private i feel a little paralyzed // lichentail

Apr 21, 2023
That night had come and gone and Brookstorm acted as if it never happened. Eagle eyed Clanmates could tell the minute changes in her routine - her nest shifting to the near opposite side of their willow woven den, her meals sat alone, her over abundance of volunteer work and patrol indulgement. Yet all the same, those who kept their noses in their own business would say nothing was different. Brookstorm was preferential to those who couldn't care less of the drama of their Clanmates. She could casually hunt, and now even swim with the warmer weather, without being bombarded with questions of her brief whirlwind of a relationship.

But every day she wakes up sick. She can't eat more than a few morsels a day and what she does manage to hold down threatens her dignity constantly. She knows she is not pregnant (it's simply impossible,) so what is this? Empathy, maybe, for the lover she cast aside and the children she sired but refuses to acknowledge? Guilt for abandoning them all despite pleading with the tortoiseshell to never do that exact thing to her? She's exhausted but she can't sleep, she's starving but she's uninterested in food. Her mind is wartorn, sad that she ruined a good thing, angry that she let any of this happen, afraid of what will occur next.

She's prowling through reeds and sparse undergrowth, following the trail of a little songbird that's pecking at the seeds scattered about. Brookstorm eases her weight from one paw to the next - however, unfortunately, she lands a step on a slightly-too-slippery-leaf, of which unceremoniously shifts her weight off balance, causing her to fall face first to the ground, and her bird to fly off. Brookstorm, outside of an initial yelp of surprise, hardly says much of anything at all. She had imagined that most of her hunting patrol had already gone ahead, or even lingered by the river several fox lengths off, when Lichentail arrives and gives her a look. It's one she's seen a thousand too many times, one that she returns blankly before pushing herself to her paws.

Her ears ring when she notices Lichentail's maw moving - their voice is far off, and Brookstorm takes a moment to try and decipher what the deputy said. What's wrong with you? Maybe. Or perhaps, What's up with you? as if the minor difference means much at all. The silence between them is only filled with the reminder that the last time they spoke like this, Brookstorm made demands, and Lichentail sternly reminded her of who was in charge. The blue moggy grimaces at the memory, her teeth clenched together. She sees her deputy, but she also still sees the other as her former mentor - an odd friend, even, though she'd never admit it.

"Robinheart," she says the name as if it burns her tongue - too quickly, too sharply. "She told me that... she's with kits, I -" Brookstorm fumbles, uncertain if she's dizzy with her own reminder or dizzy because of all of her personal neglect. She eases herself to sit, keeping her stonefaced expression as well as she can. "What... what am I supposed to do?" She looks to Lichentail for help and guidance because outside of them, she has no one. After all, she believes that Willowroot would sooner ream her than support her (oh how true that is - and how wrong she is to believe Lichentail will not.) ​


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  • Snakeblink was a perfect reflection- for what things she did not relish and delight in, he often did. One such thing was the interpersonal dramatics between clan-mates and though she suspected it an important type of information to do her job well, it didn't mean she had to enjoy it. Hearing the soft murmured secret of a clan-mate felt like her ears had been set on fire and she'd soon be left with none. It wasn't her business, right? Just like she'd expected the same level of respect in return (and had... largely, not been returned despite her hoping). So when she'd brought along Brookstorm for patrol, the last thing on her mind was the awkward romantic affair she'd started with a dandelion-dappled molly from her youth. It was not hard to understand, a kind of love she could empathize with forming... but she was not Brookstorm's mother and would not pester her about it all the while.

    Her feet, however... were not as steady in their gait as normal. Her breathing felt... forced in a way that reminded her of Petalnose moments before collapse. She hovered, pretending it was her duty as deputy but knowing it to be a nagging, selfish fear that begged to be closer to her former apprentices. Both of them.. they'd been molded in carefully crafted daggers, points aimed and trained with delicacy.

    The sound of wing-beats fluttering off is enough to make her wince in a level of frustration- she could've caught that bird if the stony molly wasn't going to take this seriously. She'd trained her better than that- especially about birds of all things. A sigh escapes a tattered maw, departing from the reeds to stare with a face pinched in concern. "Brookstorm... what's going on?"

    The silence that answers sits uncomfortably with her... a vacant stare a reminder of white and brown fur that had begged for help at a moment too near to too-late rather than just-in-time. There was no way she was starving... they were in the heights of newleaf.. prey was plentiful. She'd just have to drag her sorry hide back to camp then, take her off duty for awhile- she'd been doing plenty lately and Lichentail would be damned if she got another lecture about her warriors working themselves to death.

    "Robinheart." Immediately she feels all the blood rush from her face... Did Brookstorm know that she knew that she'd heard Robinheart had told Willowroot? She'd kept that secret! Done her utmost not to stare at the two of them longer than ever necessary, kept them mostly split up for duties so they could maintain some level of feigned distance from each other. It was hard to ignore the way they had pressed their nests together in the warriors' den but she was often wrapped up around Snakeblink so clearly it didn't always mean love.

    "With kits.."

