.

"Run! I'll catch up with you. Run like the wind is in your paws, Pollenfur! Don't stop until you can't run any more!" Hyacinth yowls at her mate, and if her attempt to shake Sootstar off worked, she'd aim to run as fast as she could towards Snakehiss, attempting to jump onto his back and bite into the back of his neck. "Go! I'm right behind you!" She shouts again, a loud hiss sounding as her voice muffles. Sootstar wouldn't let her go this easily, she knew- but she just needed to make time for her mate to get out of here. This was it, wasn't it?

A death fit for a traitor of her own kind.

Hyacinthbreath is tiny compared to Snakehiss, she knows- Sootstar would be more of a match for her size-wise, but Sootstar had moons of practice under her paws compared to the rusty Hyacinth. She wonders then, how her babies would grow up? Would Pollenfur be able to introduce herself to the kits one day, tell them the truth? Would Pollen tell Periwinklebreeze and Nightingalecry of their mother's death, or would she stay far away from the Wind-ridden Clan? She blinks sadly then, jumping off of Snakehiss' back if successful and facing her two threats head-on. Her tail whipped in the wind, lips drawn back into a snarl.

"You should have died long ago, Sootstar."

”Innocent?!” Sootstar sneers, ducking to avoid the bite to her ear. The slash across her chest, however, burns strongly. ”Pollenfur abandoned her clan, she knew the consequences of betrayal!” She can only dodge and predict Hyacinithbreath’s moves so much, paws bat across her face and claws slice, the blue she-cat pulls away with a hiss.

The tabby rushes for Snakehiss, attempting to pounce on top of him and lunges for his neck. Sootstar sprints forward and Hyacinithbreath leaps off from the young black tom. Her tail lashes and she bares her fangs, ’you should’ve died long ago, Sootstar’. ”Maybe I should’ve, but today will not be the day.” Not for her anyways… but for Hyacinithbreath? It will be.

Racing forward Sootstar plummels herself into the ground, sliding across the grass she attempts to go underneath Hyacinithbreath’s legs and rake her claws deep into her soft belly, shredding and ripping at flesh. She kicks out with her hindlegs aiming to send Hyacinithbreath off of her. If successful she leaps onto her bloodied paws and sprints to take a stand next to Snakehiss.
  • » SootSootstar
    » WindClan Leader
    » She/her ․ Mate to Weaselclaw
    » Tiny blue smoke she-cat with green eyes.
    » "Speech"thoughtsattack
  • » A high-stamina foe who can be difficult to hit.
    » Excels in quick, short moves.
    » Fights to kill and maim
    » Fatal attack of choice is an underbelly dive.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
Pollenfur breaks into a run, fleeing from the situation. Huh, how fitting for a cat who abandoned her clan! All she knew was running. However, before Snakehiss could chase her, a form came crashing down onto him and tearing into the nape of his neck. "Get... off!" The young warrior yowled, shaking his head and trying to squirm out from under Hyacinthbreath.

She eventually backs off, thank StarClan, leaving him with minimal injuries. There were bite marks on the back of his neck that stung, but it wasn't anything he couldn't shake off in the moment. Sootstar strikes her opponent like a coiled adder before retreating to his side. It occurs to him that he might witness a major turning point in WindClan's history with his own eyes — either Hyacinthbreath taking a life of Sootstar's, or the Moor Queen finally putting an end to the traitor's existence.

Chest rising and falling as he gathered his breath, the warrior quickly asked with a glance to Sootstar, "Shall I follow her?" Did the blue smoke she-cat desire Snakehiss to chase down Pollenfur or aid in her attack upon Hyacinthbreath? He almost feels like pursuing the former wasn't worth it; Pollenfur was a dirty traitor through and through, but Hyacinthbreath had killed Juniperfrost. However, Snakehiss would do Sootstar's bidding if it meant gaining her favor.

  • gJTx1fs.png
    —— he/him; warrior ( moor runner ) of windclan
    —— bisexual; single; not looking
    —— long-limbed black tom with green eyes, a small white chest patch, and a notable bite mark on his right foreleg
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
// TW/CW for blood and minor gore

There's a legend that says you see the stars before you die, shimmering around you. The wind wisps against your fur and cools your body, your soul separating and ascending to the sparkling little things above.

