private I GOTTA KNOW [cherrypaw]



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Figfeather could not decide if she should feel awkward or smug. Blazestar had denied her Cherrypaw as an apprentice; yet here she stood with the girl under her wing. Of course- it was only for a day while Slate rested up, but still she did her best to soak in all the honor she could.

However, she felt quite embarrassed not being able to take Cherrypaw to the treetops. They’d have to focus on groundskills today, not the typical SkyClan training session… Often she can’t help but wonder if thats why she’s not been given an apprentice of her own yet, it was the only reason her young mind could fathom.

They are padding past the Tallpine when Figfeather reminices on her youth as an apprentice. ”Have you tried to prove your worth by climbing the Tallpine yet?” She remembered that being a big deal, whoever could climb the highest on the tall tree. The red tabby had skillfully beaten most opponents in that game- until her accident.

// @Cherrypaw
As always, Cherrypaw enjoys Figfeather's company. She seems to see her even more rarely than she had when she was a kit, where the young warrior would visit out of her own volition. Nowadays they're hardly assigned to the same patrol, not from any bias of Orangeblossom's but by the numbers of patrol-worthy cats and the deputy's attempts to give each SkyClanner the equal chance of interaction.

The pace goes down easier than it does with Slate, just another thing to appreciate about a day spent with Figfeather rather than her actual mentor. Had Blazestar apprenticed her to the lead warrior because he wanted her to grow into a good fighter, rather than a good hunter? The warrior's mangled leg casts doubts upon her ability to defend her clan, but if her physical prowess in the realm of hunting was worth anything, she couldn't be that lacking.

The pair trots around the Tallpine like ants crawling around its single, behemoth paw. "Not yet," she answers. Her chin lifts as her gaze does, following the crevices and cracks that outline its bark. Instinctively, she scouts for pawholds along its crochety skin. "Isn't it, like, the tallest tree in the whole forest? Like all the clans?" she wonders aloud. "Yeah, I could climb it. One day." She doesn't mean to be rude―well, not that rude; there are parts of her that still assume others' insecurities are solely theirs to deal with―when she glances at Figfeather again and meows, "Did you ever try?"
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