    Oh.... Oh. Oh. Quickly she closes the distance that remained between them, taking a seat as the other molly rights herself. Right... well... She supposed she could afford to be a little vulnerable here. It was a little too late for anyone to lecture her about it now anyways and Smokestar had given enough of a metaphorical slap to prevent it from happening again. "The important thing... is that she'll be okay." Regardless of preparedness, it was newleaf. Not the throes of winter. "We never... confirmed it but. I sired Hazecloud's litter... a... mistake of over-eager affection."

    Months spent apart with only the certainty of death between them, how many times had each of them nearly met StarClan while waiting for the other to return home? "Don't let... anyone lie to you. About being 'ready'... We will always want.... more time," more time to be in love without responsibility. More time to prepare for the loss of a great hunter. More time to stockpile food that would not be any more stockpiled than it could already be. More time to somehow study how to be a better parent like one could study to be a better fighter. A better warrior.

    I'm... not the greatest mother, she thinks to say but worries Brookstorm will manifest it as a confirmation of her own inevitable failure. "Hey- this is a good thing," she offers, clearing her throat as it becomes hoarse from more use than it's experienced in over a moon now. "And.. you don't.. have to do it alone."
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Is it comfort she seeks, amidst the advice? Does she want Lichentail to call her reckless and validate her frustrations instead? Brookstorm wavers in her intentions, flicking a curled ear whilst the other joins her side. Her deputy's voice is still strained, but the blue point still tries - and her initial statement draws an incredulous huff from Brookstorm's maw and a gentle shake of her head. After a beat, she looks back to Lichentail, finding the other completely serious in her countenance.

"... Oh. You actually mean that," a pause, and her eyebrows furrow, "You take the Clan to be full of blind fools, Lichentail." Perhaps there are a few like the deputy that enjoy willful ignorance - but there are many more that take pleasure in being nosy. In watching the moggy play with her kittens, share first meals and lessons with them. And for the breath it takes for the conversation to continue, she almost wishes that Lichentail's reality is one that could've been real. Maybe then she could - she could leave behind Robinheart and their 'mistake of over affection,' leave her curse at the edges of her paws rather than the blood of her kin.

Lichentail continues and Brookstorm broils in unspoken thoughts, each one tinged with more venom than the last. She loves Robinheart, and the mere idea of the other struggling on her own pains her but - even if 'more time' never truly happens, she cannot imagine a position where she is ever ready to be a parent, to have a family. Youth isn't even necessarily a factor in her addled mind. So much more has plagued her and her lineage that she cannot fathom willingly sharing misfortune.

"No," she breathes, and though she waits patiently for Lichentail to speak each syllable with growing discomfort, she's curt, tone clipped yet drowning in desperation. Will anyone understand me? "It's not a good thing. It's -" her breath hitches, and she knows she's wrong for this, but she presses forward nonetheless. "I left her. She told me, and I left her. I'm... I'm not mother material," though it is far too late to make that decision. "Queens don't have to disclose that information but - StarClan, cats know. I know." A beat. "I don't know what... to do, if anything at all."
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  • The incredulous look that finds Brookstorm isn't one blinded with restrained furious frustration like the one Nettlepaw had been gifted (lucky was he that he couldn't see the glower from the blue deputy back then) but it is riddled with a discomfort that isn't normally suited to her features. Calling them blind fools was harsh, harsher than her quiet, willful hopes that others would keep her out of their gossiping, circulating thoughts but it is dismaying even more so to be confronted that there is no one willing to turn a blind eye and leave the truth left unsaid. "Not fools just... respectful," she corrects, swallowing nervously now that her former apprentice has made it painfully clear she knew from the start of this whole humiliating debacle that Lichentail had been to blame.

    "I was hoping... the ambiguity between... me and Rookfang... would make it harder to tell," she admits, casting her gaze shamefully away from prying razor-sharp greens that stare at her with a level of amused surprise. It seems she could not rely on the rumor mill, just this once, to obscure the truth... she still hopes some don't think any harder on it. That they just accept her as being a loving, forgiving mate rather than an idiot herself.

    She sighs and almost takes solace that Brookstorm would rather argue a different point, trying to hide the way the fleshy under her fur burns with embarrassment. Vulnerability was stupid.. she'd not be doing that again.

    "I... think I understand." Emotions and their complications are a newer area of study for a molly that had opted for social reclusiveness for near four years of her life but... there is an added benefit here of having had such close proximity to the ashy warrior through her formative years. "I'm sorry you feel alone." Maybe she's reaching and will quickly find teeth at her throat for overstepping.

    "There is no one left for... you to turn to..." and she doesn't mean it with a pitying sense of knowing she is the ideal last choice but rather, an abysmal sense of guilt that she may've chosen that outcome inadvertently. "I don't think... Robinheart told anyone. At least... not very many... The clan won't ask questions. They don't... ask Iciclefang... or Hazecloud... they won't ask her." If anonymity is something Brookstorm wants, it's something she can have... without the looming eyes of those hungering to see a newly promoted deputy brought to dust.

