I FEEL THE LIGHT BETRAYING ✧ mini-meeting, law changes

Blazestar emerges from his den, the elderflower bush snagging wisps of golden fur. What he and his council have discussed has the potential to change the make up of their Clan tremendously, and so when he ascends his place on the Highbranch, his expression is stern and tense. “All those old enough to catch their own prey gather around the Highbranch for a Clan meeting!” It is past sunhigh, and the camp is busy, full of activity. His voice booms straight through idle chatter and gossip. The expression on his face and on those of his deputy and lead warriors will soon alert SkyClan to the gravity of the situation soon enough.

Perhaps you all have heard by now about the incident at ThunderClan’s border. This is twice now SkyClan has been made to look like we do not respect other Clan’s boundaries or the warrior code.” His tail lifts behind him, a brand of sun-colored fire. “I spent the day with Orangeblossom and my lead warriors discussing how to correct this problem. The answer we’ve come to is now law, so listen close, as you will all be expected to obey and enforce this going forward at our borders.

Blazestar sweeps his dark blue gaze over his Clan, some nervous, some eager, some petulant before he’s even begun to speak. He knows there will be contention, disagreements, arguments. He is prepared, and he hopes his council is, too. “From this day forward, a cat asking to join our Clan will not automatically become a warrior or a daylight warrior.” He continues, voice loud to quell any murmurs. “Kittypets will undergo training just like an apprentice would. They will learn our ways, our borders, how to fight, how to hunt, and only then will they be given a ceremony inducting them into the Clan as a warrior or a daylight warrior. If they do not show promise or cannot commit to the warrior code within a moon, they will be sent back to their housefolk where they belong.” He lifts his chin. “Loners and rogues will receive similar training, but loyalty and honor will be their tests. They will be made to learn servitude to our Clan and the importance of our laws. If they cannot, they, too, will be sent outside our borders.

After a moment, Blazestar finishes, “I do not pass this law lightly. Those who were here when Rain walked these forests know my policy was as his was. But these are different times, and the colony was not SkyClan. Our borders must be protected, and we cannot have cats who do not respect our ways causing war with other Clans. The safety of my Clan is my priority, always.” If Yukio is here, Blazestar will look his way, though the look is not full of malice. It’s weariness that weighs his face down. “Any cat currently in this Clan who cannot say they respect our ways or contribute to their Clan must leave by moonhigh… but only if you are not committed to making that change.

And he waits, quiet now.

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
  • Love
Reactions: mercibun
Tiggerbounce can feel his fur grow hot with embarrassment as the words 'cannot contribute to their Clan' leave Blazestar's lips. Very suddenly, Silversmoke's annoyance from the other day carried a whole new weight, a warning of changing times. His head swims, thoughts diving between memories and resurfacing with greater worries. Was he a detriment to the Clan by having a Twoleg that he was close to? Would he be betraying his Twoleg if he were forced to choose and he chose the Clan so he could at least have a chance of seeing his family from time to time? Would his friends here in SkyClan despise him for choosing his Twoleg if it came to that? Was he actually a bad warrior for having another nest to go to at night?

He swallows, trying to ignore how tight his throat feels against his collar at the moment. He couldn't imagine having to give it up, but he couldn't imagine not being able to pad into camp and see Bobbie or Greeneyes or Coconutsplash anymore. Surely, they wouldn't be able to visit him as often in the Twolegplace. Slowly, he raises his head to pose a gentle question: "will this mean we'll have to leave our Twolegs to show our loyalty to SkyClan? Like.... forever?"
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✿—— the sight of blazestar leaping to the highrock's crest, the sound of his stern call, pulls her paws away from the camp's exit. whatever she'd been on her way to do—likely some training, practice, anything to fill the time—cannot be more important than a clan meeting. she moves closer to the camp's heart on legs that are slowly but surely losing their permanent ache, concern settling familiar into the lines of her face; every member of blazestar's council, including the flame-point leader himself, wear similarly tense expressions. does this have something to do with the illness tearing through skyclan like a wildfire? does it have something to do with yukio's unfortunate border crossing? is it something else entirely? her heart has weighed heavy lately, and she's only a new warrior—she cannot imagine the immense weight that rests on the shoulders of their clan's higher ranks in light of recent events.

