I FOUGHT THE LAW | cedarblaze

Their family had been full of sayings, even with all their affection for their mother and father, Deacon had never paid proper attention to them. As they stormed away from RiverClan's camp, a particular one stuck out to them: the squeaky mouse gets the claw. They'd never kicked up much of a fuss in the Ripple Colony because respecting one's elders and traveling around just made sense, even if the old codgers could be out of touch, they hadn't minded his protests because they knew he was loyal. RiverClan seemed completely different, their society was based on the will of the Stars, and they'd proclaimed it the only valid one. 'Joining RiverClan was your reward', a comment that still left his blood boiling, as if they had a choice when their elders decided to settle down. 'You're RiverClanners, there is no other reward', as if they'd even been considered RiverClanners before their names were forcibly changed under Silverpelt. Deacon was practically stomping towards the south of the territory, if the snow beneath them crunched loud enough, perhaps they could take their anger out on a nosy predator interested in them.

Then, they halted in their path, head whipping around to face Cedarblaze. It'd been a shared glance at the scene of the crime, an understanding that they would have to talk about what had just happened later. Now, far enough from camp, they felt free to speak. The insults could flow freely, fire from his tongue that had no risk of burning all that they cared about now they were far away from most of them. "Right Sasha, I've decided I hate that brooding block of wood." Almond eyes searched for permission to use her old name, finding it fit much better when they were out of earshot of the fishfaces. When she seemed comfortable, and they were comfortable they had made the right decision using her old name, they continued. "It's a one leader issue, innit, it means the ego can't spread out fairly, it's like... it concentrates in one giant foxdung, and that bloody tail-licker by his side is just dumpin' on it more. " StarClan had its own problems if the meetings were anything to go by, were they really going to care if one RiverClan cat went by their preferred name? To Deacon, it seemed like a power grab, a way of taking control and autonomy away from the individual - they wouldn't forgive that so soon.

"Clanners, they do my head in I swear...." Kaede and Dew had too, they couldn't believe how quickly the pair had 'submitted' to Smokestar. For Dew, they imagined it was because RiverClan was all the Ripple Colony had left, for Kaede... well, Deacon just had to hope that it wasn't because Smokestar had promised to deal with his dad. "What'cha gonna say to Kaede? He's kinda the reason I'm still stuck here," 'And you. And Dewcloud... and everyone else...', but with Sasha present, the ticked tabby wouldn't get too soppy.