pafp i go cold like changing seasons } rough hunting


Nov 4, 2023
I WISH YOU COULD SEE THE WICKED TRUTH — Another hunting opportunity. It was enough to make Onyxpaw's hear sink, her steps slow and cautious as she followed after the supervising form of Avocetfall up ahead. At least she wasn't the only one included on this particular little outing, Snowpaw and Lividpaw hot on her heels as they were guided through the swamp. The apprentice was relieved to have them both there, knowing that the responsibility of hunting wouldn't be landing on her shoulders alone. Yet she still jumped when Avocetfall turned to face the trio of them, motioning with one paw. "I think we're far enough out now. Let's see what you three can catch when you're working together, eh?" Working together meant that she wouldn't be alone, but it did also mean that she could end up screwing up and disappointing her peers at the same time. It was a double edged sword that was stabbing slowly into her gut as she glanced around them.

At least it didn't take long for her to find a scent on the air, jaws slightly parted as she began to dash after the promisingly fresh smell of a snipe nearby. "Come on, you guys. I think there's something over here." Her voice was excited but intentionally kept soft, trying not to scare off what she had discovered. And wasn't it something, clear blue eyes widening as she saw the snipe carefully navigating the ice sludge filled marshes. It was rounder than the rest, plump and well-fed even in the tail end of Leafbare. Even the relatively unexperienced Onyxpaw could tell it would make for an excellent catch, and one that would fill at least two bellies - if not more. They just needed to actually get it.

Taking a deep breath in, she tried to recall everything that Avocetfall had taught her so far. It was already a lot of information to keep in her mind, especially when her prey was so close. Yet she at least tried to follow their recommendations, tail flicking as a signal to both Snowpaw and Lividpaw to try and surround the unaware snipe. Once they were out of her sight, she turned and hunched down, trying to carefully maneuver closer to the marshlands bird. Her entire body was tense, the front of her body dipped down and her flanks raised as she prepared to jump and hopefully land atop the beast of a bird's back. When she finally did leap, she at least managed the jumping part - only for her back paw to get caught on a branch sticking out nearby. Immediately Onyxpaw found herself faceplanting into the muck, the snipe jumping in fear at her sudden appearance and darting in the other direction. Her only option was to yelp at both Snowpaw and Lividpaw. "Get it! Get it, get it, or it's gonna get away!" It was probably the most demanding either of the other apprentices had heard her, desperate to not lose such a tantalizing looking catch.

// please wait for @LIVIDPAW and @Snowpaw. !! done for this february prompt: sharing a meal together is a good way to bond, but you have to catch it first and that’s sometimes a team effort.

  • 75034637_eiCvVhxv9vQNT6l.png
    shorthaired tortoiseshell point and chocolate point chimera with blue eyes
    5 moons old; ages the 1st every month
    bisexual; crushing on yellowpaw
    daughter of monarchroot and sleetjaw
    shadowclan born; silently loyal to her home
    difficult to befriend; shy to most except yellowpaw
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
  • Like

Avocentfall had orded the three of them to hunt something down together and Lividpaw would obey this command even if he had no idea how productive the three of them would be together. He had never hunt with anyone of them before and all three were not experienced enough to hunt in a team. It would be tricky, a challenge but Lividpaw would make sure they succeeded.

He would follow Onyxpaw closely behind when she was the one who had sniffed up the trail of prey. His long ears would perk sideways when his eyes find the bird a bit ahead of them searching for their own food he imagined. With the signal for them to split Lividpaw walked left as he carefully moved himself away into the snow so he wouldn't make any noise. Crawling himself forward on feather-like paws the dark pelted tom stopt when he was a good enough distance away from Onyxpaw and Snowpaw, and with the snipe right in front of his vision. Laying himself flat on the snow the apprentice waited for Onyxpaw to make the first move to start the hunt. When she did though it become clear that she couldn't be relied for too long in this hunt since she slipped and fell. Get it!, she called over to him and Snowpaw and in that moment he knew it was up to them to make this hunt into a success.

Lividpaw kicked snow up from the ground as he took charge sprinting right towards the snipe to take up chase after it. He was fast on his paws with the fortunate to be gifted with long legs that had got passed down by his very own father. That was something he used to his own advantage in this chase. Increasing his speed the apprentice was getting closer to the snipe as he took the lead ready to lunge but it was then the snipe suddenly took a turn to the right. Lividpaw reacted in split second as he swiftly took a left turn after the bird as snow splashed up all around him and swiped out a paw after the bird but barely scratched it as he all caught was one of its feathers. Narrowing his orbs Lividpaw did not gave up as he kicked with his backlegs forward, and he stumbled a bit before finding his balance again to chase the snipe but he was now behind enough that he couldn't make a leap after it but that only that his energy was starting to run out of fuel.

Lividpaw knew he had lost his chance but Snowpaw was still in the game and so Lividpaw used the energy he had left to chase the snipe towards Snowpaw's direction hoping she could live up to her barks.


[ ༻❄༺ ] They had been requested to help in a team hunt, something Snowpaw had yet to experience and yet what made it slightly worse was Lividpaw, she did not mind Onyxpaw much, infact she quite enjoyed the shy molly's presence compared to another. Yet, teamwork was teamwork and Snowpaw wasn't going to allow her dislike of a clanmate get the best of her or in the way of their hunt.

Onyxpaw had tracked down the snipe, and Snowpaw was quick on her heels alongside Lividpaw, ears perked forward as eyes trained to see whatever creature Onyxpaw had picked up on, and soon they came across a snipe, and the younger molly was quick to leap into action only to get herself caught into some muck before shouting at the two to catch the creature. Lividpaw was next, chasing down the snipe and leading it straight into Snowpaw's direction.

Now it was her turn, and she quickly prepped herself before leaping, lounging at the snipe and pinning it underneath her own paws while a shriek left it's mouth but Snowpaw was quick to end its short lived life before huffing and looking at the other two with a nod, a grin appearing on her lips before dropping the fresh-kill at her paws. "Good job you two, good hunting" she praised them. Onyxpaw had tracked the snipe down, Lividpaw had helped lead the creature into Snowpaw's direction and she was the one who quickly put the creature out. A good and successful hunt indeed.

  • "speak""Thoughts"
  • Snowpaw She/Her, apprentice of Shadowclan, 6 moons.
    Lithe long hair blue lynx sepia with high white, and yellow eyes. Stubby tail, permanent resting bitch face
    Hailfreckle x Mudsplash
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted (ask first) / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by Ryn@/Rynnaro on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

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hunting in shadowclan was especially to be praised. the prey was fickle, even during the seasons of plentiful prey. it was just not something shadowclan was blessed with, but they prevailed anyway. they were shadowclan after all. and seeing as starclan challenged them in more ways than one, they had to keep going. they had to be stronger than the rest. and these apprentices were showing that much.

"great catch. go on. share it. you all deserve it."

they nodded their head.

"if you all can catch like that a few more times, we will be going to bed with warm bellies tonight."

they've little doubt about it. it was a good catch. so long as they focused, they could do it again.