pafp i end up on a tree-lined street -- prompt

Bubblepaw is found where she normally is when she's got free time: trotting along the shoreline and searching for scales and pretty rocks. It's something she's taken to doing with her brother and Starlightpaw, but something she can settle and do on her own as well. Today brings a good haul- most likely because the change in seasons has brought about changes in the currents and tides as the river rips along the shore. The silver tabby has a small pile so far, set safely away from the water just in case any rouge waves might try to take them back. She's waded back into the water, gaze fixed downward and searching for colorful glints beneath the surface.

Suddenly, there's rustling and a startlingly close rush of wind just behind Bubblepaw. The apprentice turns around to see what's the matter, and is shocked to find a large goose picking at her pile of rocks. "Shoo!" Bubblepaw cries, batting at the ornery bird in an attempt to get it to back off her shiny stack of rocks. To her shock and horror, the large bird only leers at her and honks angrily. It seems unperturbed- only angered- by the droplets flung by her paw and her cry for it to leave. "Stop it! Go away!" Bubblepaw slams both of her front paws into the water, attempting to splash the irritated goose with a large amount of water.

The goose parts its beak and hisses at Bubblepaw, and suddenly the apprentice doesn't feel so brave anymore at the sight of its many teeth. She spares a glance back at her rocks. Surely they don't eat rocks...? "Get away from those!" Bubblepaw attempts to shoo the Goose one more time, advancing on the goose this time. However, this turns out to be a huge mistake; the goose spreads its huge wings and hisses at Bubblepaw, running back at her. The silver tabby lets out a scream of terror and takes off away from the shoreline. She casts a look over her shoulder as she flees, and the goose remains in hot pursuit. Bubblepaw lets out another shrill cry for "HELP!"

Please let @Nightfish respond first!
✦ ★ ✦
𓆝 . ° ✦ Leaf-bare is there, leaf-bare is there, meaning… hunting. Everyone who can do it, should. Keep all those mouths fed, which isn’t going to be an easy task with all the kits popping up like daisies.

Nightfish is… Not the best hunter there is, if he’s being honest, but he can keep himself fed, and if he focuses he can probably catch enough to actually feed the clan (and hopefully have some left for himself, afterward, with the new law). So that’s what he’s doing now: trudging through frosted grass on a mouse’s trail, his apprentice in tow. His ears and nose and eyes are all focused on the not-quite-tangible path the prey took through the underbrush; doesn’t want to miss it.

A yell breaks the fragile silence of the hunt, words indistinguishable. Dead leaves rattle in answer as the mouse darts away, spooked. Nightfish pounces after it on instinct: they need the meat on its tiny little bones.


His paws hit the ground, a whisker’s away from the mouse, but he doesn’t close the gap to sink his teeth into its spine. He throws his weight to the side, letting his momentum spin him around before he takes off the opposite way, towards the sharp cry for help still ringing in the air. He bursts out of the reeds and nearly bowls into the apprentice running the other way. His sight fills with grey fur and bristling feathers.

There’s no conscious thought to it (never is, with him): only pure impulse as he goes to grab the apprentice by the scruff to haul her along while scrambling away from the hissing bird, picking her up bodily if need be. He is, notably, swearing the whole way.
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc: apprentice tag @carawaypaw
  • Cjwugm2.png
    a large black and lilac chimera with high white and blue-yellow heterochromia and an expressionless face.
One of these things. He remembers facing off with one of these awful creatures long ago, when Iciclefang was still his apprentice and Houndstride was still present alongside them; what started as a hunting patrol about to take down a large piece of prey ended in panicked disaster as they were all forced to run scurrying in every direction to avoid losing any pieces to the bird's snapping beak lined in teeth. A bird with razor fangs was not something any of them expected and it was as horrifying a sight then as it was now. The shrill cry for help is what sends him rushing that way, he swears the clan is trying its best to turn him gray well before his years with how often his heart is siezed in a powerful ice-like vice the second he hears any disturbance.
Paws rumble along the ground as he closes in, stepping through the underbrush in front of Nightfish as he practically drags Bubblepaw by the scruff with that winged abomination in pursuit; Smokestar closes the gap with bounding strides and swings a clawed paw with a his to the beaked head, it is enough force the avian reels back and its slender neck snakes into a curve as it recoils but not enough to stop it entirely; the brief stun slows it and he gives a jump of surprise as it springs back into action quickly.
He likes to think he's a brave cat, its not spoken with any arrogance but more a sense of understanding his limits and place in the world. He's not very brave right now, turning tail to quickly follow after the warrior and apprentice with earnest.
"Stars above I hate these BLASTED THINGS!" It felt like nothing ever stopped it, he could batter it with both paws and sink his teeth into the spiral of a neck and it wouldn't flinch.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.

  • Haha
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