I guess that’s love / Dewfrost

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
Normally, the tabby warrior was content avoiding the Shadowclan border, even being close to it could sting her senses from the acrid monster path that divided their two territories.
Today, however, her paws found themselves on that path. Desperate to avoid Skyclans border, knowing that she’d find herself searching for someone she shouldn’t be, and dealing with Riverclan had grown tiring.
Her hate for the group of marsh-dwelling cats still burned deep in her conscious, even after her discovery of Cinderfrost’s treachery, they still put a bitter taste on her tongue.
Too warped in her own thoughts, she barely see’s that she has broken the tree line until paw pads meet scalding asphalt.
Roeflame steps back with a startled grunt, shaking herself- stars, when would she get it together?
She is more than ready to turn tail back to her forest home, yet as her mind comes out of its subconscious so does her sense of awareness. She glances up, and her eyes catch on a patch of silver- a pelt of silver.
Her. The molly who had been watching her at the gathering last night, the one who’s eyes had burned two holes in her back at the one before. "Hey, you!" She calls, not caring if the strange molly had anyone with her.
When she’d catch the attention of the Shadowclanner, Roeflame would be shaken again by the strange familiarity about her, the way she stood so far away.
"What…what is your problem? You following me or something?" Roeflame would egg on, pushing her uneasy instincts down. Her accusations were irrational, but she was oblivious to that, her fuse cut too short as of late. Roeflame supposes it could be a hundred things- the disgraced medicine cats daughter, the little apprentice who stood toe to toe with the silver warriors former leader to call him a bastard- which he was. Yet, for Roeflame the unknowing is unbearable.


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Dewfrost frequently liked to walk in her clan's territory. It was nearly always by herself, or on occasion with Thistlefang, when she could coax her mother out of the maid part of ShadowClan lands. Thistelfang wasn't one for leaving camp unless she had to, and had become even more stubborn in this regard since her father had passed.

Dewfrost didn't really mind in truth. Whilst she liked the company on occasion, she generally preferred her solitude. She is happily minding her own business when the sound of rustling on the other side of the thunderpath catches her attention. Dewfrost pauses and watches as the mysterious she-cat she had seen at two gatherings briefly steps onto the thunderpath and then takes a step back. She was clearly lost in her own thoughts when she stumbled onto it judging by the way she suddenly recoiled. Dewfrost's gaze lingers for a moment, before she tears herself away, not wanting to get involved if she could help it.

"Hey, you!"

Dewfrost had thought she had gone unnoticed but she was clearly mistaken when the ThunderClan she-cat calls out to her. Dewfrost's head snaps up in attention, a mildly startled expression on her face as her green eyes stare at Roeflame. "I have no problem with yo!" Dewfost responds back, lifting her voice a little to ensure it carries across the thunderpath. "I assure you I am not following you," Dewfrost insisted. Despite her comments even she could see the oddity of the situation as a whole. "Perhaps it is you who is following me?" Dewfrost suggested in a rare moment of boldness from her. "After all I am on my territory and you are the one stumbling around by the thunderpath. You should be more careful around it by the way. The monsters that crawl along the thunderpath don't look too kindly on cats."

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
When the Shadowclanner calls back, the frustration that scrunches in Roeflames features is evident. She even talks in oddities.
Roeflame practically snorts when the other suggests that she was the one following her. "If I recall, you were the one with their eyes glued to me at the gathering and one before, and now I just happen to stumble upon you staring at me, again? No way lady!" The young warrior fires back, her immaturity still shining brightly under her flustered retort.
"I don’t need advice from a Shadowclanner, thank you!" She calls again with a quick lash of her tail. "So I’ll ask you again- what is your deal?"
Admittedly, the calling back and forth from across the Thunderpath is a bit awkward, but Roeflame doesn’t seem to have a care in the world about that at the moment, she just wanted answers.
In a Roeflame fashion, she’d step onto the burning surface of the black rock once more, making a petulant statement that she wasn’t budging until the other brought her riddles to an end- despite the unease the molly continued to bring to Roeflame.


It does not come as a surprise when the ThunderClan cat does not believe her. Even Dewfrost is aware of how stilted an awkward her responses must have come across. The younger cat is insistent that Dewfrost must have some sort of issue with her, citing how Dewfrost had stared at her during the previous two gatherings.

Dewfrost shifted uncomfortably on the spot. Well, she wasn't exactly wrong. Dewfrost could see how her stares at the gathering would be considered off when the ThunderClan did not understand the contest nor the reasoning for her intense stares. "As I said before, I have no problem with you!" Dewfrost once again called out. "I apologise for staring at you so intently at the gatherings and if it made you uncomfortable. I only stared so much because you reminded me of..." my daughter she finished silently. The silver tabby is silent for a few moments, choosing her next words carefully. "You remind me of someone I once knew. But I have not seen her for a long time."

ROEFLAME — break the air to feel the fall.
The asphalt beneath her paws is scalding, but she stubbornly pushes through until the heat subsides, her paw pads accustomed to the heat, and perhaps a bit burnt to numbness.
I only stared so much because you reminded me of… someone I once knew.
Guilt, that’s what tugs at Roeflames heart. Here she was, badgering some Shadowclan warrior over… nothing. A staring problem.
What was she spinning into?
With a sheepish flick of her ears she finally shuffles back to the sandy bank of her own territory.
"Oh." She huffs back, though her remorse does not reflect in her tone. She looks at the silvery warrior again, the ghostly feeling parting at her maw, that the others presence was uneasily familiar as well, someone Roeflame couldn’t put her paw on.
She has half a mind to ask the molly who she was once more, to at least put a name to the hollow face.
Yet, she doesn’t, left to gingerly kick sand all the way on the other side of the Thunderpath.
"Well… I hope your friend is..okay, but don’t do that anymore, or next time there won’t be a Thunderpath in between us!" She calls, desperate to burn this bridge and call it a day- though her tone doesn’t match the ferocity her words should call for.


It's hard for Dewfrost to say whether she thinks Roeflame has any true remorse for the situation or not. It does seem her words have taken her by surprise at the very least but her stance and tone suggest otherwise.

Roeflame claims that she hopes her friend is okay and Dewfrost inclines her head to one side sadly. "I hope so too," She says with a sad smile. Her following words seem to imply that she doesn't want to see Dewfrost staring at her anymore or running into her anymore. A part of wishes she could say she would try not to do so, but Dewfrost isn't even sure she can promise that. With frequent border patrols and gatherings, it is more likely than not they would see each other again. And with how similar Roeflame looked to her lost daughter...well Dewfrost could not promise she would not look at her and think of the what ifs. "I make no promises," Dewfrost finally said after a moment. "I walk this borderline often to help clear my mind, I will not stop coming here because of any idle threats you toss toward me. And with frequent gatherings and border patrols, it is more likely than not we would see each other again. Though perhaps you would prefer I simply look at the ground until you pass by next time?"

Her green eyes stare at Roeflame for a final time before she huffs. "I have no quarrel with you," She says, an air of finality in her tone. "I ask that you cease trying to instigate a fight where there does not need to be one." With a curt nod, Dewfrost turns and slips away through the undergrowth on her side, returning to the marshes she called home.