    Maybe it was a lingering paranoia but... she is not certain there aren't some still begging for her failure to come. "Sometimes it's... the right cat at the wrong time," she offers, wincing to remember a time where she'd once been so in love with Hazecloud, with blind trust fed so diligently into their first blooms of their relationship and how it'd turned sideways so quickly.. how it'd taken almost two years to recover, to reunite and try again. "Loving from a distance is... okay too... if you need time."
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    penned by tieirlys
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Her own harsh words are not lost on her, especially not as her deputy casts aside their gaze and murmurs something about respect. Brookstorm does not have the urge to apologize, eyes half lidded in their casual narrowed nature, but as the other further explains herself, she does relent. "Maybe I'm a fool, then," she suggests, not quite offering a 'sorry' yet.

There's a pause between her statements, a silent recognition that she doesn't really know cats outside of her immediate circle - and moons pass by where that circle becomes smaller and smaller yet. She frowns, "Maybe I'm ignorant. I didn't... Nevermind." Save them both the dignity of experiencing whatever the hell Rookfang had to do with Lichentail and her mate.

She stretches, mindlessly moving her limbs as Lichentail painstakingly tries to make sense out of her situation. There's discomfort in the comfort, uncertainty in the pacing and air between struggling words. But in a way, Brookstorm is glad; Lichentail is not her mother (thank StarClan,) but she has no parent to turn to in this time of duress and confusion. Even if the deputy and her former pupil don't always see eye-to-eye, it's a moment to behold nonetheless.

"Robinheart..." she says the other's name again, every syllable twisting a blade in her chest. Her shoulders roll back as if it'll lessen the pain, "She's too good for me, I think." There's guilt in her tone, and her gaze falls to the wayside again. Pity comes in waves, crashing into her form but spilling out for others. "Even if she's asked... she wouldn't tell anyone. StarClan, I hate how nice she is, Lichentail. I -" and suddenly, all at once, she flares up. Tears prick her eyes, "I put those birds in her nest, moons ago. I did that, I did worse, and she forgave me. She forgave me, and decided to love me, and now - now -" if she were anyone else, she would hurl herself over a cliffside. She would plumet into rapids and be torn apart by the rocks below. She would gladly end herself if it meant her actions were thus adequately punished. But she's Brookstorm, last of her lineage -

Not anymore.

"And I've left her," her crescendo falls unceremoniously. "I asked her to stay with me, yet I left her."

What is it she wants? Does she wish to be whipped back into shape, sent to apologize to Robinheart and make amends right away? Does she want Lichentail's continued support and advice? Brookstorm feels as if there are teeth in her throat, claws scoring her pelt, yet she is so weak, so meager, and falling into mere ribbons of the warrior she should be.

"Loving her from a distance will only hurt us both, Lichentail. I almost wish I had never loved at all," she murmurs finally, ears twisting backwards.​


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  • She can't deny her irritation that Brookstorm is as stubborn as ever, even when she's crumbled to barely more than a pile of dust under the weight of her own emotional foolishness. To be so rigid as to not admit her razing was unnecessary (and pinned a large amount of guilt and paranoia onto Lichentail) was... infuriating... but also entirely in character. Her ears flatten, a minute display of her frustration.

    "More than a fool," she quips when the ash-colored molly suggests Robinheart some sort of self-wounding saint to have affection for a rough-around-the-edges warrior. "A complete idiot." It's harsh... but a harshness she knows will actually reach her cotton-stuffed ears. "Believe it... or not... that's how respect works," her whiskers twitch, bordering between something like a huff and a stifled snicker, "Which... isn't something you seem.... familiar sharing with me... at the very least."

    She shouldn't have had to remind a freshly made warrior of her place beneath her deputy from a sweat-soaked nest in the medicine cat's den. But she'd been made to... because confidence was nothing if not blinding.

    "You put... dead birds... in her nest," she asks, and it seems she mourns the loss of the birds over the severe cruelty of the prank, but she digresses by shaking her head to dismiss it. It doesn't matter- she can understand well enough the mix of emotions that comes with having to part ways with someone you thought- or still think- is your forever. "I left Hazecloud," she offers, knowing this to be information Brookstorm would only hear in old rumor from former Marsh Colony cats; she hadn't even been a thought in her parent's heads when this had happened. "She refused to... confront her parents. I wasn't... keen... on being hidden. Like an... embarrassment." Her eyes slide half-closed, pupils flicking away as discomfort writhes inside her. "Her dad died shortly after."

    "And I didn't talk to her."

    Her former apprentice seems especially determined not to hear her advice and for that, Brookstorm finds her ears cuffed quickly at the suggestion the love itself was the thing worth regretting. "Would you... listen to me?" She huffs, exasperated and out of her depth to be the emotionally available one in a conversation- (I wish Hazecloud was here..)- "The love's not gonna... go away... You owe her... to be a better partner... Runnin's what cowards do."

    "Don't make me... drag you... by your scruff... Finish your sulking... then decide. Either you... grow up and win her back later... or swallow your pride... and do it now. Be a good... mother... to those kits."

    She thinks about what a headache it would be to have to help raise more of them and shudders, eyebags manifesting at the suggestion of further exhaustion. "Don't... make me... a nosy grandmaw... to them. I'm........ much too young."
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    speech hex code ✧ #6368A5
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    penned by tieirlys
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