pafp i got you blue || Gifts

Frostbite had spent much of his time wallowing, but he wasn't ignorant to his clanmates troubles. For instance, he knows what Halfshade and her kits have been through and it was fortunate that they all made it back alright. He hadn't been there to help and he planned to talk to her, but his apprentice meeting an untimely demise distracted him for.... A bit. He often wondered what the normal amount of time to grieve was. Had he been this way for too long? At what point was he supposed to carry on without pain in his heart?

Instead of dwelling on this, he decided he would use his restless energy for something useful. Halfshade and her kits deserved something to cheer them up after their ordeal, so he wandered away from the area the clan was staying in in the oak forest. Not too far, mind. He didn't want any Thunderclanners to shred him. He had spotted some flowers near the thunderpath, and decided to pick a few. Some white ones he knew were daisies, and a few yellow ones. Buttercups, he thinks they are. He picks as much as hes willing to carry in his mouth, avoiding any that happen to have bees on them.

Now that he had a bouquet that made him wonder if Smogmaw would think he was trying to steal his mate, he headed back to their temporary camp to find his friend. He spots her easily, and heads over to her. He places the flowers between them.

"I figured you and your kits could use some cheering up after what happened." He said. No one should have had to go through that, especially kits. "How have you been doing?" He asks.


Now that she was over her shock she was back to her usually prissy demeanor, appalled at their current circumstances and irritated by the lack of comfort the dingy nest she had set up to the side of the territory offered; it was as far away from the Thunderpath as she could get without being too far from the rest of the clan and her fear of the bear's wandering over and finishing the job it sought to do before kept her from isolating as she wanted. The tunnels were too dingy but she adjusted, settling as comfortably as she could where fresh air could still be felt even if it did carry the scent of gravel and tar from the monster ridden path above. The torbie glanced over to her kits, playing without much energy nearby and clearly still shaken up by the entire affair and she sighed wistfully; she'd hoped they would have a peaceful kithood before being made apprentices, something to look back on fondly but instead they only got something that would wake them in the dead of night from slumber with a jolt. A nightmare to remember.
Mismatched eyes lifted to the sound of approach, she stared wide-eyed momentarily at Frostbite totting yellow flowers toward her and for a moment she almost glanced back to see if he'd fetched them for someone else but no. They were for her and her kits, a touching gesture and she smiled warmly at the explaination and concern.
"Oh, thank you~ They're lovely, they certainly bring some color to this dreary spot don't they?" She pat a paw down, gesturing for him to sit, "I'm...well enough. The kits seem to be fine as are you?" She'd heard, of course, of what happened. While Halfshade had no fondness for the loud apprentice she had certainly not wanted her to die nor in such a horrific way either.
Applekit feels weird playing lately. She feels like something's gonna sneak up on her if she isn't paying attention. The snow - white body creeping toward her mother sticks out. But its the opposite of the dark, scary bear fur... It's Frostbite, Applekkit realizes, and he has flowers in her jaws. Without much thought, Applekit would scuttle toward her mother, ears pressed back to her head. It was for them, too? Applekit perks up, slightly. The flowers were pretty. They must be ThunderClan flowers. Applekit takes a sniff.

Agreeing with Halfshade, Applekit takes one of them. She can think about now getting it dirty and how nice it is, instead of how much everything stinks right now. " Thank you, Frostbite, " Applekit mewls, polite enough to know she should say so. She hasn't yet questioned the disappearance of the annoyance that was Poppypaw. She doesn't know how she'll feel.