camp I give in so easily // people watching

siltpaw | 0 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Her life it seems has taken a turn for the better. No longer an incompetent, while not every hunt has them finding prey due to the cold, she no longer misses the few catches they do stumble upon. With the bitter words and disparaging comments no longer aimed her way, siltpaw finds herself relaxing into the routine once more. She's no longer worried about proving her worth - of proving that she isn't going to up and leave like her mother. That she isn't a waste of time. Laying about in a quiet corner of camp, she's content to watch as the clan passes her by on their duties. She was out with last nights hunting patrol and this mornings dawn patrol, and now she's been graced with a brief reprieve. Though weariness weighs heavily upon the scrawny dust furred apprentice, sleep won't come. And so she watches - observes. She sees her clanmates share prey and idle conversations like it's nothing. She sees apprentices arguing and joking around with their mentors. She sees kits tumble about underfoot as her elders grumble. And she finds herself at peace. Perhaps she's not the most important cat here, or the most outgoing, but shadowclan will always be her home.


The thing about ShadowClan is that it is always alive, always moving, even in the quieter moments. Camp bustles-- Loam doesn't know if there a word more apt. It would be overwhelming if Loam hadn't had time to adjust. Still, she cannot help but think of herself as an outsider to a world she has a chance to peer inside of. Still, someone will mention something in passing that Loam lacks the context to even begin to understand.

Still, Loam wonders if she should even try to understand.

Loam's gotten a sense for those of her clanmates that are like her, having come from a place beyond the marsh, and those unlike her, having been born and lived the whole of their lives here. Siltpaw, she thinks, was born here. Yet Siltpaw sits and watches in a way uncomfortably familiar to what Loam has caught herself doing time and time again. Peering inside of a world she isn't part of.

That couple over there lu-loo-looks like they're t-tuh-t-talking about something serious b-buh-but they're act-tu-shully on about th-the ti-t-time he coughed uh-a-a hairball up on -wuh-w-one of his ki-kits,” Loam doesn't know if its true, but its fun to imagine.

tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 5 moons​
Needledrift used to be a people-watcher. It was the only thing many cats did as young kits. As soon as those eyes were opened, they'd look and they'd stare and they'd watch and they'd observe and all those other words for see. Some, like Needledrift, grew out of it. It became just another thing that she left in her childhood, alongside licking icicles and chasing tails. Some seemed to still enjoy the quiet of observation, difficult as that might be with more talkative apprentices around.

She sits and listens to Loam's claims, her expression colored by a mixture of bemusement and [a]musement. What an imagination this one had. She flicks an ear in acknowledgement and tilts her head to one side - go on. What else did this little kid have in their brain?
she smells like lemongrass and sleep
siltpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

A quiet snort of a laugh slips past her lips unbidden - surprising even siltpaw. When was the last time she'd laughed? She finds it disheartening that she can't even remember. Perhaps it was back then - before sparkkit, before everything had gone wrong. "That poor kit," she doubts it's what they're really speaking of, but it's funny to imagine any ways. ".... I think that one's got flees," she adds, tail tip twitching in the direction of an apprentice who seems just a bit too restless. Sure, it could be restless energy, or hunger, but the way his pelt twitches has her sharp gaze narrowing and a faint smirk tugging at her lips.


There is no greater success than getting someone to laugh. Loam believes that, up until the point that Siltpaw joins Loam in her game. A twitchy apprentice is the next to fall victim to their collective imagination, and Loam cannot help but break out into a toothy grin. There's an adult around, one who knows how to appreciate Loam's fine pointed story-telling skills. She even invites Loam to go on in her own silent way.

"He won't ge-get those fleas tre-tr-treated because heh-he hates the way m-muh-mouse bile smells t-tuh-too b-buh-bad," Loam nods, confident in her conclusion, "What about h-heh-her over there? I-eee-uh bet she's only pret-teh-tending t-tuh-to nap, so she c-cuh-can listen in on..." Loam's eyes squint, and she casts her gaze about for someone talking near enough to qualify, "Uh-us?"

A moment of consideration, and then Loam calls, "HI SLEEPING CAT! We-weh-we're onto you!" The cat, an expert in subterfuge, doesn't respond to Loam's probing.

tags ∘ shadowclan apprentice ∘ solid black with hazel eyes ∘ curled front foot ∘ 6 moons​
siltpaw | 06 months | female | she/her | physically easy | mentally easy | attack in bold #ddadaf

Nose wrinkles as she considers loampaws words - ".... i wouldn't want to smell like bile either," she admits softly, but despite appearances her pelt was always clean. it just seemed to lack the gloss and shine that some of her clanmates had. Dull fur and dull eyes for a cat with a dull personality. It feels sort of fitting, in a self-loathing sort of way. Gaze flits to the cat in question, and she tips her head to the side consideringly. Before she can decide what she thinks however, she's startled by the other girls loud greeting practically shout in her ear. Pelt twitches as she blinks in surprise, green gaze wide and flitting up for once. It takes a moment for her to calm down, and at that point she's already lost interest in the sleeping warrior.