the incident at thunderclan's border. instantly pale eyes flick towards yukio and then guiltily away. the incident. two words, and yet they sound so damning in blazestar's voice—she had nothing to do with it, hadn't even witnessed it. the whole ... thing had happened no more than a sunrise before her kits' ceremony, and unlike her former denmate, she had respected her role as a queen, had respected the rules that commanded she stay in camp and far from the border. instantly she wants to move towards the cream tom where many gazes no doubt pierce his thin skin, to comfort him, and yet—blazestar isn't wrong. she had been a queen too, hadn't been born in the forest too, and she had known better. fresh worry kindles in her chest, and she looks away from yukio; has he ruined this for her, this fragile warriorhood? will blazestar's announcement command that she leave skyclan behind?

she cannot look at her former denmate now, and though part of her wants to defend him, the other part knows this is what is deserved. what is needed, for the good of the clan if not for the good of yukio himself. she looks back up at the branch, twitches her ears in attention—she can't have been on more than a couple patrols, and she's already come across two kittypets on their borders. the tabby curls her half-tail along the seated line of her thigh, it not being long enough to tuck over cream-tipped paws, waits. she listens carefully, trying to hear over the murmurs that have already begun; kittypets will undergo training, as their apprentices do, as she does now—the thought gives her a jolt. is she included in this new rule? she must be, having been a queen until recently—right? she's been set off kilter by this and she shuffles her paws in the dirt, wondering, thinking.

causing war with other clans. that had been what yukio had nearly done, then. still she cannot look at him, cannot trust herself to truly offer him the consoling words that usually come so easily—not when he was endangering her kits, her clanmates, with nothing but ignorance to blame. instead she glances around the muttering crowd, paws remaining rooted to the pine-freckled floor as she thinks they always will; she wouldn't dream of leaving the clan, of refusing to respect skyclan's ways. this is her home, now, not her faraway twoleg's nest.

tiggerbounce is one of the first to speak up, which initially surprises her until she recalls exactly how often the plump tom has arrived late to patrols, left early for his twoleg's nest ... but she also thinks of tiggerbounce telling her about catching frogs in the marsh, helping her polish her defense skills, greeting nearly every clanmate with a cheerful smile. again her paws scuffle in the dirt, unsure—stars, how could blazestar rule this clan? his weary face whenever they speak seems to make a certain kind of sense now. she couldn't do it, she's sure, but orangeblossom's blunter demeanour seems more appealing in light of this—though surely the ginger-and-white she-cat won't be ruling their clan for seasons upon seasons to come.

not wishing to leave, no twoleg ties to worry about, she merely gazes at the golden shape of blazestar atop the branch in a contemplative silence.


  • ooc: ——
  • nothing here, have a nice day :-)
  • 69139399_py669CBh1zLPqxi.png
    — bobbie
    — she/her ; warrior of skyclan ; 40 ☾s
    "speech" ; thoughts ; attacks
    — chibi by its_oliverr
    — penned by dejavu

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Fireflypaw listens from the ground below his father as he speaks, head turning upwards as he speaks in a booming voice. All gossip, all idle chatter stops in an instant, and Fi finds himself enamored once more with the power and grace his father holds in moments like these. He wasn't present for the council meeting (thank Mother for that), but he'd like to think it would have been a very tense talk about this new law change.

Tiggerbounce puts forward his opinion first, asks if they'll have to stop visiting their twolegs to prove their loyalty. Fireflypaw hums in response, though he doesn't put his own opinion out there. His father was a kittypet once, he can't imagine his father took this decision lightly, after all. If WindClan refugees were expected to drop their loyalties to their hellish former clan, shouldn't kittypets, loners, and rogues do the same with their former habitats? His tail wraps over his paws patiently as he waits for his father's response, though he doesn't notice Bobbie's shifting and kneading not far from him. If he had, perhaps he would have joined her side to comfort her.​


The meeting was something Johnnyflame had been waiting for since the moment they'd drawn their conclusions in Blazestars den. The bobtail tomcat had been tense ever since they'd managed to pull Yukio back to their side of the border, grateful for Howlingstars intervening but frustrated that it had come to that in the first place.

