I GOT A ROCK — pumpkin remains / prompt thread

A twoleg sighting in the territory was never a good thing. Their home was across the forest near SkyClan, not bordering the marshes! Hopefully they didn't stay for long, but just to make sure, Roosterstrut had offered to accompany a morning patrol to check things out.

The warrior laid low, eyes darting about the barren area as distant birdsong and frog sounds filled the air. Nothing out of the ordinary, it seemed, except for the lingering stench of humans. Something else smelled, too... "No twolegs, I don't think..." Roosterstrut noted to the others, straightening up and peeking over the grasses to reveal an array of smashed and mangled fruits.

These gourds were not freshly broken, having been resting overnight at the very least, so plenty of flies had flocked toward the source of rotting food. The smell was unpleasant and unfamiliar; these things were definitely not found in the marshes. "Huh, that's weird. Why're they all broken up?" Roosterstrut murmured, tentatively extending his limbs forth to carefully investigate the scene.

He wrinkled his peach-hued nose as the strong odors wafted into his nostrils. "I think these are the orange fruits that Garlicpaw was talking about." Roosterstrut had been bedridden at the time, but he had overheard the discovery being introduced to ShadowClan's camp. He had not been able to get a good look at the stuff; all he knew was that it had been described as "orange goop".

  • @CHILLEDSTAR. but no need to wait!
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    —— he/him; warrior of shadowclan
    —— heteroflexible; single
    —— red tabby tom with long hair and pale green eyes
    —— "speech", thoughts, attack
    —— link to full tags; @ on discord for plots.
    —— penned by beatles
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why did his mentor volunteer him to go on the morning patrol? while he rather despised waking so early, his mentor had put their foot down on the matter and here he found himself, alongside roosterstrut and chilledstar. wonderful. perhaps the child should have been paying more attention to the valuable lessons he surely would have learned on the patrol rather than spacing out. one day he'd be a warrior, perhaps with an apprentice of his own leading a patrol. how embarrassing would it be if he couldn't even lead a patrol?

a small chirp would leave murkypaw's jaw's as his pelt shook, returning him to reality. curiosity would get the better of him as they circled around the strange fruit. reaching out a paw, he would touch the strange object, pulling his paw back to sniff his now smelly paws. "may as well leave it here. all it would do is make the camp smell. we have no use for it. who cares what it is?" surely they weren't going to waste time out of the day to sit around and figure it out.

  • ooc : — ​

  • — open to minor/healing powerplay
    — murkypaw / shadowclan apprentice / masculine pronouns / tags


Much like Murkypaw, Wheatpaw’s mentor had been quick to volunteer his own apprentice on the early-morning patrol, possibly to test her newfound interest in training, or possibly just to get away from her constant back-chat. Whatever the reason, the autumn-hued cat was now padding along in silence next to the group, trying her best to stifle a yawn.

Wheatpaw almost crashed into Roosterstrut as the other came to a halt, the Somali lookalike so focused on not showing her need for sleep that she had to veer off to the side as exhausted amber eyes finally registered the impending disaster. The apprentice finally snapped to attention as she felt something squish beneath her, and raised a once-pristine paw out of the goop.

“Revolting…” she grumbled, flicking the orange specks sticking to her away as a tried mind registered Roosterstrut’s words. “You are correct” she affirmed, remembering both Garlicpaw’s antics and the taste of the goop before them. Wheatpaw turned at Murkypaw’s suggestion, raising an invisible eyebrow as she considered possible outcomes.

“I say we push them into the territory of some other clan” she proclaimed after a moment of silence, an air of undeserved authority in her voice. “If we leave it here, Garlicpaw might find it, and the thought of one of her ‘mud monsters’ made of this is…disturbing.”
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It was not uncommon for her to tag along on patrols, especially the ones in the morning. She quiet liked the way the dawn light filtered in between the pines, the way the world slowly woke. Birds with voices still warbling with sleep calling out to one another, the way the sky looked as it stretched pink and blue across the horizon. There is something special, she thinks, about this time.

She follows the patrol quietly, her aim to be as disturbing as possible. While she walks, her green eyes scan the undergrowth, her tail flicks where it is held just above the ground, and she occasionally does say a word or two back when spoken to directly but otherwise she is content.

When the group stops, she does too. Curiousity leading her to the front of their patrol, a desire to see what is holding them up overtaking her. When she sees what it is, she finds her whiskers twitching with amusement. More pumpkins. An apprentice suggests that they push the fruits away, into another clans territory so that Garlicpaw cant find them and make mud monsters out of them. Personally, she thinks they should just leave it, but she is far from the authority here. Instead, she casts her gaze to Roosterstrut "What do you-what do you think should be done with-with them?" she asks

His nose wrinkles and he says nothing to the sight before them, the carnage of gourd gore splattered across the floor - entrails of seed and orange pulp strewn with little care. Magpiepaw has no interest in whatever this is, his only thoughts are that the birds will feast well when they leave the area; this seemed like the sort of thing prey would find appetizing with its many white specks and bits to nibble upon and its rancid scent that he fights not to gag over.
There's something putrid about whatever this was, something wasteful as well - did they need to be so broken? Was this truly the only way to open them for the softer insides to be presented? The medicine cat apprentice comes to a stop alongside his mentor with a friendly shoulder pump and flicks his crooked tail. "...the rain will rid us of it, the rot will do the rest. No reason to get our paws filthy."
Which was code for, he was not going to touch any of this and no one could make him. So there.
  • OOC can go here.

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    —⊰⋅ MCA of ShadowClan
    —⊰⋅ He/They
    —⊰⋅ Black tom w/a white throat and blue-violet eyes.