border I GOT PEOPLE TO PROTECT ✿ thunderclan visitors


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm walks alongside Howlingstar with a small smile on his maw, he had been able to care for wounds and stop the bleeding but there was a greater challenge waiting ahead of him. He wishes to ensure the safety of his clanmates, their mates, and... Their kits. The ash hued tom never having dealt with kitting and now wirh his mentor gone, he remembers the kind offer extended to him by Dawnglare during the last meeting between the healers of the clans and the burly feline knows that he needs that same offer now to ensure the wellbeing of the queens that were back at Thunderclan camp. Despite the uncomfortable grin that Dawnglare oftentimes wears and it made his own smile falter in the slightest with how the other outshines him but in an unsettling manner, experienced paws would assure the safety of his friends (and Moonwhisper) and it is Berryheart's wish to finish his training with the Skyclan medicine cat so his snow capped paws made the white powder crunch under his weight.

Dark golden eyes turn in the direction of Howlingstar regarding her wirh warmth and respect, he nods to her before noting a nearby patrol soon calling out to them offering a small yet polite smile "Hello there, I hope Skyclan's doing well." When he had last arrived it had been to get the cure for Berryheart's greencough, he feels his stomach knot and twist at the memory, and swallows trying to ignore how his throat felt dry having to recall what had happened to his mottled friend. "I wish to speak with Dawnglare." Gentlestorm says finally and he didn't seem intent on leaving until he had an audience with the odd russet tom.

/ he's here with @HOWLINGSTAR but there's no need to wait


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentle is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed
His fur is ragged and unkempt from lack of proper grooming, but yet he still tugs himself alongside the patrol he was tasked with joining. His head is held high, herbs hanging limply from his mouth- he'd only managed to find some old, barely withered herbs to help with injuries. When he hears a member of his patrol call out to a group of ThunderClan cats, Fireflypaw feels the ache in his heart as he realizes it isn't Berryheart that calls for the high priest. It's his apprentice, or was- now he's a full medicine cat, isn't he? Bitterly, Fireflypaw dips his head in greeting to the newfound medicine cat, before lowering his head in respect to his grandmother. He'd kept his distance from her, didn't want his siblings to think he was trying to manipulate or something. He didn't know what they would think if he got close to his grandmother again, but Fireflypaw knew he missed her a lot.

He missed his family.

"I'll go fetch Dawnglare." Fireflypaw turns to the patrol, not giving them the chance to retort before he disappears into the throng of trees once more.

// mentor tag! @DAWNGLARE

Howlfire could not claim to be well versed in herbs or medicine. What knowledge she did have extended only to the use of cobwebs and poppy seeds, basic knowledge that most cats who had been in and out of the medicine den with various injuries. She could not imagine having to recall all the herbs and their uses in treatment as her brother did under Dawnglare's tutelage. Still, she was happy to keep an eye out for any herbs he might require when he accompanied the patrol she was on. So long as she was given a good description to go by, Howlfire felt assured she could give it a good attempt in trying to search for any.

The smell of ThunderClan did not immediately raise concerns for Howlfire, especially when this close to their shared border, but when the scent grew stronger Howlfire lifted her head. Only two cats - her grandmother Howlingstar and the tom she recognised as Berryheart's apprentice. Her heart ached to recall hearing he had passed. She didn't know his successor as well and only faintly recalled him from her youth in ThunderClan and on the occasional border patrol. Still, he seemed nice enough and Howlfire would return his polite smile with one of her own. He asks to speak with Dawnglare and she quirks a brow briefly, before watching her brother slip away to retrieve his eccentric mentor.

Noting that her brother had not shared tidings of SkyClan's fortunes, Howlfire takes it upon herself to respond. "SkyClan fares well all things considered," She mewed softly, the memory of Blazestar's still recent passing and the assault on her children threatening the presence of tears in her eyes. "How fares ThunderClan?" Howlfire asked, after clearing her throat. Her eyes briefly flicker to Howlingstar. "Is everyone well?" It is asked in the same polite tone as her previous question, but the look she gives her grandmother is more personal, almost as though silently asking her about the condition of her ThunderClan kin.
ThunderClan needed them again.