Johnny didn't disagree that they needed a better vetting process when it came to accepting newcomers. The life of a warrior clearly wasn't for every cat, and while he could understand the excitement and impulsivity that could cause a cat to join - seeing as that's exactly what happened with jhim- he could also now see just how lucky he'd been to meet the requirements.

Thistleback hadn't just picked a random kittypet off the fenceline, and now Johnny knew why. Skyclan needed warriors, cats that would contribute and pull their weight- who would make the sacrifices necessary to make sure the clan had what they needed. But, he'd also chosen a kittypet- not a stray or an exclan cat or any other feline stalking around twoleg place that day. He'd picked someone with clear and strong ties to the humans to bring back to camp that day- had picked Johnny. And stubbornly, the bobtail refused to let that go.

Daylight Warriors were worthy of being a part of Skyclan. They just had to find the right ones.

The tabby made his way over to sit and listen, well aware of the words their leader was about to speak and only finding himself concerned when Tiggerbounce of all cats spoke up with a very good question.

"It was never said that Daylight Warriors weren't allowed to remain such during their training." Johnny replied, and he didn't want to believe that Blazestar would fully bar them from maintaining their relationships with their twolegs. After all, the entire point of this was to see if the Daylight Warriors could hack it as Skyclan cats, and they couldn't do that if they weren't Daylight Warriors.

Still, molten eyes shifted to their leader for confirmation, hoping they didn't have a sudden change of heart. That.. would prove extremely troubling for Johnny. His loyalty ran both ways, and just as his twolegs had never interfered with his life in Skyclan, there'd always been the mutual respect that Skyclan did not interfere with his relationship to his twolegs. As long as he could pull his weight and be there when the clan needed him, he could keep his housefolk. That was the deal. That had always been the deal. And Johnny had worked his ass off to maintain it and keep both sides happy. He'd been doing a damn good job of it too, which would only make a sudden change of heart all the more of a betrayal.

No one had advocated for more restrictions than Silversmoke, who had been one bad argument away from declaring that all Daylight Warriors should be forced to choose a side. The argument that day had been quick to move away from those not responsible for the ThunderClan incidents, but Silversmoke felt its influence all the same as he kept his gaze on Blazestar's neck. Perhaps it should've been a point of pride, he had fought with claws to keep his home safe and now he had evolved to using his tongue, but he knew he had just been one dissenting voice amidst a current of council members fed up with the disrespect newcomers showed the borders. It was difficult to imagine that their life stories were different to his own, he'd been an injured stray allowed to rest in the colony and now he was a full-fledged warrior, ready to die to protect what mattered. Cheddar and Yukio, whilst not injured, had been strays in their own way, allowed to rest in the clan, but instead of fulfilling their duty, they had betrayed the faith placed in them by their clanmates. What had gone wrong? Why had their paths been different from his own?

It was a problem with the creatures, he'd decided. Something was wrong with their heads that had made them selfish or inconsiderate and now, the whole clan had to pay. He held his head high, jaws clenched tightly together and nose pointing just slightly towards Tiggerbounce, the first to make some sort of dissension. Did Daylight Warriors have to leave their Twolegs? 'That would be ideal, half-warrior.' Nothing good came from inviting Twoleg influence into clan life, alas, having spent so long fighting an uphill battle, Silversmoke found that he didn't have legs to stand on anymore when it came to outwardly protesting the existence of half-loyal clanmates. Not all Daylight Warriors were bad in the same way that not all Twolegs were bad (according to Earthsoul's experiences), but Silversmoke had no interest in sticking his paws into a viper's den and seeing which ones were venomous and which ones would coil happily around his leg. He simply observed as Johhnyflame assured Tigger, maw twitching as if his heart demanded him to say something when his brain knew it was a terrible idea. Instead, he ripped his attention back towards Blazestar, waiting for the Ragdoll to say something on the matter.


