The moors, it had seemed, had been plagued by rain lately. All the rabbits had been hiding in their burrows, and with the tunnels in the state that they were it meant that no one was getting much of anything done, really. She had waited with baited breath for the downpour to stop and when finally it had she had grabbed her sister and their apprentices if they were up for it and she marched them straight out on a patrol. The rain, however, had turned the hillside into a mess. Slick and muddy, the terrain reminds her of when they used to live in the marshes and as her paw squelches into the mud she cannot help the disgusted groan that escapes past her lips.

There, on the horizon though, a rabbit is sitting, hopping every few steps only to stop and graze on a fresh patch of grass. Its whiskers twitch and like a bolt of lightning, she is quick to move. Or at least she had thought she would be moving. Instead of propelling her forward, her feet slip out from under her and with a yelp she is going down, landing on her side right into the biggest puddle of mud she thinks she has ever seen.

Mortified. That is the only way to describe how the Moor Runner feels at this particular moment. Half of her body is absolutely drenched in wet earth. She picks herself up and her yellow eyes quickly find the rest of her patrol. As soon as she sees them she knows she cannot simply brush it off though, especially considering her sister is here. Mintshade would never let her hear the end of this if she didn't act quickly. Thinking fast, she leans down and with a blue paw she scoops up a big clump of mud and hurls it through the air, aiming a direct hit on the black she cats pelt, unable to stop the cackle that comes out of her mouth while she does so. Just the thought of the act alone is enough.

// please wait for @Mintshade
optional apprentice tag: @Periwinklebreeze.


Of her sisters she is far from the most graceful, even by appearances. Sootstar was regal, Bluepool was confident and she was a wire mesh of black cat shape with too long legs and spiky fur like she is covered in burrs. So when she sees the blue tabby grimace out of the corner of her eye she is already smiling at the thought of seeing her crashing down into the muck; her usually clean, prim and proper figure destroyed in seconds. Mintshade is rewarded for her careful observation, watching with wide-eyed delight as the molly loses her footing and careens downward into the pit of filth and shame. The cackle that rises from her throat is her usual bellowing laugh, "GYEH HEH HEH-GKKK!", silenced swiftly by a glob of mud hurled into her face. She had turned to make fun of her sister at the same time the mass of dripping earth had been thrown.
Her mouth was open. Her mouth was OPEN! AND NOW HER MOUTH WAS FULL OF DIRT! The black she-cat hacked, sputtering and hissing with grit in her teeth and dirty spittle sliding from her maw to try and cleanse her palette of this new impurity.
Acid green eyes flashes mischief, revenge was to be had. "A battle it is!"
With a spring she leapt forward, came crashing down into the puddle next to Bluepool and threw herself at the other molly in an attempt to send them both back into the grimy depths.
The rain was a good thing, he knew, but even still ... it got old. Badgermoon was not a marsh-cat, and the seemingly-endless process of cleaning mud from between his toes was already driving him crazy, never mind the squelch that haunted his every pawstep. He flicked one white-tipped ear in agitation as his feet sank into a particularly deep patch of mud, glancing down to assess the damage. By the time he looked up again, Bluepool had been transformed into a brown-furred cat who was halfway into starting a mud-fight with her sister. Badgermoon winced a little as Mintshade caught a mouthful of dirt and he scooted casually out of the line of fire, tail beginning to lash in amusement as retaliation got underway. "Get her!" he let out a good-natured call, flicking one claw's worth of mud at the nearest cat and wriggling his eyebrows. "Loser has to help the winner get the mud out of their pelt."
periwinklepaw | 09 months | demi-boy | he/they | physically easy (pacifist) | mentally easy | attack in bold #ccccff
Despite the moons of continual contact with the substance, peris dislike of the mud ha not lessened in the slightest. With the way it clings to his fur and his legs, clumping tight, the way it leaves an awful grittiness upon his tongue as he cleans up, and the way it weighs him down, why would he? Thats not even counting the brief terror he'd felt when he alongside gravelsnap had stepped in just the wrong puddle and nearly gotten stuck. He's still half convinced he'd have been left there to die had it not been for badgermoon. As the patrol moves forwards, he's ridiculously cautious about where he steps, wanting to avoid the shame and embarrassment of another such scenario. His mentor it seems is not so lucky - tired blue eyes go wide as she slips, and then proceeds to fling mud at mintshade. Where bluepool is a tolerable enough presence these days, periwinklepaw is not afraid to admit that the black furred molly terrifies him with her insanity, and so the action takes him by surprise. He's quick to shelter behind the deputy, only peering around the tom as much as he dares to get the slightest glimpse of the ongoing fight, still awed by the strange sight. Well- he supposes they are siblings after all.
The sight of Bluepool and Mintshade flinging mud at one another draws a chuckle from the tunneler’s mouth; the view she’s got of the pitch black moor runner coughing and spluttering, trying to get mud out of her mouth. Watching the two sisters fight and throw mud playfully is entertainment enough, but when Badgermoon joins in, the calico can’t help but to launch herself forth as well. She intends to launch a ball of mud into the midst of the tussling sisters to get in a cheap shot.

Before she can get any further, a glob of mud strikes her side, and the calico lets out an high, indignant sound. Golden eyes track the mud-flinger, landing upon Badgermoon, and her tail lashes behind her. "Oh, you’ll regret that," she warns, but the smile on her face makes clear her amusement. A black paw dips into the mud, carefully scooping up a pawful before flinging it back at the deputy. If it manages to hit Periwinklepaw, somehow, or one of the other she-cats—well, then that’s just hilarious, as well.

Bluepool's loud laughter breaks off into a yelp of alarm as Mintshade suddenly turns and launches herself at her, pushing them both down into the mud. Bluepool twists, doing her best to use the slippery earth to her advantage and slip out from under the dark-pelted warrior . Her hope is to put herself on top and pin the she-cat underneath her so that she could scoop more mud onto her. "If you say I'm the best warrior ever I'll think about letting you go!" she informs her, regardless of if she was still stuck underneath her or not.

And then she hears other cats laughing at them, talking among themselves. Badgermoon cheers them on, though she isn't certain who exactly he is cheering for, she likes to believe it is her. 'loser has to help the winner get the mud out of their pelt!' he calls out "Is that you offering Badger?" she asks with a loud laugh and she pauses in her effort to coat her own sister with mud to hurl a mud ball his way, not caring if it hit him or any of the other observers. Out of the corner of her eye she sees Scorchstreak throwing a mud ball of her own. Whether it is aimed at Badgermoon or Periwinklepaw though remains to be seen.