camp I GOT AWAY WITH IT ALL & I'M STILL ALIVE // waking up

"So... this is how it ends?"

The memory of Basilwhisker's face, and then that of his own looking back at him from the chrome skin of the thunderpath monster replayed over and over in his mind as he dreamed his final moments. Dead. He was surely dead and now just stuck awaiting StarClan to guide him into the next stage, that is if they would accept him. What if StarClan truly had turned him away? What then? The lingering darkness was starting to worry him, as did the strange scents that greeted his nose.

Slowly his eyes opened and took in the sight of a very unfamiliar medicine den. The smell of herbs was enough to give him some clue that it was such a place, but there was no ThunderClan scent. No Berryheart. Just where was he? Upon drawing a deeper inhale he finally recognised ShadowClan's scent, something he had grown familiar with thanks to countless patrols and meetings with Sabletuft. Fear slowly began to grip him as he cast a wide-eyed look at his surroundings as if expecting to have the entire clan descend upon him. The warrior tried to move but the pain that greeted him was hot and blinding, enough to draw an involuntary howl from the tom as he crumpled back down into his nest. Of course he would be aching, he had been on the receiving end of a vicious beast!

"I guess I lived then..." Sunnyday murmured as he tried once more to stand, though his body protested and the furthest he got was simply sitting up. A small victory given his battered condition. "Is... is anyone there? What happened to me?" Or rather why had he been brought to ShadowClan, and why was he alive?​
She had taken up guard outside the medicine cat den, a shaky position prompted by a sort of helplessness she hadn't felt since she realized that one little apprentice hadn't returned to the tunnel under the Thunderpath after the bear attack. Watching a cat get thrown in front a monster by a clanmate as certainly a harrowing experience.... she couldn't imagine what the big tom was feeling now....

Her ears pricked up as a new voice made itself known. Ah! The big tom must be awake. A purr starts in her throat as she peeps into the den to meet his acquaintance.

"You're awake!" Her meow is garbled, words managed by her limited jaw, but her tone is kind and soft. "You're lucky that monster didn't flatten you completely. Starlingheart probably wouldn't have been able to do as much for you then... and I probably wouldn't have been able to drag you back to camp like that..."

maggotpaw & 09 moons & female & she/her & shadowclan apprentice

Maggotpaw is perfectly healthy - blue furred figure the pefect image of health, beauty, and grace - well, she likes to think so anyways. Her massive form pushes her way into the den anyways, not because she is ill, but because she is looking for her friend - but turquoise gaze lands upon a stranger instead. The thunderclan cat has woken it seems, and the apprentices head tips to the side slowly, face blank. "I'll... go grab them," she says absently, voice cold as she vanishes into the depths. Needledrift seems content to chat away with him, but really the girl could care less - only upset that this means she probably can't drag magpiepaw off to eat her newest find, since their newest patient is now awake. What a shame.

  • Actions && "Speech," && ' Thoughts/Quotes '

    ooc: she be grabbing @STARLINGHEART . @Magpiepaw
    tw/cw: —
  • a massive tabby she-cat with striking turquoise eyes, there has always been something not-right about her. cold and apathetic, and more than a bit unhinged, the monster that is maggotpaw is a volatile presence within shadowclan. she seems strangely taken by magpiepaw, putting herself in role of both tormentor and protector.

    physically medium && mentally hard
    non-violent powerplay allowed && healing powerplay allowed && minor injury powerplay not-allowed
    please attack using [b][color=mediumpurple]action here[/color][/b] and tag account

She had not been present when Sunnyday had been thrown onto the Thunderpath (a fact she cursed every day, why was it only her who had never seen what it is like when someone was hit by a monster?) nor when the subsequent patrol of cats had come to claim he'd abandoned his clan, but it would've been harder for the Lead Warrior not to hear about it. 'The talk of the camp' as it were, it wasn't everyday resources that were wasted on a once-enemy, or there was juicy drama in another clan that spilled over to your own. She sunk her teeth into the idea like a plump dove and hovered near the medicine den ever since, poking her head in whenever she was confident Magpie or Starling wouldn't see her snooping and greeting anyone sick who entered with an odd smile and casual comment. Finally, after what seemed like moons, a voice sounded out from the miniature cave that caused the ticked tabby to hop to her feet, brushing up next to Needledrift to fit into the den's entrance. Ferndance hadn't realised he had blue eyes, or that he had quite so many scars on his body. She blinked softly.

"Finally... our sacrifice is awake." The lanky Warrior's teeth began to impishly reveal themselves. "Your clanmates threw you in front of a Monster. StarClan said it was a mistake you are still alive, so... prepare yourself." Claws unsheath, eighteen little needles ready to sink into the red tabby for doing the incredulous activity of surviving a monster. She shuffled forwards, her tail lashing well above her head and her posture entering that of a hunter's crouch. She wriggled her haunches, sizing up the leap she would need to take to latch onto the vulnerable ThunderClanner. Everything seemed to have led up to this, her breathing slowed, her emerald eyes so focused on the Warrior that the rest of the world was drowned out by the desire to fulfill her promise. Then, there was a pause, followed by a soft chuckle as her teeth disappeared back behind an odd smile. "I'm just kidding." She shuffled back into a standing position, head tilted to the side as if her momentary display of 'intent to kill' had never happened. "A ThunderClanner did try to murder you though... that makes you a ShadowClanner by law, I think." It didn't, but it was the thought that counted.


there is a bit of anger within them. more than they'd like to show as they make their way over to the confused tom, surrounded by others. they look over at ferndance being... well... ferndance and find themself laughing, teeth gleaming in the light as they lay down, propping their cheek upon their paw, their tail swaying.