Dawnglare follows after his apprentice, and he wonders. He wonders if he would find another newcomer, donning the title of medicine cat apprentice on behalf of Hailstorm, now dying his nest. Would ThunderClan be wracked by a bought of Greencough, so closely following the more deadly relative that was Yellowcough? Dawnglare had enough Catmint to cure one or two of ThunderClans, but not an entire clan, no. He doubts that the twolegs would even have so much.

It is relief, somewhat, to find Hailstorm at the border, but neither he nor Howlingstar would glimpse anything besides vague frustration upon his face. It was no folly of ThunderClans, but one of the very world itself, swallowing whole, now, two bodies that it never should have taken. The sun blazes cruel and unsual above their heads, as if its warmth was aimed elsewhere. Somewhere more deserving, perhaps. Did he not deserve it plenty more?

They chatter idly, him and Howlfire. His children hold up a better visage of wellness than Dawnglare does, and he wonders what this could mean. Is everyone well? Dawnglare pricks his ears, silently interested.

" You have me, " his voice is dull, then, toeing the line between exhaustion and anger. The former would be better for them all. A wary eye trails itself to Howlingstar — a molly that should've been in the ground far before SkyClan's own leader. Perhaps her age gave Blazestar the wisdom he had solely lacked... For that, her presence tells of a seriousness he was not certain he was ready for. " ...What is this? "

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 61 moons old as of 2.1.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
Having been ordered to join the patrol, Softpaw finds herself quietly standing beside the other patrol members as they come across the Thunderclan patrol. A nod of greeting would follow those of her clanmates, before finding the courage to offer them a friendly greeting. "Hello Thunderclan! Is all going well for you?" The child had no way of knowing what the means of their visit was, and whether or not this was an inappropriate question to be asking. Hopefully, they would excuse her if it caused any disrespect, and move on kindly.
Howlingstar treads carefully at her medicine cat's side, her face content and her idle chitchat warm. Her medicine cat. How it twisted her stomach to know that term no longer described her son, but his apprentice. It would take much time to get used to, but more than anything she trusted Berryheart, even in death. He knew Gentlestorm would serve the clan dutifully and well, and so she will trust him as much as her son had. As much as Little Wolf had.

She is pleased to see that the first two cats to greet them are her own grandchildren. Stars, how time continues to take and take. They're so grown now, looking as adult as the warriors that lead her patrols and serve on her council. "Fireflypaw, Howlfire," She purrs warmly, unwilling to stifle her love for her kin as she usually feels like she has to. With the death of so much family, she will not waste anymore affections on silence. Her grandson moves swiftly to retrieve Dawnglare, and so she instead meets Howlfire's gaze with a kind smile. She fights the urge to step right over the border and brush her cheek against hers in a greeting. "We are doing our best. Burnstorm's mate, Roeflame, is expecting kits, you know," She tells her softly. She knows the silent rivalry between the littermates continues to go on bitterly, but frankly, she things the SkyClanner deserves to know the brother she'd been a kit alongside is to be a father. "How are Blazingpaw, Hawkpaw, and Wolfpaw? I'd love to meet them, someday," She murmurs with a bit more hesitance, unsure if she is crossing an unspoken boundary. But they're family.

She offers a kind smile to the young apprentice that trails after them, but before she can answer Dawnglare himself arrives. She stands a bit straighter and offers the tom a nod of deep respect. After all, he is her late son's chosen teacher for the apprentice he left behind. Howlingstar holds back no kindness. She exchanges a glance with Gentlestorm before stepping closer to him and a bit ahead, her authority drawing her nearer to the SkyClan medicine cat. "Dawnglare, we come to ask you for yet another favor. SkyClan has already done so much for us, I know, but it was Berryheart's dying wish that we come to you. He-" She glances again at the silvery tom at her side, her tone taking on a more somber note. "-wanted you to finish Gentlestorm's training. You're the most experienced medicine cat in the forest, and he trusted no one more with the job. Gentlestorm is already quite knowledgeable, but..." She trails off, unable to finish the sentence. His training was cut short by my own child's death.

