I gl(o)w cause I know what my worth is || Kitten Wandering


oh look, a squirrel!
Jul 15, 2023
"We've been walking forever!" The child whined. "Where are we going anyways? Are we there yet? Are we getting there soon?"

A larger brown tabby would nudge her forward, her tail slumped, and an exhausted look would be on her face. "Soon, child."

That's all she ever called the kid, her fur stricken and striped with oranges and reds, browns and beiges, and white. But she didn't question it. "You said soon yesterday!"

"There's cats here, they'll take care of us." she seemed confident in her answer. But the girl was aware of the sadness creeping in her eyes. She puckered her lips out, looking up at her mother before continuing anyways.

"Good! then we can eat right? Do you think they'll have good food, because berries are gross!" The mother didn't respond and the walk seemed longer with silence in the air. She knew it was entertaining to talk instead, so she made sure to fill the void with words, even if her mom wasn't talking to her in return.

She wondered what the birds were saying, wondered about the cats her mother spoke of, and barely seemed to take a breath before continuing to the next statements.

As they approached a forest, she seemed to get even more giddy. She had remembered her mother said they were looking for a forest, and now here they were!

She looked up at her mother, who seemed to be crying, but would wipe it away and smile down on the girl. "We're here." She confirmed the girls thoughts, and the kitten would tilt her head.

"Why you crying mama? You always told me not to cry and everything's gonna be alright! Everything is gonna be great now! You won't be so sick, and they'll help!"

She didn't respond, deciding instead to distract the kitten. "Let's play a game," she said, casting a sad smile. "You count to a hundred. I'm going to hide, and you'll find me further in the forest. We're looking and waiting for Thunder Cats. So until then, well play. "

"Ooh! Okay!" She ran to a tree and placed her paws over green optics, before she heard her mother enforce the no peeking rule, and her voice broke just a bit. But the child didn't notice. She began counting, which took forever.

A long time. Too long. And when she began searching, she realized just how hard it was gonna be to find her. But she began walking into the forest. Under bushes, Behind trees, the child would insistently look for her mother. Singing songs, skipping down a makeshift weird trail.

The sun was high at this point. And the heat was really making her thirsty. A strong oder made her lips curl. "Eewwww," she yelled. "Mommaaaa, that's gross smelling! Can you hear me?" There was no response. "I don't wanna play this game anymore! It's dumb."

But she would keep walking past it, eyes flicking around for her mother's chocolate form. She really hated this game at this point. "MAAAAA, IM THIRSTTYY! You win! Where are you?" she called again, slumping her hind down, and taking a breather. Shell show up soon. Or these Thunder cats.
Looks like the Thunderclanner would show up first.

Batwing had been lounging on a tree near camp, halfway dozing as the warmth riddled his skin and the breeze slowly cast over it. A beautiful day for a nap, of course- but the screaming of somecat knocked him away. His head turned, listening again. And this time, it was louder, the calling. He could identify it as a younger soul, and so he pushed to his paws, navigating the tree branches until he arrived above the source. And he tensed up- after all, Batwing was not the best with kits.

He stiffened up and dropped from the trees carefully, as to not scare that kit. "Hey, woah, it's okay. Where's your mom, kiddo?" He asked, trying to force his body to relax. He scented the air, trying to identify if there was a similar scent to the one she had nearby. Looking for their mother was probably the best thing to do first. Of course, if it was a loner's kit.. she shouldn't have been seperated. His eyebrows drew together, and he spoke again. "My name is Batwing, okay? What's your name?" ​
The orange and chocolate childs jaw would drop as a cat seemed to come from the trees. She didn't recognize him, a large cat with green eyes like her, but black fur. She seemed to inhale for a quick second. "My mom was supposed to be playing hide and seek while we wait for these thundercats to show up. They'll take care of us, she said. But she's reallllyyy sick and I've been looking for hoouursss! Plus, I'm scared of thunder, so what if these thunder cats get mad, and make it thunder. Then I'm gonna cry! And I was told crying wasn't good for me. I don't know, cause my momma was crying." She rambled.

"She's gotta be around here somewhere!"

She wasn't sure of a lot of things. Like why did she have to find the thundercats when they were happy by themselves. It has to be because she knew they could help her not be sick. But why couldn't she find her?

"Batwing? Oh that's such a cool name!! My momma just called me child, but I just called her mom. I don't think we have any names!" she explained, shrugging her shoulders.

Something seemed to click and she decided to take the few steps in between them and sniff the tom. "Waaitt! Are you a thundercat?"
Not yet...just a little closer...

A couple fox tail lengths in front of her was her soon to be victim. Snow dipped paws slowly inched forward. Forest green eyes locked onto her target...a plump vole that was searching the ground for food of its own. The nursery will love that. she thought to herself, before slowly creeping forward again. Her hackles her bunched, ready for the killing leap, when suddenly a loud cry caused the prey to run away.