"you almost pulled a briarstar, friend. luckily my esteemed warriors were able to save you."

their smile doesn't fade, and yet their tone is as cold as ever.

"what in the name of the stars did you do to nearly get killed by a clanmate, hm? I really hope you aren't bringing your... nonsense to my clan. that would be rather unfortunate, for you."

the threat teases on their words as they purr maliciously. they hated thunderclanners and having one in camp wasn't exactly how they wanted their day to go.

Maggotpaw is there and it is sadly not to entertain him but to inform him the cream creature is awake. Wonderful. He had never felt so put off at the idea of healing a patient than he had this odd ThunderClan refuge. His dark head pokes from the shadows of the back after his much bigger companion and he hones in on the thunderpath scent with a wrinkled nose. "Congratulations on not dying. A strong wind looks like it might destroy you, so consider me impressed that a beast like one of the rumbling monsters was unable to."
The other cats crowding the den earn themselves a sharp stare before Chilledstar arrives and the black and white cat's immediate comment forms a furrowed line through his brow as he scrunches up his face in detest.

"...what a horrible thing to make light of within the den of her very daughter, please refrain." Magpiepaw chirps to the leader's quip regarding Briarstar, what a poor attempt at a joke and a terribly cruel thing to say. He never knew Briarstar nor did he really care about a dead cat he never met, but his beloved mentor loved her and that was her mother so he would respect it and insist others did as well.

The drooling beast and fool lead are taking up space, he squints at them as he hobbles forward.
"If you are not dying then either start dying or get out." The black and white apprentice finishes with a flick of his broken tail, expression never shifting from its neutral and wide-eyed stare before turning to stare at Sunnyday perhaps a little too intently. "Except Chilledstar."
Who was leader and was asking questions that needed answering. Who was this blight now taking up residence in his sleeping area? The only good thing that came from this was Starlingheart's horribly loud children had been moved to the nursery for now, but he almost preferred them to the presence of a stranger. While the leader's threat might be spoken lightly but Magpiepaw's was not, "Do tell what your crimes are and I and StarClan may judge you worthy." He had already wasted their herbs, that his time might also be wasted was the true issue.

can we leave it behind? He had not been without caution when word fluttered about of a mysterious cream tabby being found on the Thunderpath. Collided with a monster after being pushed in front of it, hardly wondered if they would survive. Sabletuft hadn't the faintest clue until his patrol returned and the familiar scents of his Clanmates mixed with another. Another that was frighteningly familiar and shouldn't be this far into the mire.

Sabletuft was careful regarding the ordeal, simply listening to the whispers of his Clanmates, opting out of digging for answers. He was sure they would be elated to share without him prompting them to, and by the skies did he hear enough. One of those ThunderClanner's had tried to kill him. Just like he had thought. They were never going to accept Sunnyday after his lapse in judgement, and one had even gone so far as to end his very life. The rage that bubbled beneath his pelt was well hidden, not showing anymore empathy for the tom than he would any other stranger.

As he noticed his Clanmates rushing to enter the medicine den, the Lead carefully settled himself outside, facing the clearing ahead. He kept an ear angled back to listen- it wasn't a crime to eavesdrop. Magpiepaw simply wanted the den cleared, anyhow. Though he couldn't help but cringe at Chilledstar making light of Briarstar's death. Her's was much more of a brutal, relentless death compared to any he had seen before.

The ThunderClanner is prompted to share the details of his sentencing, and Sabletuft makes an internal prayer to the winds. Don't be stupid, don't lie. We'll find out anyway. If not by him, then most certainly by the black tabby who had put the mark on him to begin with. They had said she would be coming to collect him after he was healthy enough to travel, take him back into the forest that had tried to kill him in cold blood. To continue their torture, no doubt. — tags

She does not trust their new “friend”, the one who lays crumpled in the medicine cats den, her den. She does not trust any cat she does not know, her mind always flashes back to her brother. Cut down by the unknown. Thus, she was quick to move her kits to the nursery, despite their protests. They could still sleep there, of course, but during the day she did not want them there. At night, they would have her and Granitepelt and Magpiepaw to look after them.

It is when she had just finished their new nest that a head pops in to tell her ‘he’s awake’ she nods and then heads back to the herb-scented den that was hers. When she enters, she is surprised to see so many cats. Her pelt prickles in annoyance but before she can say anything she hears the voice of Chilledstar. ‘You almost pulled a Briarstar friend…’ she does not hear the words after that. Her vision goes red and for a moment she wants to leap forward and tear her claws into her leaders fur. It is a new feeling for her, rage like this, and it’s not one she particularly likes.

