i got a lot less than a lot || Roosterstrut

It hasn’t been long since Betonyfrost has walked the territory. Without the benefit of seeing a day-by-day gradual change, the marsh has a way of looking foreign. Each season alters the familiar marsh into something new. Betonyfrost doesn’t worry — she and her companion are sticking to the well-trodden patrol trails that criss-cross through thicker growths.

We’re looking for names,” Betonyfrost says in reminder and glances at Roosterstrut’s face in profile.

She wishes he was a bit more like the marsh, that when he was left alone for a time Betonyfrost would find him changed. It would make it easier for Betonyfrost to reconcile the fact that she doesn’t know if she could confidently call him a friend if there was something unrecognizable about Roosterstrut. Instead Betonyfrost is left knowing that between the two of them, she is the one who is different. The uncertainty started in herself. Above Betonyfrost’s want for it to have been Roosterstrut is the wish that she knew exactly what to say to clear any doubt and awkwardness that lingered.

A kick reminds Betonyfrost of her self appointed mission. She doesn’t think she’ll ever get used to it — it feels new each time it happens. Her eyes are drawn to a touch of yellow among the verdant undergrowth. The flowers are a typical five-petaled shape, and some bear small heart-shaped berries in a still bloodless white.

What do you think of Strawberrykit?” Betonyfrost laughs and, to her surprise, feels the humor in the act, “Too much of a mouthful?

shadowclan queen | blue mackerel tabby | 19 moons | tags
❪ TAGS ❫ — There were a solid number of ShadowClanners who would rather eat mud than willingly find a companion in Betonyfrost. While Roosterstrut doesn't consider himself a part of that group, he supposes he could understand why — the molly hasn't exactly made a positive reputation for herself amongst her clanmates. A short temper and tendency to lash out—both verbally and physically—aren't usually traits appreciated by many, but he finds himself lending more patience to Betonyfrost because... well, he isn't sure why. Maybe Roosterstrut can't bring himself to give up on the she-cat when it seemed that everyone else has. They had been so close in their kithood. Was he a fool for holding onto memories, thinking that the two could rebuild such a connection in their adulthood? Was he just wasting his time?

He supposes he'll find out soon enough. This lovely newleaf stroll warmed by the sun looming overhead and the wildlife making themselves known seems to have put the typically irritable she-cat in a decent mood which, in turn, manifests onto Roosterstrut as well. His eyes are drawn to the sprouting berries that are nestled amongst the otherwise typical-looking flora. The orange tabby has heard of the sweet-smelling fruits being used for food, though he himself has never made such a venture.

Strawberrykit, Betonyfrost suggests, to which Roosterstrut's lips quirk in a smile and he replies, "I think it's cute. You could go with Berrykit, too." He had "recovered" from the initial shock of the mackerel tabby announcing her pregnancy; the idea in itself still felt so unreal. It seemed as if they were denmates only a short while ago and now Betonyfrost was going to have her own little ones. There would always be a nagging thought that lived in the back of his mind, about who the sire was, but if she wasn't keen on revealing their identity then it might have been safe to assume that she was going to raise them on her own. Roosterstrut could only hope that she could open her heart to her own flesh and blood and provide them with a happy upbringing despite the misfortunes that plagued her own.

"Let's see... there's always Marshkit. Or Mudkit. Or... Frogkit." He's simply listing off ideas from the environment surrounding them, his gaze flicking every which way as his brain struggled to generate anything original. After a moment, he lets out a huff of a chuckle before shaking his head and sighing, "Can you tell that I've never thought of any kit names before?" Roosterstrut had never really given any thought to settling down and having a family, but with so many cats taking mates and with Betony about to have her kittens, the thought has prodded at his mind a couple of times now.

Roosterstrut cannot help but eye the tabby molly's bulging abdomen, though he returns his gaze up to Betonyfrost's quickly after and says, "They'll be here before you know it." ShadowClan didn't have very many kits, so it would be exciting to see some new faces running around and terrorizing everyone. The impending role of motherhood might have not been so exciting for Betonyfrost, however. "How are you doing? I mean- with all of this." He knows that discussing her pregnancy wasn't the point behind this walk, but Roosterstrut has never really gotten the chance to ask up until now. Betonyfrost seemed pretty content to take care of herself and avoid asking for help, but it was still a nice thought to reach out and ask, even if she just wanted to vent her frustrations or any worries.