Friendliness to other groups had seldom been a concern for Silversmoke, so long as debts were repaid and friendships were kept professional, he saw no need for half of the niceties that his clanmates provided to the others. It was easy for him to believe such things when his family did not ally themselves with the outer groups, the warmth shared between Howlfire and Howlingstar was something he prayed he would never understand. Dutifully quiet as he approached, the Lead Warrior cast a glance to ThunderClan's newest medicine cat, then, to ThunderClan's leader, her words like gossip shared over grooming sessions. Kin was expecting kittens, a great-grandmother wanted to meet her kittens, had he not breathed in and picked up the border's strong scent, he may have forgotten that the blood in Howlingstar's veins did not belong to SkyClan. When her true intentions were revealed, Silversmoke's eyes narrowed. It was not his place to decide what was or wasn't done with the Medicine Cats, but... the absence of fairness demanded an answer - SkyClan was giving too much away to not get anything in return.

The spotted tabby's tail lashed behind him as he lowered his head, staring at the ThunderClanners as if they'd committed some great act of treason. Jaws clenched and teeth ground together as if he wanted to say more than what his position allowed, but Silversmoke did his best to keep his fiery blood from igniting a full-blown rant. If Orangestar did not arrive to see such audacity for herself, he would be sure to tell her when he returned from his patrol. A single paw stepped forward, smashing the slush that got in its way. "Will SkyClan be using its own herbs to train this... apprentice?" He glanced at Gentlestorm, a cat visually older than himself, and found the moniker a strange one to use. Bitterly, he cast his gaze above Howlingstar's head.


'CAUSE SOMEWHERE DOWN THE BANK — Gentlestorm listens idly to the interaction between grandmother and granddaughter before focusing his gaze towards Dawnglare when he arrives, he utters a quiet 'thank you' to Fireflypaw and offers the blue eyed tom a small smile as Howlingstar begins to explain why they're here at Skyclan's border. When she trails off does he continue with a curt nod of his head "I lack knowledge in kitting and want to ensure the queens are well taken care of... That nothing will go wrong," He knows that there could be risks regardless and itd be out of his paws but he wants his clanmates to feel safe to know that Gentlestorm knew what he was doing instead of stumbling not doing anything... He thinks about Berryheart letting a soft breath slip from his jaws noticing the approaching form of Silversmoke, a single ear flicks and only smiles when he's referred as an apprentice instead of a medicine cat. "That won't be necessary, I have herbs of my own." He has already asked so much of Skyclan and the debt will be repaid one day, he hopes as his attention turns to Dawnglare once more awaiting his answer, he silently prays that the other would be willing to help him... To help finish Berryheart's teachings.


    ✿✿✿✿✿ FLESH WOUNDS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ INFECTIONS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ACHES & PAINS
    ✿✿✿❀❀ ILLNESS
    ✿❀❀❀❀ BROKEN BONES
    ❀❀❀❀❀ KITTING
    ❀❀❀❀❀ POISONS
  • hail.png
    a longhaired blue sepia tom w/low white and brown eyes
    gentle is a very warm individual and friendly to those who he meets, he's very social and willing to lend anyone a paw if they need it. he's very patient, caring, and it's usually rare to earn his ire.
    52 moons old; ages the 27th every month
    widowed/not interested; mated to little wolf
    easy to befriend/interact with ; hard to anger/upset
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    peaceful powerplay allowed


"I suppose that's up to Dawnglare and Orangeblossom, then." noted Johnnyflame. The lead didn't see much of an issue with it- Thunderclan were decent cats for the most part, and there was nothing that could be used against them in the future from letting their medicine cat learn how to safely deliver a queens kits. "Where's the training going to take place, though? Will you recquire Dawnglare to remain in Thunderclans territory for now, or do you plan to go without a medic entirely by leaving yours with us?" asked Johnny, words not unkind but alluding to the reality of what such a request might mean.

