
♡ 02.29.24 ♡
Mar 28, 2023

ACORNKIT — the cow jumped over the moon .
She wasn’t nervous.
I’m NOT nervous.
Her tail trembles as the fawn apprentice struggles not to swish it to and fro as she did so often subconsciously.
Did this “fake it until you make it” thing truly work? Acornpaw suddenly doesn’t think so.
The mouse in front of her is only a tail-length away, she had crept so close and now just needed to make the final leap before she’d have her first successful catch.
Muscles bunched just as Apples had shown her, she leaps.
Her landing is not as efficient as her mentors, but the mouse is there, trapped between two cinnamon paws.
She almost misses her opportunity, but just before the prey can wriggle away she delivers the killing bite- quick and hopefully painless for the small rodent.
Starclan, thank you for this meal.
A prayer that had been shown to the young apprentice by a couple of kindly elders- not that she really knew what Starclan was in it’s entirety, it just simply felt right to pray over the life she had just taken.
Taking the mouse delicately in her jaws, Acornpaw shuffles back towards wherever the rest of the patrol had gone, eyes wide in anxiety and wonder.

//mentor tag @Flamewhisker but no need to wait!
Wolfwind remembers her first catch. 'Course, she'd been practicing her hunting crouch with her sister for ages and ages in her kithood before anyone ever pulled her aside to tell her: 'hey Wolf, there's actually technique!' 'hey Wolf, there's a reason why we keep our tails above the ground, and theres no reason to wiggle your butt so dramatically before you leap!' She hadn't really cared back then bout technique or nothin'. Just wanted to get out there and start catchin prey! Then she truly clued into just how slimy frogs and toads and all the other gunk ShadowClanners eat are when they're actually live and breathin'. She swears the first few things had literally slipped from her claws.

Even though the prey was significantly less slippery here, she's sure that it felt just the same for young apprentices no matter where they were from. Wolfwind makes a point to show enthusiasm whenever anything like that happens. The mundane only becomes mundane after awhile! Didn't that make her sound wise N' stuff.

So when Acornpaw trots up to the rest of them, mouse in jaw, Wolfwind beams. "Look at you! Leavin' the rest of us in the dust already! " she says, only (frankly, a miracle catch of) a starling at her paws. When ya take away all the feathers, its basically half a damn meal.
Stormywing could hunt, there's no doubt about it. But her skills aren't anything to brag about, and it certainly had taken her much longer to pick up on them. Being a kittypet for six moons didn't exactly do her any favors, but with some hard work, she was able to swing it. She still remembers how proud she had been when she felt claws sink into her first mouse. Or, was it a vole...? Doesn't matter! The point is, she's sure this is an unforgettably moment for the young apprentice.

She sidles up to Wolfwind, her own jaws painfully empty, but that doesn't mean she won't give the kid a smirk and a wink. "Nice on, squirt! Flamewhisker oughtta be proud!" Her mind wanders, briefly imagining when she might get an apprentice to train. She knows she's still awfully young, but still, it'd be cool! Then she'd get to teach them all this cool stuff like hunting crouches and tree-climbing.

When she tries to think of her first catch she finds it is a muddle memory, unfocused and uncertain. It takes too long for her to realize it is because she had caught her first prey, a simple mouse, during her grieving period when Morningpaw's death was still a fresh and open wound that had not yet mended. She wished she could look back at the memory more fondly, but that was life sometimes; it didn't often leave you thoughts of sweet scents and good times-it sometimes left a stale and disappointing unease.
She wanders along not to far behind Stormywing, pausing as she hears Wolfwind's congratulations and nods her own in agreement.
"Excellent job, Acornpaw. Flamewhisker is a wonderful mentor isn't she?" A little too lenient at times if you asked her and perhaps a little bland, but when her own mentor was such a loud personality who pushed her so much it was hard to view anyone else other than just adequate.
As if to echo the gray tabby's own thoughts she offers Stormywing a wry smile, "When do you think Howlingstar will give you an apprentice?" Wolfwind had one already, Sunfreckle's most obnoxious child-stars spare her a second time when his new litter is apprenticed.
( ) Hailstorm was a pretty good hunter... When it mainly leaf-bare that he was basically hidden and blended in with the fresh snow that had fallen onto Thunderclan's forest, that was his advantage during that colder season which proved to be his downfall during warmer seasons such as newleaf or green-leaf. He stood out like a sore thumb and well, he frankly wished that hadn't been the case only recalling that time he had spent with Little Wolf and how the two of them joked about trading coats and changing their names. Hailstorm had to be more cautious and careful where he would hunt, he had to think things more thoroughly and figure out how he wouldn't badly fuck up his catch. Admittedly, Hailstorm struggled with hunting and proved to be a better fighter with his more bulky, muscular build though that would never stop him. He didn't quit when he put his mind to something despite the countless tries that may end up in failure.

Snowy paws brought him forward to see the rest of the patrol, he was currently empty handed but he was determined to change that once he caught wind of prey. For now, his attention was primarily focused on Acornpaw and her first catch of which he couldn't help but smile absolutely beaming at the younger feline. "Amazing work, Acornpaw. You caught yourself a plump mouse too," He muses though his ears twitch hearing Moonpaw asking Stormywing when she would potentially get an apprentice of her own and he was rather curious too.
It's like Moonpaw can hear her thoughts, addressing Stormywing about when she might get an apprentice. She eyes the younger she-cat in surprise, caught off-guard by the question. "Howlingstar doesn't give apprentices to new warriors," She is quick to explain, straightening her shoulders to maintain her confidence. It's not a lie, but still, she can't help but let her ego seep through. "But I'm sure it'll be soon! Any kit would be lucky to be given to me." With a haughty shrug, she flicks her tail to and fro. She does fully believe the words, too. She'd be an awesome mentor.
She feels her apprentice slip away from her side, wandering off to follow a scent trail of her own. Her head tilts curiously, and she decides to take this as an opportunity to access Acornpaw's progress. She abandons her opportunity at a hunt, and ducks into the undergrowth. Ever so quietly, she pulls her way through some weeds so she can watch the young molly's hunt.

Acornpaw's tail trembled behind her, but she pushed it off as jitters. It would steady out with time, this was one of the closest times her apprentice had gotten to her prey, there was no doubt in her mind that she was nervous. Finally, Acornpaw took her leap, and swiftly killed the mouse. Her heart swelled with excitement, and she waited until her apprentice was headed back to the rest of the patrol before slipping out of the undergrowth.

With her tail extended, she trotted towards the rest of the gathering clanmates. A purr began to rumble in her throat as she heard them each congratulate her. A first catch was a big deal...even if it were a simple mouse, this was her first major step in becoming a warrior. "You did very good, Acornpaw." she purred, leaning down to touch her nose to her apprentice's forehead. "When we get back, you can bring it to the nursery. I'm sure the queens and kits would love it." She made a mental note to work with her on her landing, but that would come with time and practice.