Sparrowsong had nearly been an adult when SkyClan had taken them in from their worst moment with open arms. As such, even though they were nearly warrior age, they had received an apprentice name and a mentor. They had quickly realized it was not the case for all cats who joined the Clan, most of which receiving warrior names upon being accepted into the ranks.

Although they had only just received their warrior name, much older than typical Clanborn cats would have, they didn't mind it. In fact, they were glad they had the experience. They were taught valuable knowledge and skills they hadn't previously known, at a pace that had worked for them while they recovered and managed their grief.

Blazestar seemed unusually serious and grim when he had leapt atop the Highbranch, Sparrowsong listening with the rest of the gathered cats as he spoke a new law into existence. If cats could not show promise within a moon, they would be turned away to wherever they came from. The tabby's eyes drifted down to their paws.

Sparrowsong had... hardly shown promise in their first moon in SkyClan. They had been plagued with a terrible sadness, hurt, and scared of the thought of Twolegs lurking within the depths of the forest. They'd had nightmares, they'd had mornings where they struggled to get up from their nest, if they had at all. Briefly they thought of Auburnflame, thankful for his patience through it all.

Looking back up at Blazestar, Sparrowsong wondered that, if this law had been in place when they'd shown up on the border, would they have been driven out for failing to contribute so soon? Blazestar had never been cruel to them. Fireflypaw had never been cruel to them. Figfeather had never been cruel to them, either.

With their thoughts kept to themself, they could only wonder how this law would affect others in the coming future.


Coconutsplash is drawn forth by Blazestars call, a tufted ear flicking in intrigue as she stops besides her ginger-pelted friend. She aims to give Tigger a shoulder-bump, more like a shoulder-shove in her book, but her smile is big. At least it was until she hears Blazestar begin to deliver news that... comes as no big surprise to her. The Thunderclan incident was spread like wildfire, she'd be surprised to hear someone that DIDN'T know about it. But oh, the news that comes after it makes a smile downturn to a frown.

The scarred molly isn't afraid of much, anymore, other than starvation, infection in skin- but she'd be lying if she said her skin wasn't prickling beneath her pelt. All too suddenly is she aware of the bandana wrapped a little too tightly around her throat, of the fruity scent that wafts off of her from the baths her twoleg gives her. Her head snaps to the right, where Tigger sits, where he speaks. "Blazestar won't just make us bail em', mate. He didn't say all of that." she tries to comfort her friend, but she sends an even look to the leader. His words were straight-forwards, any cat wanting to join after the meeting, he says. Johnnyflame, another daylight warrior but this time on the leaders council, speaks up. She hides her worry quite well, her tail flicking behind her like it always does. It's the one thing that could betray it, and yet... If Johnnyflame himself even sent a look of confirmation up to Blazestar, then that means even he is unsure.

Selfishly, Coconut feels a flash of frustration at the cats who had trespassed. Cheddar, Yukio- were they even daylight warriors? Ruined it for them all? How could you not know about borders? She flicks her torn ear this time, backwards, her eyes just barely squinting. Briefly she is aware of Bobbies kneading of the earth below and her gaze flicks over, downwards, up to study the fawn-spotted females face. Bobbie, who Coconut knows is trying to prove herself- Bobbie, who Coconut finds easy to be around, even she seems a tad bit nervous. A small sigh leaves her mouth and she rolls her shoulders back. She's ready to argue in her own defense; she had stayed late countless nights, came every morning just before the crack of dawn. Surely i've earned my place? There it is again, a small trickle of doubt, of self-loathing that will slowly become a wildfire if not tamed.

She decides she cannot be sent back. Up until about a half a year ago, Coconut, then named Malibu, had been fighting for her life against other cats and against lack of prey on a beach. Malibu had no friends and out there it was kill or be killed, and poor Malibu had nearly succumbed to the latter. Reborn as Coconut, with a twoleg who had saved her life, gave her a greater purpose... She feels like she owes everything to him, she cannot just up and leave- but she cannot just up and leave Skyclan either. It gave her a purpose when shes not out on the water with her twoleg, it gave her a sense of familiarity. Blue eyes flutter shut, and she does not choose to speak again as her heart tears in two different directions.