That was a far more important question in the bobtails opinion. Johnny didn't know much, but he assumed the kind of training Gentlestorm was after was hands-on, which meant they'd have to be with the pregnant queen when she went into labor. And since they couldn't very well ask the Queen to hold her kits in so that someone could go sprinting off to find the Thunderclans medic for a lesson, that would mean they would have to already be there when it happened. Unless they just wanted a verbal lesson? Either way it seemed like it wasn't enough. Surely they'd need to be there for multiple births to know the potential dangers and what to look for?

Then again, one was better than none- and a verbal rundown was better than flying blind.


Speaking to her grandmother summons such a warm feeling in Howlfire's heart. Although it is only across the border and the conversation is a little stilted due to their different clans, it is nice to have a conversation with another of her family, no matter how brief it was. She smiles warmly at the news her brother will be a father soon himself. A part of her wants to tell Howlingstar to share words of congratulations with him on her behald, but she doubts her littermate would approve. At the mention of her kits, she perks up briefly. "They're doing better now. Still recovering from their wounds but they're out of the medicine den at least," Howlfire informs her. At the mention of meeting them one day, her smile falters briefly. "I...would like that one day. Perhaps if we're lucky you might meet them at the next gathering."

After their conversation, Dawnglare himself arrives, asking after the reason for the ThunderClan cats being here. Apparently, they were seeking Dawnglare's aid in training Gentlestorm. The ThunderClan tom admitted he was lacking in knowledge of kitting, and wanted to learn so as to better be able to care for the queens of his clan. Silversmoke shrewdly asks whether their own herbs will be depleted to train Gentlestorm but they are assured that won't be the case. Johnnyflame was a bit more tolerant about the idea of Dawnglare helping than Silversmoke was but he had a fair question about the training. The bobtail had a good earlier point that it was ultimately up to Dawnglare and Orangestar to accept. Her amber gaze flickers between the SkyClan lead warriors. "Should I fetch Orangestar and see what she has to say?"
He is rather aimless, met by the will of Howlingstar. His leader had been Blazestar. Those who framed him on that rock… had been nothing more than that. No different from the branches spindling all around them. Said branch now jutted out to him, voice cracking like dry bark. A favor. A dying wish. He is suddenly grateful then, that Blazestar had not burdened him with more than he already has, in death.

Gentlestorm’s training. The new moniker still catches him unexpectedly. A clear gaze levels to the tom Howlingstar had shared gazes with. It is a gut feeling, that makes him dislike his build, his coat, his smile, his skin… Dawnglare’s stare would seep upon the newfound healer like rain into flimsy den. Sudden, Implacable distaste raises the fur along his spine. It’s clumsy, his reply. “ I— ” And then he is blinking, with the weight of what they ask.

Murmurings break out before he knows what to say; what to think. Silversmoke clamors forward like the brute he is. Johnnyflame comes on gentler paws… ThunderClan can only be spared a look from him yet, thoughts kicking into a viscous whirlwind.

I don’t know. I don’t know. The more Johnnyflame speaks, the more eager he is to take a paw to his face. Eyes, all on him. From above, from below. All are judgmental. Only one is cruel.

Howlfire speaks, and fur ruffled, the Medicine Cat pipes up.

“ It is my decision, ” too loudly, he snaps. Frustration brings him to the tips of his toes. His spine curls, defensive. Yes, he would need to speak to… to Orangestar… but in the beginning, and in the end, “ It's mine. "

It is unwarranted. Unwarranted, but guilt does not come easily enough when it’s ThunerClan, at their border. ThunderClan, what Blaise had come for. ThunderClan, what Valentine had followed for, unbeknownst to him. ThunderClan. His gaze strains.