"MAAAAA, IM THIRSTTYY! You win! Where are you?"

The lead warrior immediately stood up, her ears rotating to figure out where the cry had come from. That wasn't a voice she recognized, and it was clearly from a kitten. Judging from the loudness, it wasn't too far away either...A flash of ebony caught her eye, and she spotted Batwing who had just dropped from a tree nearby, who also appeared to be looking for the kitten.

She trotted over to the base of the tree, giving the tom a nod of greeting. Her gaze rested on the kitten, her eyes rounding with worry. Where was her mother? Before she could ask, her fears were confirmed...The mother cat had left her here...claimed to be playing a game. She felt sick to her stomach...she could never imagine the pain of leaving her kits anywhere. Flamewhisker glanced around at their surroundings and parted her jaws, hoping to maybe catch any scent of the kittens mother.

Batwing introduced himself, and the kit revealed that she didn't have a name. Shock pulsed through her, but she did her best to not let it show. Maybe it was for the best that her mother had left her here...what mother didn't name their own kit? "My name is Flamewhisker." she said softly with a small smile. "Batwing and I are cats of Thunderclan, but don't worry sweetie, we can't control thunder." the idea of her clan actually controlling thunder caused her to chuckle, but she could understand why a kitten that didn't know anything about clans could think that. "I have an idea...Let's go back to our camp, and get you something to eat. Then Batwing and I can come back and look for your mother, how does that sound?"

Her mouth dropped open, and Batwing fought the wave of amusement that rolled over him at the sight of it, because this definitely wasn't a laughing matter right now. He shifted his gaze towards Flamewhisker, giving the other a solid nod as the lead warrior approached. After all, it would suck to have to deal with this on his own. Batwing's green gaze shifted back towards the kit, his own start of surprise following at her lack of name. Who didn't name their kits? Or does she not know it? A huff left him quietly.

"It's okay, kiddo. Like Flamewhisker said- we can't control thunder, but yeah, we're the uh.. Thundercats. We call ourselves Thunderclanners." He paused, giving a halfway glance towards Flamewhisker, then back towards the kit. "Why don't you head back to camp with Flamewhisker and I'll go look for your mom right now? I'll cover a lot of ground, and you can go pick a piece of prey out for yourself. The trees are my best friends, they'll tell me where your mom is." His smile was warm, betraying none of the dread that he was feeling deep down.

With that, he looked back towards Flamewhisker. Yeah, it wasn't his greatest idea, but he had picked up a scent just now. His ears twitched gently, almost trying to convey an apology towards the other Thunderclanner before turning to pad off into the underbrush.

// out unless stopped! ​
"Flamewhisker and Batwing! Wow! Flame like the red of fire! and Batwing like black skies that bats fly through! My momma told me my dad was red like fire too!" She had never met him, but it didn't seem to bother her too much. He went off to protect them from above, wherever that was. He probably helped get them here to the thundercats!

"Oh that's good! Then I have nothing to fear! Imagine being able to control that though, wouldn't that be so awesome?" She exclaimed. She wasn't too upset they couldn't control it, but if they could they could've made the thunder stop. Her mom sometimes sang a song when it was storming that would help her. Maybe she could tell them!

They offered two separate ideas, but Batwing was quick to go look for her mother, so her green eyes would look towards Flamewhisker. "That's okay! We can go eat! Do you guys eat berries too? Or fishy fishes? Sometimes if me and momma are lucky we get mice! But they're too fast for momma sometimes. There was one time a fish jumped right out of the water!" She exclaimed, with a giggle. "But mostly berries. It helps if we can't find water."

"Is camp home?"
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The little kit spoke their names, comparing them to things she had heard before. It was ironic...that her pelt was the same color as the same thing that had almost taken her life. Her gaze dulled for a moment, but she blinked it away before it was too noticeable. This wasn't the first time someone had compared her pelt to fire, and it wouldn't be the last time. She didn't have much time to think of a response, before the kit was talking about how neat it would be to control thunder. "We don't control the thunder...but we do know who does." she says softly, raising her gaze to the sky. "Starclan."

With those words, she realized she had just opened up another book of questions. "We'll teach you more about them after you've settled in." Hopefully that would be enough for now. Batwing offers to go look for her mother on his own, and she gives him a nod of approval. Perhaps if he looked now, he could find a recent scent trail...she wished that were true, but she couldn't ignore the doubt that ate away at her belly.

"We have everything you could think of...except fish though. We don't swim here!" her whiskers twitched in amusement. "Camp is home...let's go meet your new clanmates." She would turn, and flick her tail for the kit to follow.

continues here