  • 69486719_CFonxjpuwRmTMLb-removebg-preview.png
    -> malibu ,, coconutsplash
    -> cis female ,, she/her ,, 25 months
    -> daylight warrior of skyclan ,, former beach rogue
    -> fluffy chocolate tabby with low white and pale blue eyes
    -> “speech, 88f7e7
    -> bisexual ,, single
    -> smells like tropical lotion & sea salt
    -> image by @wrendoings [ disc ]
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Orangeblossom sweeps from Blazestar's den at his shoulder, parting ways as he digs strong claws into the weathered bark on his way to Highbranch. She settles in her rightful place among the roots, facing her Clan with her stern expression perfectly in place and her long tail swept around pale paws. From this angle, it's easy to see the reactions of the crowd as Blazestar speaks. Still, she doesn't agree there should be different tests. Orangeblossom has a feeling that part of the announcement would spark disdain somewhere; it's not fair that different cats should be forced to fly above different standards to be considered SkyClanners in full.

"No." She corrects Tiggerbounce flatly, unsurprised that he's only listened to what he wants to hear and skipped over the fact that Blazestar had said that graduated kittypets would become daylight warriors all the same. Johnnyflame clarifies, and Blazestar hasn't yet, so she continues further: "Our daylight warriors have always made us strong. But Clan life is very different from the Colonies, when there were no formal borders and no warrior Code. This change is aimed at cats who think they're entitled to the easy parts of SkyClan life but who cannot be bothered to respect our patrol schedule, who take but do not contribute nearly as much, and who cause problems for SkyClan through ignorance of Clan politics and our Code." Her attention rests on the ginger tabby pointedly, and then on Snorlaxmoon if she can find him, and then on Yukio himself if she catches a glimpse of the cream-and-white queen; somewhere nearby Duskpool, no doubt.


Pawsteps stopped in their tracks at the heed of a star-blessed voice. Apple Stem had been making her way to depart from camp, return to her housefolk for the night. She had even said all her special goodbyes to her little nieces and nephews with a promise to return in the morning.

Her wide stare faced Blazestar on his perch, slowly inching away from the entrance to join her Clanmates as they gathered. Silversmoke is graced with her presence, quietly resting beside the Lead. An odd choice, given the way she watched him tear into Tiggerbounce, but she could hardly will herself to hold a grudge for very long. Silversmoke was not a cat she considered a danger to herself, simply a man with differing opinions to her own.

Blazestar's announcement was not met with any ill response from Apple Stem. Much like Bobbie she found herself unable to meet eyes with the former housecats or Daylight warriors she knew were struggling to adapt. It was an odd mixture of guilt and acceptance. Some of these cats she considered friends, but many of them frustrated her to no ned. Increasing the risk of her home, her family's home. Ora and her spawn especially- they were not like her. They did not have another home to collect to at the end of the night. A secondary place of safety.

"Was your voice heard among the discussion?" Her voice is hardly above a whisper, meant for just the Lead beside her to hear. She wondered, when they all dispersed from Blazestar's den, how he felt about the outcome. Knowing his beliefs on kittypets like herself. "If it's something you have time for, I would like to understand you. From the other side of this, I don't wish to be your adversary, but your Clanmate."
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OOooooh! Another of those meeting things... Edenpaw could practically leap out of their skin with excitement anytime Blazestar stood up there and called to them. Racing over with rampant delight, they quickly and roughly took their seat under his gaze with wide, hungry eyes. A law! Those were rules they had to follow... yes. They nod sagely to themself, as if proud of their own simple deduction.

It is at the mention of the Daylight warriors explicitly that the stripe of black fur along their spine stands on end with anticipation. They were meant to be one of those someday! They were like... basically just the baby version of that right now actually. Bunnyhop too, yeah? Looking around the gathered cats for the familiar black and white face that spent so much kindness seeing them safely escorted to their Twolegs and back most times, Edenpaw wondered if maybe they'd done something wrong in doing so...

