border I GOT A LOT TO DO // ThunderClan Patrol

// @honeydapple @ROEFLAME . feel free to tag apprentices
Don’t need to wait for thunderclanners to post!

There is a thick layer of snow on the ground, freshly fallen from the day before. The darkness seeps into the sky far earlier than it had when the evenings had been warmer, times Howlingstar missed dearly as she shivers at the border. “We’re nearly done, then we can head back,” She tells her patrol-mates tiredly, her aching joints trembling as the cold invades her bones. There is a part of her that wishes they won’t see a patrol today. Normally, the diplomatic leader enjoys a small conversation between warriors, but today she just wants to go home and curl into her nest for warmth.

Alas, she is not so lucky. A RiverClan border patrol is spotted easily against the ivory blanket, approaching their spot on the shore. The tabby stifles a sigh of disappointment and puts on her face of politeness, trying to hide just how cold she is. “Good evening! I’m sure you’re all just as eager to finish patrolling and get home in this weather?” She calls over in a lighthearted tone, unable to keep herself from shivering. Her thick fur fluffs out even more as if to emphasize her words.
✧ ✧ (=˃ᆺ˂=) Flurries on dark fur were appealing to their eyes. They spent the majority of the patrol staring at the back of each other's heads, at least they found something pleasing about the ordeal. Approaching the border, she reminds herself this isn't a snow-watching patrol. Sapphire pools scan the area, landing on Howlingstar's dark form ahead. She was hard to miss against the icy landscape - a splotch of brown with legs disappearing to sleet.

"ThunderClan ahead," she muses aloud. The warrior shakes her head to rid it of snow, being careful to not dust it onto those near.

Bounceheart felt uneasy towards ThunderClan. While they were not as intolerable as WindClan she still held grievances against the Sunningrocks mishap. She moves to mark what is left of the reeds; they were looking scraggly and brown. Last leaf-bare, they died and shrunk down to the root. The weather isn't so bad, they note at Howlingstar's question. Still they give a response: "We were thinking of sleeping outside tonight, actually!" A striped gray tail slashes the air behind her, knocking into the shriveled reeds.
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It seemed the cold would only grow less forgiving as time matched by. Trudging through the snow alongside the tabby and her new student the molly aimed to gently press into the side of the youth. Offering some warmth in the snowy landscape. Catching Howlingstar's comment her teeth chattered to life in a polite meow. "Sounds like a plan." Her tail fluffed twice it's size as she tucked it near her body. As they neared the end of their endeavor she was also displeased to spot the other patrol. Usually, Honeydapple loved to conversate but the fear of her apprentice turning into ice was far more concerning.

Dutifully, she switched course and followed along silently urging her younger counterpart to do the same. Raising her tucked tail she waived to the gray she-cat politely but held her maw in a firm half-smile. While their leader struck up pleasantries she leaned over and muttered a question with a blooming grin. "Say, can you tell me about the scents here?" She knew this would be a new experience for Softpaw and didn't want to miss the chance for a lesson.

If not Honeydapple intended it to be welcome distraction from the frigid air. "I know it's cold but a Warrior needs to be alert at all times so try to block out the chill to focus." Encouragement wrapped around their words like velvet as her blue gaze peered expectantly at the paw'.

OOC; apprentice tag @Softpaw !
ThunderClan's border was nearly just as boring as the rest if it weren't for the occasional back-and-forth the Clan would have about Sunningrocks. Otterpaw was too young to remember much about the spats that followed ThunderClan's taking, but his loyalty held him to understand that any wrongdoing toward his Clan made an enemy of them. Even if he was still just a toddling kit when it happened.

"What? Since when?" Not catching if Bounceheart had meant it in any sense of humor, Otterpaw looked at the molly as if she had just grown a second head. Of course, this was the same cat screeching into the fog while he tried to fish. He figured there were more bees than brains in her skull.

You can sleep outside. I'm not stupid trying to catch another cough."

-- mentor tag @coyotecreek

ROEFLAME — I fell in love with the fire long ago.

