pafp I got you blue || Alleged eagle feather

Sparkpaw prowled through the undergrowth in search of prey. Hunting was fun. It was rewarding! And he liked being rewarded. If you told him you would give him a shiny rock if he did something, he would do it. That rock would be as good as his. Hunting gave the reward of food, and confirmation of skill. Each paw was soundless as it stepped, one infront of the other. Flowers were blooming, the world was coming back to life all around him and it was quite distracting. Having been born in leafbare, he had only known the colder moons. This was a first for him, the warmth and life of leafgreen.

Eventually, he stopped looking for prey and took in the new sights around him. He would still hunt, but.... Just not at this moment.

As he padded along, something caught his eye. A feather, but bigger than any he had ever seen. Woah!!! He hopped over to examine this treasure. It was a rich brown color, and in perfect condition as well. He'd never seen a feather so perfect. He picked it up. He couldn't just leave it here! He bet it was an EAGLE feather, it was so big!!! He had to show Wolfwind. Or....Or!!! Even better, give it to her as a gift!!! Wolfwind hadn't been the same since Morningpaw died....He couldnt blame her, but....Maybe this feather will cheer her up a little! And so, he bounded through the forest to find his mentor, and when he did, he skid to a halt in front of her.

"Wolfwind!! I found this REALLY BIG FEATHER! I bet it's an EAGLE feather!" He said excitedly. "I thought you would like it, because you're cool!"

He looked up at her with wide eyes, eager to see her reaction.

She didn't deserve him.

She didn't deserve either one of them. Bright-eyed apprentices– why wouldn't they be? It was the most exciting time of your life. Even if it seems like you're collecting moss all damn day, just the thought of doin' something other than that someday kept the adrenaline going. Constant anticipation. Learnin' somethin' new around every corner. It had the potential to be fun as hell or boring as hell, and if she wasn't a shitty mentor herself.

Barely kept up, barely made conversation these days. There was a time where she thinks she and Sparkpaw would've gotten along great, but it was just... different now. Wolfwind takes him and the other one out with a blank expression. Tail lowered, fur dull. The kid's just sightseeing instead of hunting and she doesn't even have it in her to give a fuck.

Pathetic her, letting her own feelings get in the way of somethin' like that for someone else.

She only notices somethin's changed when suddenly he's yelling, as he liked to do, and suddenly charging at her with the biggest feather she's ever seen. Wolfwind blinks. When had he even left? Sunfreckle was gonna kill her dead.

Thankfully, she's distracted by her guaranteed demise by the fuzzball practically vibrating in front of her. "A-an eagle feather, huh?" She couldn't confirm nor deny, but she knew it was sweet. That's what it was. "Me? Cool?" A moon or so ago she would've accepted that title without fuss– eagerly even, lifting her chin to declare to her family– nah, the whole forest, that she was ThunderClan's coolest warrior.

That wouldn't be right, though. Not right now. Would he still think that in a few moons? Who knows.

She's being a bummer about it, but maybe, her heart melts a little. "Perty as all heck," she tells him, managing a small smile. "Expert find. Even RiverClan's prissy asses will be impressed."