It seems that concern is quickly calmed, a statement that the end of their Twoleg relationships was not mandatory to prove their loyalty, their willingness to be here. Smiling to themself at the reassurance, Edenpaw was glad! They weren't sure they were ready to give up the soft, plushy thing their Twoleg had left on the cool, hard ground for them to lay on. It was much comfier than the moss-nests that these guys slept on (disappointing after they'd worked so hard with Cherrypaw to fight Doompaw for the best spot....)​
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It seemed this meeting directly affected him for a change being as it was only his second time experiencing it. Though word did trickle down the grape vine to him regarding the ridiculous border situation. Dog lingered at the back of the crowd, adopting his customary rock-shape, and catching an unclear glimpse of the leader's solemn expression. The gravity etched across the Skyclanner's features shattered the scarred cat's hope for a casual existence. Still it seemed the clan cats just wanted flowery words of promise an a show of strength which Dog could procure.

He understood from the first time crossing paths with Orangeblossom that this venture wouldn't be a simple saunter through a meadow, but a complete crackdown on border regulations was beyond his expectations. Hm. His mind rumbled, the whirl of thoughts taking root as he tuned in to the various hushed discussions rippling through the crowd.

Amusement pricked at the corners of Dog's expression as Tiggerbounce's concerns danced into focus. Surely that's not what Blazestar intended, my friend. He thought with a hint of mirth.

A flick of his tail dispelled these musings as his intrigue intensified, stoked by the blunt retort from Orangeblossom. Yeah, that seems more plausible. His inner consensus nodded in agreement, even as his subconscious grappled with the rush of new information.

The unfamiliar terms, the tangle of clan politics, and the intricate fabric of Skyclan's past were a tapestry he struggled to comprehend. He had uprooted himself from the gritty life of a loner, hoping for respite from the ceaseless battles over trashcans and begging for scraps. Yet, the reality of clan life dug up its own brand of problems, veiled by an illusion of structure and order. However, one resounding advantage gleamed through Dog's doubts – the comfort of a clean bed, companionship, and access to care when illness struck. These were luxuries unattainable on the unforgiving streets, and though a self-serving part of him embraced this new life, there was no guilt in his eyes for seeking a higher quality of life.

They did however aim to contribute to the clan, offering his skills when the need arose. Yet as he continued to integrate into Skyclan, Dog found himself straddling two worlds, his loner roots still apparent. Listening on to the conversations at paw, his former inclination to remain on the sidelines persisted, a trait he hadn't yet shed.​
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Reactions: Marquette
don't rush something you want to last forever .
Yukio flinched at Blazestar’s voice calling above High Branch, ears lying flat against his helm, harking. His frame shrunk, barely visible against Lostmoon’s hide. His nose tucked beneath the other’s chin, burrowing further, curled tightly with long smokey tendrils tickling his nose, nearly making him sneeze.

He was hiding, helm low, chin grazing his willowy fur, eyes downcast. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. He shuffled, willing himself to vanish into his brother’s side, willing the smokey tendrils to take him away, gnawing on soft bitten lips. His mind reeled, staring at curled paws that lay, hidden beneath Lostmoon’s frame, radiating heat, calming the nervous jitter that enveloped his petite frame.

Yukio was stupid, so much so that he tripped over his paws into Thunderclan, meeting their wrath for something so silly. Were all clans like that? So quick to draw blood. He shivered. Kyungmin was like that. So much so that it barely phased Yukio when his body became a canvas of scars, tucked away beneath cream-ticked fur. Shaking his helm, Yukio watched with teary orbs, dual-toned optics zeroing in on Duskpool’s bulky frame padding towards them, listening to Tiggerbounce followed by others, but he couldn’t make much sense of things.

His mind remained muddled, optics out of focus, staring absently across the camp, ears flat against his helm, flinching now and then as another voice spoke up. His chest felt heavy, turning to stare at Lostmoon’s ghostly white splattered across his frame. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. His mind repealed like a mantra, giving him little time to collect his thoughts, not that he had that many.