She is broken from her angry trance by her apprentices voice speaking up, telling Chilledstar his joke was in poor taste and ordering everyone out. She comes to stand next to him, her fur brushing against his, and not for the first time she is grateful for his presence. Magpiepaw was a good cat, one she could rely on. "Magpiepaw is right" she says, surprised to find her voice steady and cold. "Everyone out." it would not do to have the den this crowded. Not only was she wary of the possibility of the sickness spreading to ShadowClan, but having so many cats in the den would make it hard to move. She fixes Chilledstar with a hard stare, eyes narrowed and if they were to look in her direction they would find none of the usual warmth in her expression. What Chilledstar had said was cruel and unnecessary. "Im glad my mothers death is so funny to you" she says, her voice laced with venom before she turns her attention to the cat in the nest. The ThunderClanner "Try not to move, you’ll make your injuries worse" her voice softens for him, it is not who her anger is directed at, after all.


The voice that greeted him first was a little off but seemingly upbeat, which was enough to perk up his hopes that he wasn't being held for eventual disposal. Slowly his gaze drifted round towards that of Needledrift and he managed to offer up a brief but warm smile. "You... you were the one who brought me here? Thank you... thank you for not leaving me." He meant it, truly. It was nice to know who had been part of his rescue during the horrific affair.

Then again, about that eventual disposal... the next feline who seized his attention had him panicking in an instant and it showed as his eyes widened and his fur puffed out. So this was it then, now a ShadowClanner was going to finish him off? He sank down in his nest with a visible shudder of pain as he tried to brace himself for Ferndance's attack. But it never came. A cruel joke, that's all it had been. Sunnyday might have seen through the rouse earlier if his brain wasn't still reeling from bouncing around inside his skull from the impact with the monster. Now embarrassment burned hot under his pelt and he found himself lowering his gaze. "... makes you a ShadowClanner by law", if only it were that simple. No doubt ThunderClan would want him back, and honestly? He didn't want to go back!

The tom brought his focus to Chilledstar next and he finds himself tensing as Briarstar is brought up as part of a joke. A twitch at the corner of his maw showed that he wasn't amused by it, though he didn't verbally protest. He was too scared to do so lest the growing crowd of ShadowClanners were set upon him. Then it came, the question about why the incident had occurred. He knew it had been coming and he hated thinking about it, but there was no running now. "I thank you again for rescuing me from the Thunderpath, I am indebted to both you and to ShadowClan." He truly did owe them, all of them. They could have just as easily left him too, but they hadn't.

"I... I had hurt my apprentices during a training session. A training session that was meant to give them a taste of what a battle could be like. I had held them back from attending the fight for Sunningrocks against RiverClan, they were too young and inexperienced in my view, but they didn't see it that way. They resented me and they argued with me about it. It was affecting our patrols, so... I decided to give them a small taste to help them understand. I never meant to hurt them, but I made a grave mistake during one of the battle moves and as a result the apprentice, Sandpaw, dislocated her leg. I stopped the training in that instant and rushed to get her help. I was punished by having my apprentices removed from my care, and it was decided that I would never have an apprentice again. I accepted my punishment, I deserved it and more. I live in regret everyday... I wish I could go back and change what had happened. Lichenpaw was the other apprentice involved, and the tom who had... who had... tried to kill me was his brother. I guess it's been decided that death is the only answer to my crime."

Guilt shone in his eyes as he made himself small in his nest, taking care to avoid aggravating his wounds further. The truth was out now, and again he was due to be judged. He wasn't sure what to expect, but he wouldn't blame them if they tossed him out. "So many of them wanted me to die or leave that day... Howlingstar didn't let them." The tom's voice was low like a whisper but conveyed a level of fear, one fed by his growing paranoia. Who would try to kill him next if he went back?

The tom talks and it is a lot of drivel and nonsense and training and mentoring and ugh, terribly boring.
He does not really care much about this weeping explaination, this droll exhumation of words explaining the crime befitting death until he hears 'Lichenpaw' and his blue-violet eyes widen briefly and then narrow in scrutiny.
"Lichenpaw?" His friend, his fellow medicine cat apprentice, 'bonded' the other would have said - tied by fate and eternal companions beneath the stars. If this was when Lichenpaw was training to be a warrior still this was quite a few moons back and might have very well been the reason he chose another path as far as Magpiepaw knew.
The medicine cat apprentice sits there staring still, now more intently and with a rare flicker of anger as his ears settled back pinned against his head. He recalls Bonejaw lying to RiverClan that Smogmaw had practically maimed Poppypaw when he'd only smacked her on the face for throwing a branch at him. He wonders briefly if this is similar, if his friend has vicious scars from this tom before him that he hides, that the story has been watered down. Would Lichenpaw be in danger if they let him go back? Well, he certainly couldn't stay here. Magpiepaw wrinkles his nose. Well, guess they had to kill him then or force him to go back and this 'mob' he seems to think is waiting for him can deal with it.
"Well you aren't staying here." This was his and Starlingheart's den...and Granitepelt's...and the kits. It was crowded enough.