ThunderClan, where his fellow Medicine Cat had fallen. ThunderClan, where Blazestar’s first love had lived. ThunderClan, where Blazestar’s children still did. ThunderClan, that was apparently worth… all of this.

His eyes are dry. His shoulders loosen.

" I... " his voice shakes. His tail, irate and twitching, now wilts in its uncertainty. Scratching, scraping… His eyes dance to and fro. " I must… think about this. " And at last, he lowers his head.

  • geLHt4I.png

  • ( I'M AS ALIVE AS HER BEARD IS LONG ) DAWNGLARE Medicine Cat of SkyClan. Mentoring Fireflypaw
    𓆩♡𓆪 He / him , deeply confused by the use of other pronouns
    𓆩♡𓆪 Currently 62 moons old as of 3.9.24. Mated to Mallowlark

    Unsettling and strange, Dawnglare bears a unique perception to the world and stars above on top of a generally unpleasant disposition. Holds others to uniquely impossible standards and himself undeniably above the rest. Delusional and very much stuck in his ways. The death of his closest friend has helped him none, in this
    Mood is decided by dice - rolls per thread, with the exception of some important threads
All of the talking around him makes him want to seal his ears off to the world, burn them shut so he must never hear this again- Dawnglare was requested to leave SkyClan to help ThunderClan. Sharp teeth nip at his bottom lip, wringing the flesh angrily as he waits for the high priest to make his decision.

But he doesn't. He says he must think about it, and Fireflypaw doesn't feel relief in the words he speaks. No, his mentor was considering it- weighing his options as if leaving him behind to take care of the Clan alone was even a good option. Fireflypaw wasn't ready. He wasn't fully trained- what if.. What if.. What if.. What if he failed? What if his Clan died because of him, because he couldn't do what they needed him to do? Countless deaths run in a circle around his mind, making him dizzy.

It takes all of his energy to scoot closer to Dawnglare, not touching him. He was the holiness that graced SkyClan, why should he grace ThunderClan when they have done nothing for them? The only family that remained there that gave a rat's hind about him was Howlingstar. Berryheart and Little Wolf were no longer alive, no longer there to show him the love he so craved from his ThunderClan blood. He shuts his eyes then, taking in a shaky breath before he steps back.

"Please.. Be safe on your way back to ThunderClan, Howlingstar. Gentlestorm."
Silversmoke speaks up, asking about herbs. She studies his face for a moment as she waits for Gentlestorm to reply - she wouldn't know how to answer, after all. The herbs are not under her jurisdiction. But the lead warrior seems tense, his eyes narrowed and judging, and she finds herself growing disappointed that he's here. They are here as friends, as a peaceful pair of leader-and-medicine cat; his irritation offends her.

Once Gentlestorm assures they'd be using their own herbs, Johnnyflame, another lead warrior she recognizes, asks about where each cat would stay. Her ears prick in surprise, the slight widening of her eyes likely giving away her shock. She looks once more to her medicine cat before glancing back to Johnnyflame, then to Dawnglare. "I think there must be a misunderstanding. Gentlestorm stays with us, and you'd stay with SkyClan. No one moves anywhere; we're just asking for lessons for him."

Howlfire speaks up again, asking if she should retrieve Orangestar, and she is swiftly silenced by Dawnglare. Howlingstar stares intently at the SkyClan medicine cat as he slowly speaks, her ears pressing forward as she waits to hear his decision. He must think about it, he says, and her heart drops. It's not what she had expected, not at all. She had been so sure that Berryheart's relationship with the other medicine cats would help his apprentice get the training he needed, and they don't have time for pondering. But she dips her head, murmuring, "Thank you for your time," before turning away. "Goodbye Fireflypaw, Howlfire," She adds on with a small smile towards her grandchildren.

Perhaps we should go to ShadowClan instead, She thinks as she begins to descend back into the forest. She recalls the friendliness of Magpiepaw, Starlingheart's apprentice, and thinks they might actually have a shot with them.