He wondered if this was Blazestar’s way of kicking him out, but the leader had done nothing to warrant such an interaction, plagued by Kyungmin’s sweet words. Oh. He glanced up at Lostmoon, gaze downcast. Did he have to leave? He wouldn’t blame them. He was bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. He ruined so so many things, not that he realized the true extent of his actions, still shaken from earlier, but the realization trickled in, sinking heavily into his bones like lead.

Lostmoon hummed, tail curling around Yukio’s more petite frame. A startling contrast against the cream backdrop, allowing the younger male to listen to the heavy purrs rattling his chest. His brows furrowed, noticing the slight wheeze, but paid no mind to it, willing himself to relax and sink into Lostmoon’s welcoming heat. His claws threaded through cream-ticked fur in rough, yet soothing motions, calming the muddled mess within his head.

I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. He wanted to voice, but was more scared of the reaction, keeping his maw shut, expression uncertain. He gnawed on his tongue until copper floated through his mouth, coating his tastebuds, and nearly making him gag.

Lostmoon sighed, booping his nose with a tender expression despite the hidden disappointment swirling in pinkish hues. His gaze flickered to meet Jaggedstorm’s who stood off to the side, silvery fur pressed against Lostmoon’s own. Their silent conversation was far over the queen’s head, instead, turned to stare at Duskpool who remained standing beside the three, expression deadpan.

I’m sorry. I really am. But was he though? His expression became pained, turning abruptly to burrow into Lostmoon's chest with an inaudible whimper.
thought speech
CALLIN' IT QUITS NOW ✧°.☀ ————————————
An announcement- emergency meeting? Not really an emergency, just something that needed to be taken care of. He had been padding back into camp as the meeting was called, so he settled in a spot by himself, vision shifting up towards the leader as he began speaking. He blinked gently. It didn't necessarily affect him- after all, he was part of Skyclan, right? There was no going back on that. He supposed he could lead if he wished, but not until he apprentice training was done. His father had done so much, and risked a lot to get them here... Falconpaw brushed the thought away.

However, it did affect cats that he knew. He knew of some of the Daylight Warriors- Bobbie had invited him to a run and Yukio... His vision shifted and swung wide to his foster. Yukio didn't have to take him and his sisters in, show them the kindness that he did. Blue eyes were wide for a moment, cast up towards Blazestar. Without a word, the Apprentice picked himself up. Oh, how his heart ached. He didn't want any of them to have to leave, but the sewer mentality that hung on his shoulder said otherwise.

If they weren't useful in the sewers, you got taken, eaten, or killed. That was life.

But this wasn't the sewers. This wasn't the rogue colony that his sisters and himself were raised in. This was Skyclan- a clan held to a partial code, a way of life. Caring for eachother, and taking care of one another. Friends, family, blood shared. This was not the sewers. Ears lowered gently, a morose look on the face of the apprentice as he approached Yukio. He was getting tall, but he still managed to bump his head against the Queen's shoulder in a sign of comfort. His words were soft, meant for Yukio only. "If my sisters and I could manage, so can you, okay?" He said.

[penned by dallas - ]
———————————— ☀.°✧ BABY, I'M A WRECK

Pawsteps stopped in their tracks at the heed of a star-blessed voice. Apple Stem had been making her way to depart from camp, return to her housefolk for the night. She had even said all her special goodbyes to her little nieces and nephews with a promise to return in the morning.

Her wide stare faced Blazestar on his perch, slowly inching away from the entrance to join her Clanmates as they gathered. Silversmoke is graced with her presence, quietly resting beside the Lead. An odd choice, given the way she watched him tear into Tiggerbounce, but she could hardly will herself to hold a grudge for very long. Silversmoke was not a cat she considered a danger to herself, simply a man with differing opinions to her own.

