camp i feel better, so much better, thank you doc - playing catch up


oh look, a squirrel!
Jul 15, 2023

As soon as Berryheart told her she could finally leave the den, she'd thank him excitedly. she'd carefully grab the leaf Bravekit gave her, before racing out of the den. Tigerpaw couldn't have ran any faster, her form tumbling forward to the center of camp with the leaf still intact.

Everything was different than she remembered, the leaves made of reds, oranges, and yellow, drifting down from the branches on occasion. the camp felt so much more full now. the last time she was here, it seemed barren; empty with the sick cats and the cats on the journey. it felt lonely.

new kits had arrived, tussling, or basking, and some apprentice previously kits she seen leaving the camp with their mentors. it made her happy.

her grin could stretch a foxtail wide if she actually could do it, her eyes finally seeing the bright world around her as she sat. "I'm free," she finally said breathlessly. She wanted to scream and shout so the faraway clans could hear, the farm wayyss away could hear- but instead she just sat down to the side of camp, leaf in maw and just watching everyone go by.

She wanted to talk to everyone all at once, but she was no Howlingstar. as much as she wanted to, she'd have to just- pinpoint a group and go from there.

She has a lot to catch up on. She didn't know Batwing was a lead warrior now. she knew he had kits, that stormy got hurt, and that scary cats attacked and that was it. as she approached the group basking, she'd place the leaf carefully beneath a paw. her green gaze would glance at the cats, tail curling around her body as she waited for a turn to speak. because that's how it worked right?

Raccoonstripe’s ears flick forward at the patter of paws crunching leaves. He lies with a group of warriors, all of them resting in between patrols and hunting. A half-eaten mouse sticks up between his paws, and he bends to take another bite before acknowledging Tigerpaw’s presence. He chews, eyeing the girl with gleaming dark eyes. Her coat is shining again, her eyes clear and bright with excitement. After swallowing his mouthful, he swipes his tongue about his muzzle and gives her a nod. “You’re finally out of your sickbed. Welcome back to the land of the living, Tigerpaw.” He flicks his tail, inviting her to join the group.

I’m sure you’re ready to start training again.” Tigerpaw’s mentor is Batwing, he remembers, now a busy lead warrior and a father on top of it. He licks his lips again. “You’ll be playing a lot of catch up.” While Tigerpaw recovered, her denmates had hunted in leafbare-like conditions, had prey stolen from them by filthy rogues, and had fought to reclaim their home. The poor she-cat had missed so much; Raccoonstripe pities all that she has to catch up on.

, ”

Tigerpaw and Shinepaw were in the same boat, more or less. Both apprentices had been marred by malady over the past moons. Shinepaw likened it to time traveling, fuzzy days accompanied by a chorus of constant coughs until it was all better. The shaft of sunlight had gotten the all-clear a bit before tigerpaw, but that excitement mixed with anxiety about all the training he needed to do still hadn’t subsided.

The apprentice was sitting amongst the warriors, uncharacteristically silent as sky-blue eyes glanced back and forth at the ongoing conversation, trying to glean any bit of knowledge that would help him succeed. Raccoonstripe’s words bring the boy out of concentration, though, and soon the shaft of sunlight was perked up hearing that someone else was free from yellowcough’s grip.

“You’re all better? That’s awesome!” He chirped, excited to share so much in common with someone in camp. Soon, an overactive imagination was running wild with ideas. “your mentor and my mentor should train us together! We could have a whole catch-up session or something” It took a minute for his anxieties to surface in the sea of excitement, but when they did, the shaft of sunlight restrained himself. “I mean, if they’re not busy, or anything.”
. ° ✦ The last time he had seen Tigerpaw, she was being ushered back into the shadows of Berryheart's den to rest up. Like Leopardtongue once had, the apprentice was sickened from yellowcough and cured by his father's courageous travels. She had looked more sickly then, still thin and weak but now she looked like a different cat! The way her face lit up in the sunshine was telling that life still filled her veins and she was ready to come back into the Clan.

Bravekit looked between Shinepaw and Tigerpaw, staying a bit closer to Raccoonstripe out of everyone gathered. The lead was the most familiar face out of them all, being friends with both his parents.

"Who are your mentors?" The rosette asked with a tilt of his head. "Does anyone know who my mentor will be? Does Howlingstar know, when we're born?" He looked around camp as if to assess who might be assigned to him in just a few moons. Was he allowed to know as a kit?
 ° .  . ° 
  • ooc:
    A Longhaired chocolate tabby/blue tabby chimera with deep blue eyes. Very thick coat that tangles easily. Paws that seem too big for his little body. Wide fuzzy satellite ears.
make peace with your broken pieces .
The white-furred warrior dabbled in fresh scars and padded forward, smiling warmly at the sight. Although he was not her mentor for long, Whitelion was thrilled to see her well again. Horror had struck him deep when she fell to yellowcough, not as strong as it had become when his mate collapsed to delirium, giving birth amidst illness, so similar to Tigerpaw’s collapse, troubled with delirium that it made his heartstrings pull with hurt. “I am glad you are well, Tigerpaw.” He dipped his head in quiet hellos.

A golden orb rested on Bravekit’s curiosity, humming in amusement, Whitelion. It was not his question to answer, so the bulky warrior remained silent. “I’m sure the two of you will do fine catching up.” He rumbled to both Tigerpaw and Shinepaw, tail flickering.
thought speech
As of lately, the Medicine Den was where she seemed to be spending most of her free time. Of course, Berryheart chased her out more times than not, but she had been in there recently enough to know that Tigerpaw would be released soon. Stormfeather should be out too... the jealous thought was pushed away almost as quickly as it formed. Tigerpaw had been sicker longer than her daughter had been injured...perhaps she just needs more time. Lies, but it was enough to keep her going each day.

She wasn't surprised when she saw Batwing's apprentice run from the den, declaring her freedom. A small smile formed on her muzzle, much smaller than she would have liked. Of course she was happy for Tigerpaw, but it was hard to see one run from the den, when her own daughter lay in there as a now permanent resident. "I'm sure you can't wait to get back to your training." she said softly. "Perhaps if Batwing is free, we can take you and Acornpaw out for a hunt."
  • mentioning @batwing and @Acornpaw.
  • IMG_1727.png
    LH red tabby with low white (masks black tabby, carries dilute, solid)
    — Lead Warrior of Thunderclan ; currently mentoring Acornpaw
    — she/her ; mated with Flycatcher
    — mother to Stormpaw & Falconpaw
    — 27 moons ; ages on the 20th
    — Smells like dirt, old leaves, tree sap, faint hint of flowers
    — will start a fight, will finish fights, will kill (case depending)
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — penned by Icey ! ; link to tags
    — link to toyhouse