private i find myself in a storm cloud | journey friends!

🕊️ Needledrift had always been the type to make fast friends. It was a trait that was buried in her bones. How strange it was that she had never expected to find good friends outside her clan after the split... Obviously, there were cats she had known of beforehand but now, now she felt as if they were a part of her in some way. She knew for a fact that she would train Lividpaw to be as hardy as Hailstorm, as fleet as Greeneyes, as clever as Scorchstreak, and as calculated as Lakemoon. They are were excellent warriors, as accomplished as herself (and moreso, in many aspects.) She would do well by Lividpaw to teach them all that she had learned from the journey cats.

However, when her paws reached the ThunderClan border, she couldn't help but just feel giddy. She wasn't just a mentor in the moment; she was a cat who had gone on a life-charging hero's quest with a small clan's worth of cats and now she was here to show off her achievements after the end of their story. Needledrift bounced on her paws, excitable as a kit, as she waited at the ThunderClan border with her apprentice beside her.

Technically, the border was a dubious concept, since they had taken the tunnel beneath the Thunderpath to avoid any run-ins with stray monsters. Needledrift doubted that anybody would mind, though. The elements were harsh for all cats. A meeting at the mouth of the tunnel, where they could shelter from the wind for a few moments, would most likely be a welcome respite. "Good relations between clans are vital to the survival of our way of life." she was saying to @LIVIDPAW , "ThunderClan is the largest of the clans. Their fur is thick and their bodies are built to hunt through heavy rain and snow. Today, you're going to meet some very good friends of mine and they're all strong ThunderClan warriors. Be sure to listen when they talk and don't be afraid to ask questions. This is still a lesson, after all."

// brought along her little apprentice; officially for @STORMYWING and @HAILSTORM. but @nightbird @LIGHTSTRIKE . @batwing @Flamewhisker @STORMFEATHER are all welcome to show up if they want !! speech is in #B9D0F5
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Today would be his first time meeting cats outside his own clan as an apprentice on top of that there was part of the territory he had not seen yet. Overall the world was huge out here. It made him wonder how the world looked on the other side of their own border. Perhaps thunderclan had some knowledge they would be willing to share because that was the clan they would visit today. All four clans he had already memorized. There were thunderclan,riverclan,skyclan and windclan. All of them had not that long ago been intruding on their territory while seeking shelter from the rogues. During that time Needledrift had been one of many cats who had befriend the cats living beyond their border. Lividpaw find it a hard time to understand how that could be benefical for anyone even less so shadowclan itself.

But he was not here to judge his mentors decisions in life or who she decided to acquaint herself with but rather to learn from them. Overtime he might come to understand and make his own opinion on the matter. For now he was satisfied to learn every single thing he could from them as he was completely depanded on them and their knowledge.

Obidently he would follow them as he took in the enviroment around them carefully. A tunnel was being present in front of them which to him looked like a huge den because Lividpaw had never seen a tunnel before. Stuff like that didn't exist in camp. It made him wonder if thunderclan lived underground. Was that even possible?. Without hesitation he followed inside to let the darkness swollow him while he kept his eyes ahead until he spoted the end of the tunnel. Coming up to the otherside Lividpaw would stop by his mentor side to take a look around. Everything looked so different here. Everything looked so much more alive, even the trees looked far more healthy and stronger than their ones did back at home. He was not sure what to make of it but for a certain it looked better fitted to survive here then it did back in the swamps.

Needledrift was quick to draw his attention over as she finally decided to reveal a logical reason to why she had taken the effort of befriending their neighbor. It was for the sake of survival to stay on good terms with the clan who had been blessed with a more fruitful territory. So it did not suprise him to hear how strong built this cats were with Needledrifts description of them.

"I'll make sure to not disappoint you." If this was meant to be a lesson Lividpaw would make sure to not fail this test, or to put his mentor to shame. He would behave like a proper apprentice should. Facing ahead again Lividpaw would wait wondering how long it would take before this forest living cats would arrive.