Blazestar's announcement was not met with any ill response from Apple Stem. Much like Bobbie she found herself unable to meet eyes with the former housecats or Daylight warriors she knew were struggling to adapt. It was an odd mixture of guilt and acceptance. Some of these cats she considered friends, but many of them frustrated her to no ned. Increasing the risk of her home, her family's home. Ora and her spawn especially- they were not like her. They did not have another home to collect to at the end of the night. A secondary place of safety.

"Was your voice heard among the discussion?" Her voice is hardly above a whisper, meant for just the Lead beside her to hear. She wondered, when they all dispersed from Blazestar's den, how he felt about the outcome. Knowing his beliefs on kittypets like herself. "If it's something you have time for, I would like to understand you. From the other side of this, I don't wish to be your adversary, but your Clanmate."

There was a sudden movement by his side, scarcely visible in his blue eye but the weight of their movement beside him still alerted the Lead Warrior. Limbs tensed in momentary confusion, why anyone had chosen to settle beside him was beyond his realm of understanding, let alone someone whose scent matched that of an argumentative party the other day. He didn't turn to greet Apple Stem, his attention almost solely on Orangeblossom as she explained herself. Should he close his eyes, he was certain that it was only the other's higher-pitched meows that would differentiate her from the leader. There was a reverence for Daylight Warriors that he tried not to look revolted at, but he was certain someone had picked up on it, judging by the whisper in his ear. He felt the tufted appendage burn at the words, claws twitching in annoyance as he shuffled between ignoring her or telling her to be quiet. The Lead Warrior chose a third option. "I am a member of Blazestar's council," was the silver tom's answer. Only the medicine cats had had no say on the matter, something he may have disagreed with had the healer been anyone other than Dawnglare: there was a treachery to that tom that blacklisted him from discussions on loyalty.

It should've been left at that, instead, Apple Stem continued, and he tried not to let the furrow of his brow or shift of a scowl be obvious. In a meeting, there was little time for discussion, he believed. Yet, Orangeblossom's kin had chosen that as the time to ask him about his feelings, and had he not felt the Deputy's presence close by, he may have refused to entertain her words. "It's a simple matter of loyalty. No cat is permitted to share their heart with another clan for the day will come when they will be adversaries. Twolegs are already our adversaries, they killed Daisyflight, captured our clanmates, and have hurt enough of us to be a permanent scar on our memories. Yet, we allow cats to live with this enemy and expect them to stay faithful to SkyClan when the time comes. The code does not permit split loyalties, but SkyClan has made an exception that could be its downfall." He spoke only to Applestem, voice mousy quiet so as to not attract a debate and his head slowly turned toward her.

"This rule change was the easiest way to protect them until they learn that truth the hard way."
Blazestar can see the unrest in the daylight warriors’ eyes, and part of him bites back frustration. Hadn’t he protected the daylight warriors’ place in SkyClan since its inception? Hadn’t he, even to the other Clans who look down on them for having the rank, honored them at Gatherings? His eyes narrow, but before he can speak, Johnnyflame asserts daylight warriors are still welcome in the Clan, and Orangeblossom, StarClan bless her, with her acidic, biting tone, answers Tiggerbounce’s query. The Ragdoll nods, punctuating her explanation. “Yes. I have no intentions of punishing daylight warriors or casting them out of this Clan. The daylight warriors who patrol our borders and help feed our Clan are always welcome in SkyClan as long as I am the leader.” His blue gaze lingers on Tiggerbounce, having heard the murmurs from his council about his commitment to his duties. “But Orangeblossom has the right of it. The cats who do not contribute the way they vowed to when they joined, the cats who play at warrior life and then go home to their Twolegs at the end of the day… that ends today.

His gaze trails to Yukio, who looks abashed, at least. Blazestar goes on, “No one is being sent away today. But the time has come to decide if you can be committed to this Clan, or if you are better off beyond our borders, wherever that may be.” His reddish tail lifts behind him. “Are there further questions before I dismiss this meeting?

  • blaise . blazestar
    — he/him ; leader of skyclan
    — pansexual ; divorced ; single
    — longhaired flame point Ragdoll with blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Mercibun
  • Love
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