Without the beauty of the new-leaf and green-leaf to cast its warm hue over the river, the cold seasons presented the watery border in all its harshness, the way the river ominously churned almost black under a grey sky.
With powdery snow crunching under her light gait, Roeflame’s gaze is steady on the unforgiving body of water as they approach it on the heels of their leader.
We’re nearly done, Howlingstar assures, and Roeflame replies silently with a smile and small dip of her head.
The three stuck out like thorns amongst the snowy scenery, both metaphorically and literally with the golden and brown mottles of their pelts. Naturally, it does not take long for them to come across their fish-loving neighbors across the river.
Turning to Foxpaw, the lead warrior beckoned her apprentice to follow her lead as Howlingstar greeted the other patrol.
We were thinking of sleeping outside tonight, actually!
The reply is obnoxiously satire, but Roeflame still lets a ghost of a snort escape her.
"Riverclan is notorious for their outlandishness." She hums to Foxpaw, eyeing the Riverclanners.
"Before or after a nice, cool dip in the river?" The warrior calls, though her humor is not malicious- not even Roeflame would dare be so petty with Howlingstar present.



Perchberry had accompanied his clanmates down to the border that parted them from thunderclan. It was not that long ago he had been down here and so as he joined them today his dark blue eyes started to carefully look between the thunderclanners who where present but none of them had that golden fur he had been searching for. A bit disappointed, maybe, the warrior looked down at his paws with an anxious frown as he kept in the background in hope to not draw attention to himself. Maybe next time he would get to see them.

"Only the apprentices who misbehave sleep outside, the worst ones we throw in the water to sleep there." It is a light joking remark, but his lone orange gaze hones in on Otterpaw as he says it as if he would like nothing better than to give the young tom a firm kick right into the freezing river right then and there. The white spotted tom slows to a stop alongside Perchberry and Bounceheart, tail lifted up to flick behind him in quiet irritation. Lighthearted remarks aside, it was cold and it did little for his mood as of late. He didn't even have the solace of a warm den to return to as the willow tree remained unbearably dark and frigid without another body present.

"Howlingstar." He greets, tone curt but neutral in its politeness as he dips his head in the faintest nod upon spotting the black tabby with this particular patrol, he has no true fondness for her given ThunderClan's current ownership of Sunningrocks and the humilating sting of consecutive defeats they had faced the prior winter but he is hardly interested in petty back and forth and thankfully so too seem ThunderClan. No one had time for it lately.

  • OOC can go here.

  • 57913530_r2t3y4lghl4FDra.png
    —⊰⋅ Leader of RiverClan
    —⊰⋅ He/Him
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/vitiligo & one orange eye.


Foxpaw’s first ever border patrol, and it was with Howlingstar herself! The she-cat cannot help but feel honored as she treads closely behind her mentor, brilliant orange eyes a flame against the white backdrop of the forest.

A RiverClan patrol emerges, their pelts sleek and glossy just like she’s been told all kithood. She googles them up and down as if a strange piece of fresh-kill, her eyes darting across each and everyone of them. Roeflame murmurs to her that RiverClan cats are known for their outlandish-ness, Foxpaw buries this information in the forefront of her brain.

Foxpaw is surprised by the sharp-tongue on the RiverClan apprentice, she thinks Leopardtongue would smack her over the ears if she heard her kit was speaking to warriors that way. Still… it was kinda funny and Foxpaw has to stifle a small chuckle. ”I wouldn’t want to sleep outside either. It’s so cold!” She meows in a good-natured attempt to join in on the conversation.

Suddenly, a black and white feline with a single glowing eye emerges. The way the RiverClan patrol splits to make way for him and the dip of their heads suggests he’s someone important. Foxpaw looks to Roeflame, her eyes pleading in a quiet ask for information. ’Who is this tom-cat?’
  • » Foxaw
    » ThunderClan Apprentice
    » Mentored by Roeflame
    » She/they . AFAB
    » A red tabby & chocolate sepia she-cat with orange eyes.
    » ”Speech”thoughtsattack
  • » An incredibly easy foe with no combat training.
    » Likely to swat or flee depending on the size of foe.
    » Fights defensively and to save herself.
    » May powerplay minor harm. Can powerplay healing
The first warrior to arrive is not one Howlingstar is familiar with - her 'joke' is even more unfamiliar. She cocks her head, silent, as the other's apprentice seems to argue with the statement. The tabby does not pay much mind beyond that, for she is too busy fluffing out her pelt and trying her best to stifle the shivers that try to shake her frame.

As the light banter goes on between cats, she catches sight of the RiverClan leader himself as she approaches through the reeds. She responds to his greeting in kind, a respectful dip of her head given before she calls across, "Smokestar. I hope your dens are warmer than this border." Again, and attempt at something lighthearted, as her last remark had been stiffly thwarted by the tom's warrior.