i got a glock in my rari ✾ Intro


You are merely a momentary life.
Mar 10, 2024
Coming back from a routine patrol, Corvidbite settles his chin to wipe the dirt off his muzzle - for the bystander lost in their own respite, a call to summon a medicine cat to help would seem most appropriate, yet after swiping the blood off with a fell swoop of his tongue, only an aged scar remains. His face, laden with a sight of reminiscence or usual rumination, stands still in the gust of wind settling his fur to a more orderly arrangement. All seems well, until a disappointing mew shrews out of his mouth as he tilts his head down:

"For StarClan's sake, damn it!", he stomps with his paw as he joltingly tries to find a place covered from any direct light. He collapses and takes a deep hiss - "Timing has its humour."

As he settles still, a slight throb in his head causes him to wince out in pain again.

As a kittypet, serious injuries were practically a foreign concept to Eggshell (though that didn’t stop the boy from being afraid of them). The closest he’d ever come was falling down the stairs once -afterwards his twolegs had taken him to a stark-white dungeon where the crybaby had been tortured with needles and the like - never again.

So, shuffling through camp with his signature nervous disposition, Eggshell averted anxious amber eyes from Corvidbite’s scar. He didn’t want to stare, but the boy’s apparent fascination with the ground made it clear what was being avoided. At least, until the older tom spat out a curse and subsequently collapsed.

From the way he’d reacted, one could be forgiven for thinking Eggshell was the injured party. A shriek of fear and surprise left the skittish Scottish Fold as he scampered over and promptly provided nothing of value. “Uh, are - are you o-okay?” that was a stupid question. He knew it was a stupid question. Why had he asked it? “H-Help? Y-Yeah! Somebody help!” The coward’s tone of voice made it seem like skyclan would soon have a corpse stinking up their camp, but it was better to be overdramatic than nonchalant.​
Fireflypaw was no stranger to the shouted words 'help', it seemed it had become commonplace since he had taken his place alongside Dawnglare. This time, it was shouted by the familiar Eggshell, whom called out for aid so desperately Firefly thought that someone had been on the brink of dying. Half-mindedly, the burly tom thought of grabbing a stem of lavender- but thought better of it. He could still fix things, not everything was destined to die immediately. So instead, he hobbles out of the leafy medicine den and over to the panicked Daylight Warrior.

"What is it?" Fireflypaw inquires with a furrowed brow, shuffling past Eggshell to sniff at the older Warrior. Ever one to invade personal space when it was time to do his job, Fireflypaw sticks his nose into the tom's fur to sniff around for new wounds, blind blue eyes wide and unblinking. He reaches the tom's face, unbothered, before he finally pulls back- nose scrunched in confusion.

No wounds. No blood that was his. He must have come back from a hunting patrol just now.

"Dizziness? Headache?" Fireflypaw asks the other tom calmly, paw reaching out in an attempt to press his pawpad to the tom's nose to check his temperature. "Eggshell, what did you see? Did he just collapse out of nowhere, or did he lose his balance? Did anyone else go on the hunting patrol with him?" He calls out to the cats around him, milky blue hues owlishly staring off into the distance.​

The glare of newleaf's sun proved strong, and fiery temperatures had arrived early. Warm air swathed through the pine forests, carrying with it the idylls and promises of plump prey and staccato symphony. The world had recovered, slow as it had always seemed, steady as the snowmelt that faltered underneath the rays. Though, the tomcat counted his blessings that leafbare had come and gone without much of a spat - pallid blisters of white gave rise to soft verdants and follies. Besides, hunting in the alabaster with pelt of cinder and wildfire did not help him. No matter his honed stealth, winter's prey surely spotted him from a mile away, as if his fur practically yelled that he was hunting them. Now, he had better odds. Arriving home from the hunting patrol, he placed the squirrel - still sewn in string and sinew, but substantial nevertheless - down on the fresh-kill pile. One of his patrol-mates, the night-pitched warrior, had caught his attention, though. He clutched his head, as though something ached within his skull, shying away from prying light. The chimaera padded up to the gruff black tom, heterochromatic gaze glancing upon Snakeeye's rather unorthodox outburst. "I was on the patrol with him. I didn't notice anything, though. Did you hit your head or something?" Words, usually braised in the bitterness of mugwort taste, did not hold any of their harshness now. As unhelpful as he was, Chrysaliswing motioned silently to Fireflypaw and Eggshell with a swift nod of his head, signifying that he was willing to retrieve anything that the medicine cat apprentice required.

  • OOC: Welcome to Skyclan :D
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  • —— CHRYSALISWING / He/They / 22 Moons
    —— Warrior of Skyclan / Mentoring n/a
    —— A long-haired tomcat with chimaeric patterning. His left side is fully black and his right side is black splotched with sunset-orange. He has complete heterochromia, with his right eye being a bright green and his left eye being a glowering yellow.
    —— Abrasive, temperamental, and critical. Approach at your own risk and engage at your own cost. Despite this, he is a hard worker and quick to call out what he finds wrong.
    —— Penned by Tempest. Contact on Discord (naruk4mi) for plots and threads.