Hyacinthbreath feels the wind leave her body the moment claws rake down her stomach, opening it as head swings wildly to catch sight of the smoke. She feels her head grow heavy, dizziness taking over with a sickness one couldn't explain as anything more than dread. Her claws swipe out uselessly, body wobbling as she takes a step, then two, then three- collapsing with a grunt. Blood is so fickle, the way it trickles and pours from her body- twitching, so much twitching as Hyacinth's eyes grow wide in fear.

Am I going to die here? She thinks to herself, despising the Moor Queen even as she bleeds out on the very grasses she once swore to. I never should have came back here. She grimaces, her vision going blurry; she's numb now, tears watering up in her eyes as she peers over to the warrior and his Queen. "Curse you.. Curse you.." She hiccups softly, groaning in her agony as she twists and turns. The gore of her stomach is stretched like decoration across the grass, weakened body collapsing into a heap of blue fur.

Her eyes spot Pollenfur in the distance, running. She's happy her mate got away. The fates had truly ruined their lives, haven't they? Pollenfur never got a break in life, did she? Both of her mates would die, and she'd rarely ever get to see the kits she'd given birth to. Such a shame I couldn't be there with her. She thinks to herself weakly, tears slipping down her cheeks as her cheek presses to the ground. "I love you.." She croaks out as loud as she can, "I'm sorry, liebling." She says once more, before her body stills and eyes lose their light, their fight- any fierceness in her form gone, leaving the ragged, skinny form of Hyacinth behind. Her eyes are wide, staring in the direction of Pollenfur as if having tried to follow after her- a cruel fate awaiting the blue tabby now: death, and judgement by StarClan.

When she wakes, Hyacinthbreath stands at the border of oblivion; of stars in the sky, of wind cooling her body below her paws. She steps through her solid body, awaiting the moment when someone would judge her for her crimes and sentence her to eternity on these lands alone, or to nothingness at all. When she peers around, she sees a familiar form instead- tears bubbling to the corners.

"Wisteriapaw?" She croaks.

He hates her. He has always hated her even in death. Wisteriapaw has only faint fond memories of the silver tabby that was his mother, the warrior who had sired him and abandoned him with the same careless breath. He had died without her there, without his entire family at his side and only one despairing mother and his siblings. It was something that had gnawed at him his entire time in StarClan, the realization that he had meant nothing. The understanding that Hyacinthbreath did nothing but abandon cats who loved her, who she claimed she loved. Even now he pads forward on starry paws, his own silver markings a miniature mimicry of her own and even his face touched by a dark tabby stripe in the shape of a tear running downward. He is her spitting image and he has always despised the fact. At least Perwinklebreeze was sparred having to see her in every reflection, Wisteriapaw could never escape even in death.
His pale blue gaze wanders over to Sootstar and Snakehiss, his mother's blood stains the moorland queen's claws and in the distance a figure running for her life is still just barely visible. Pollenfur had made a successful escape, once again the silver molly broke a heart. He clenches his teeth, jaw tight and expression agonizingly neutral and when she says his name he has to fight down the urge to snap at her. He's held his bitterness for so long that its a wonder he'd even come down here but something had compelled him. A chance to say his peace, a chance to force her to face the son she abandoned. Hyacinthbreath was destined for the stars and if he had his way she'd roam here alone but he was not the cat to make sure a call.
If they were to exist in this afterlife together, she would hear him now...

"Your heart is a shattered piece of ice, you do not know loyalty to anyone. You could have run away with her! You could have escaped! But again, again you pull away. You betrayed WindClan, you betrayed RiverClan, you betray even betrayed me. Where were you when I choked on my own blood in the medicine cat den? Why were you not there for me? Now you won't even be there for the kits you sired with another..." Wisteriapaw's tail lashes, he feels his eyes burning, tear lined and wide, "...I hate you. I hate you so much. You have an eternity to make it up to me now. Stand up, mother. Get off the ground and follow and for once do not stray from the path before you."
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