I FIRED AND I MISSED || Failed hunt


May 1, 2023
Rushwind was quick as lightning, a golden bolt that can zip through the trees with ease. You would think this would help him during a hunt, but he had a setback that only Wolfthorn knows about. It's why he often tries to hunt by himself, so nobody else sees him more than likely fail. Today was one such day. He crept through the pine forest by himself, tracking a mouse that he felt confident enough he could catch. His paws hurt, all but one of them as he takes each step. He doesn't stop though and as he neared his target, the mouse that was so blissfully unaware of his presence, nibbling on something Rushwind couldn't really see, he felt the sharp pains shoot up his legs. He bit back a grunt, too close to risk any sound now. Claws slid from only his right paw as he made the pounce to catch his prey. He lands on it, catching the mouse in his paws but just as his teeth go for the neck, the little creature takes advantage of his weakness and slips out from the paw with no claws showing.

All Rushwind is left with is pain, embarrassment, and failure.

It makes his paws hurt even more.

Paws that were robbed of their weapons, forcefully and painfully, all because of a few scratched curtains. He survived this long because of his nose, but sniffing out food in the forest was different than in the twolegplace. Food here fought back and struggled, and with only one set of claws, it was difficult to adjust. He sits, tail curled around his paws and stares blankly at the ground.

Blazestar's announcement rings in his head, and he has to wonder..... If he's good enough to stay.

He has other uses, doesn't he? And It's not like he can't catch anything at all, it's just more difficult... He shudders at the thought of being sent away. How is he supposed to repay Skyclan for saving him if he's been sent away.


There's no use dwelling on it. He'll have better luck next time, surely.​
"Rushwind. C'mere." Unaware of the warrior's dilemma, Orangeblossom beckons the blue-eyed tomcat over with a twitch of her whiskers. She pauses briefly on her trek through the sparse grasses and bushels that litter the floor of SkyClan's pines, hind leg lifted slightly off the ground to lessen the weight on it. She's in moderate pain today, but not so much that it's deterred her from her hunting patrol, and Eveningpaw is somewhere nearby. The only problem is this damn wind. She's good at catching prey, but less so at tracking it, so Rushwind might have been her luckiest find on this trip.

"You're good at tracking, aren't you? I could use your help, the wind's being annoying."


Oh, misfortune- it was very fond of targeting certain cats, wasn't it? Hunting was tossed with misfortune, dotted within the process like an expanse of stars. Uncountable! It was near-impossible to go hunting without letting prey slip from between your claws at least once; at least, for Mallowlark. It didn't help that he was less graceful than a good amount of cats he knew- his balance was good, and his hunting crouch too- but speed was his pitfall. Having grown up on the moors he was a good bit faster than most cats his size, but... well, that was only relative.

His wide-eyed grin glowed blindingly in Rushwind's direction, and with ceaseless eye contact he bounded over, steps disturbingly silent. Despite the over-curious tilt of his head, impossibly sideways, the large tom managed to keep himself upright. A unbleached shadow behind Orangeblossom, he chimed, "Oh, 'n you're fast, aren't you?" His half-tails swished, its spirit emphasising his point. "Maybe you can try chasing prey and crunching it in your teeth!" His smile snapped open-and-shut, open-and-shut, a clattering clamour, mimicry of crushing bones between his fangs.

"Spiky, what are you doing out alone? We're supposed to go in groups or something you know, strength in numbers." And also because if he wasn't there the fool would get caught up in mischief as he always found a way to be - it was like trouble followed the cream tom with each pawstep and that hadn't changed before or after they'd met. Wolfthorn scowls as he pads over, a wary glance shot towards Orangeblossom at her orders they were assumedly supposed to obey because she had authority. He still didn't know how he felt about this clan business, but they had managed so far. He'd kept to himself mostly, the dark tom brooding in the background as he mulled over in his head the complex feelings that made him want to once again impulsively abandon everything and run. Eventually he had to learn to stop trying to escape his problems and face them, but he was fast and it was easier at times to just let it all go.
"Best nose I ever met." He confirms to the deputy's orders, padding to a stop next to the crumpled tom and raising a paw to slap it lightly against his side in a demand for Rushwind to lift his head and pay attention. An odd black-footed fellow he'd seen a few times arrives as well, smiling sinisterly though his words hardly befit his macabre grin. Rushwind was named for his speed, a useful skill. Wolfthorn had been...well he'd been named for how prickly he was though he supposed it also might speak of his combat skills, he was no slouch in a fight.

you're like snow , beautiful but cold .
“There’s no point in mourning over lost prey.” He rumbled, tone indifferent with cold, calculative hues. The silvery tom stood away from the ground, plumed tail flickering, willowy tendrils swaying with the harsh winds. His nose barely wrinkled, watching the silvery strands twist and flutter. Pulling forward, Jaggedstorm glanced at Rushwind’s prone frame, icy optics narrowing. He decided against saying anything, instead, watching strangers converse amongst themselves. My word will hold no merit. With that, the silvery tom shifted, walking on long, striped legs in search of his own kill to bring to the camp, plump tail flickering. “Pardon me.”
thought speech
Orangeblossom calls out to him, to his surprise. He very briefly wonders if she saw him fumble, but it doesn't seem to be that way. He's relieved, he wasn't sure how he'd explain himself. Though normally, he comes up with excuses on the spot. Who knows what he'll come up with.

He obeys, trotting over to her. He is delighted to hear that she needs help with tracking! He feels instantly better. No sadness found here. He IS useful!!!

"There's nothing my nose cant find!" He says with confidence.

He looks to Mallowlark as he addresses him and gives him a smile. "I sure am!" He chirps. Mallowlark does bring a good point though. He COULD use his teeth... After all, thats how dogs hunt and they do just fine! "You're right... I'll give it a try!" He says, his smile growing and imitating Mallowlark, snapping his teeth together.

He's relieved when Wolfthorn approaches, still the most familiar cat he knows. He gives him an apologetic smile. "Yeah.... I just like to hunt on my own sometimes." He says. It's easier when he messes up, that way. He was quite thankful that nobody yet had been rude.

He appreciates Wolfthorn's confirmation of his skills. "Even if it gets us in trouble." He says with a chuckle. You know, like getting caught in a cage and getting put in the shelter.

His ears twitch towards Jaggedstorm as he speaks, noting the narrowing of his eyes. They're so cold he almost feels cold himself. When he excuses himself to continue his hunt, Rushwind replies with an almost deflated. "Okay.."

Anyways!! They were here to hunt, right????

"Anyways! I'll help track down prey with you, Orangeblossom! I'll even try out Mallowlarks suggestion too!" His smile is quick to return, eager to be successful at something today.​