pafp I GUESS THIS IS IT / deer

₊· ͟͟͞͞➳˚ She walks alongside her father making sure that her pawsteps matched his knowing that she cannot wander off like she used to within camp, there was new scents everywhere and knowing that there was more to see beyond camp made her stomach do a few nervous yet excited flips. With the journeying cats gone, she knew that there would be more work for them considering they had lost six paws and in turn only gained three. Beepaw briefly stops in her tracks when she notices something from the corner of her eyes and her pupils enlarge at the sight of a strange yet ethereal creature that walked through the river grazing at the small clumps of grass nearby. Its structured rather thin much like Cicadastar and her brother, she can't help but glance over to Cicadapaw using her bottlebrush tail to lightly brush against his shoulder to get his attention. The creature held itself in such a regal way, it was tall, and long limbed almost appearing delicate in a way but she doubts that it isn't dangerous.

"What is that, p... Smokethroat?" She corrects herself knowing that it felt a little odd to say her papa's name instead of simply calling him papa, Beepaw will get accustomed to it over some time but her bicolored gaze flicks over to the deputy hoping that he had an answer for her. Beepaw keeps attentive as best as she can though she can't help but feel more curious about the deer that was a few foxlengths away from them, she wonders if Cicadapaw would grow to be something similar to that creature or hold himself as such but a part of her doubts it and that's fine with her. The smoke molly turns to her littermate once more offering a small smile giving another quick nod to the deer, a sliver of her wanting to tell him that it reminded her of him but surely he could pick it up from how enthusiastic she seemed. Once more her eyes turn to the graceful being unable to help but notice the "crown" that rested upon its head and it dawns on her, she feels like she has seen them before but can't quite place it.

/ please wait until @CICADAKIT replies & mentor tag @Smokethroat
  • beekit_chibi.png
    ❥ 3 moons old
    ❥ riverclan apprentice
    ❥ sexuality unknown; single
    ❥ daughter of smokethroat & cicadastar
    "speech", thoughts, attacking
    ❥ peaceful powerplay allowed
    ❥ penned by bosstaurus

✦ | even in his youth, cicadapaw has begun to stretch and warp with growth. the spare baby-fat his rank belies is beginning to drain away, not that there was much in the first place, leaving his bones more jutting and prominent than ever and his mussed curls laid too thin over his frame. to even his own surprise, four moons sits (distantly, yes, but there nonetheless) on the horizon, and it shows in his ever-lengthening limbs and even more disproportionate, if that were possible, ears.

all of that, essentially, results in him feeling more unsightly than ever as he flanks his father. a bicolor gaze cuts long and sideways towards where cicadastar pads at his side, looking for all the world like a proper king of the rivers, even on this mundane patrol. the elder cicada's long limbs and sharp face, accompanied by his elegant posture and looming height so unlike cicadapaw's own, turn him into a regal creature, something alien. existing on a separate plane entirely, it feels, from his son's unkempt curls and knobby joints. cicadapaw lets out a low sigh at these dull introspections, though perhaps its real motivation is lingering in his temples and jaw.

his headache today is excruciating. so much so he'd nearly considered creeping out of camp and avoiding this outing entirely, but in the end, the memory of his father's rage had kept his paws rooted to the earth. the feeling of his sister's bottlebrush tail against his shoulder stirs him from the stupor he'd been stumbling along in, squinting in the direction she indicates. the light makes his headache flare, but he peers at the strange thing nonetheless, his head tilted curiously. her enthusiasm as she glances between him and the deer graces him with the understanding of what she means and he chances a look at his father, who resembles the oddly kingly thing much more than his son.

"yeah, what is it?" he manages, screwing up his eyes against the glare as he looks at the graceful, alien being. its head is spiked with a circlet of elegantly curling shapes and the boy's slumped shoulders pull taut as he leans forward a bit. glancing over to his father, he mews, "it reminds me of you."


  • OOC: mentor tag @CICADASTAR !!
  • cicadakit.png
    x he / him ; 3 moons.
    x son to cicadastar and smokethroat ; brother to beepaw & starlightpaw. under his father's instruction, pending iciclefang's return.
    x a skinny, unsightly black-and-white tom with curly fur and heterochromia ; can be described as difficult, at best.
    x currently in an era of internal conflict, fighting a deep hunger to rebel against his father's carefully crafted image.
  • disclaimer: it's important to note that cicadapaw is not always in a stable state of mind. his view of the world may not always be accurate to objective reality, which may include seeing things that are not genuinely there, reading motivations or thoughts from actions that are not actually implied, and making assumptions or jumping to conclusions. this is not an attempt at metagaming, powerplaying, or mischaracterization, and is not legitimately true or correct to reality or what your characters actually think or believe.

    it will always be noted in the post if he is seeing something that isn't actually there. all opinions & thoughts are ic only and do not reflect my thoughts and opinions as a writer.
Rat had been an apprentice longer than the two other apprentices before her and in that time she had gotten to know the territory well. Despite knowing the territory enough to not have issues going back to camp if she needed to run off to get something or if she somehow got separated from whoever she was with - an unlikely event due to her tendency to be glued to her mentor's side when possible - there were still many things that the young girl found herself confused about. Sometimes it was simply a landmark she hadn't noticed before, but other times it was things like this - a deer.

She silently agreed with the words the two siblings spoke, the long limbs of the creature before them were akin to the leader and his spawn, and ears flicked forward as she tried to listen to any noises the thing could make. She moved closer to the other two apprentices, and quietly she began to speak fear evident in her voice that if she were to speak too loudly or move closer then she would somehow scare the deer off. "Do you think it's friendly?" An honest question, one that she was curious to know the answer to. Eyes glance to her own mentor for a moment before it flicked to the leader and deputy. Whether one of them knew the answer to the question or not she would stare ahead, the sharpness of the antlers causing her to shrink back slightly. She could only hope it was friendly, the antlers would only prove deadly if a cat happened to be on the wrong end of those.
  • mentor tag @salmonshade
  • rat_colored.png
    ratkit - ratpaw - rat???
    ⋆ female - she/her - 5 moons
    ⋆ homosexual - too young for relationship
    ⋆ apprentice of riverclan
    attack - speech - thought
    ⋆ penned by tikki

He's accompanied by several apprentices right now and honestly, he couldn't be more content. There was something gratifying watching the new generation explore and see the world, their territory and all the oddities within it. He pauses at his name and lifts his head to gaze off into the distance where the younger cats were all staring and his whiskers quivered in amusement; the first time he saw a deer he was equally surprised by how such a thing existed. Eyes too big, legs far too long, they walked with an eerie grace despite being so awkward in proportion - they reminded him of Cicadastar and now he supposed they reminded him of Cicadapaw as well.
"A deer. That one is a buck. That means its a tom." The word 'buck' escapes him quietly, he still has mixed feelings on the prior deputy who was so openly opposed to everything they stood for and even to the last she cared for only herself and her own. In a way he understands her better now, with his own kits, but RiverClan was still ever at the forefront of his mind no matter the circumstances. A safe clan meant a safe haven for his offspring, for his family and friends. Selfish as he'd like to be, he knew that was not the path they needed to take to keep stability.
"The mollys are called does. Their kits are called fawns." Like cats the creatures had their own names for their species, things he only knew from Moss prior to the clan's forming though he couldn't tell you how the older she-cat knew them herself.
At Ratpaw's question he nods slowly, "They aren't going to hunt us, as long as we respect their space they won't cause us harm but if you startle them or get too close they may attempt to trample you so keep your distance all the same."