private I HAD A CAR AND I WENT TOO FAR // iciclefang

// @iciclefang

She is closer than she's ever wanted to be with a RiverClanner. Literally. There is one leaning on her shoulder, unable to walk on her own after that nasty hit with a falling rock. They are enveloped in darkness, blind to any of their surroundings, blind to even each other. Stormywing can only move in the wake of Smogmaw's scent; somehow, his eyes are keen in this black hole of nothingness. Only he can lead them through, and when that's the case, the tabby has no choice but to follow. Her mind wanders to those they became separated from. Are they okay? Are they even alive? How in StarClan can they continue this journey after such an event? Their group has been scattered, and half of them could be dead for all they know...maybe more. Are we the only ones left? She thinks worriedly. A grumbling ShadowClanner, a young WindClanner, two RiverClanners she just so happens to be in a sort-of-maybe-rivalry with, her fellow ThunderClanner, and...

The kittypet.

She hears the SkyClanner's paws shuffling hesitantly behind them all, hears her trip yet again with a soft yelp, and she huffs, muttering to the she-cat leaning up on her shoulder, "Can she slow us down any more?"
It’s hard for Iciclefang to concentrate on anything but the immediate. Right paw. Yes, ensure the pads meet the ground; twisting an ankle will do us no good. Left paw. Right paw. Ssst—left. Her inner mantra is so loud it blocks everything else out, including the thick and uneasy silence between her and the others she’s trapped with. It’s too dark to see anyone, but she can scent ShadowClan, thick and murky, in front of her. Smogmaw, the deputy of the dark-dwelling warriors, leads them through the shadows.

The strongest scent in her nose, when she has a moment to reflect, is Stormywing’s. The gray tabby had taken her chance to shield her from certain death. Iciclefang leans gratefully but begrudgingly against a sturdy shoulder, her foul mood clear on her face—an expression none can see, but anyone could feel. A dip in the earth causes her to jostle the shoulder she’d injured, and she hisses. “Careful!” Her cross words are directed to both herself and the ThunderClan she-cat she leans against.

It's not just the three of them, though. A WindClan apprentice scampers somewhere in this place. Fernpaw, she thinks—well, she knows her brother’s scent, but he’s been so distant from her that she cannot know for sure what he’s doing… another ThunderClanner, his face bleeding, too… and, yes, a SkyClanner, the one who’d warned them about the Twoleg trap.

Stormywing’s comment is made almost casually. Iciclefang’s own teeth are grit, but she manages to agree. “What do you expect from a kittypet? She can hardly help it. They aren’t made for going outside their…” She has to suppress another hiss of pain, leaning more solidly against Stormywing, “—their Twoleg nests, much less something like this.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Stormywing braces herself - and, by extension, Iciclefang - when they traverse the dip in the ground. She does her best to keep the she-cat level and nearly winces when she hears the pain in her voice. "Sorry..." She offers through her teeth. With no light, it is impossible to examine the wound that cripples the RiverClanner. She has no idea how bad it is; does she have a broken bone? A sprain? For the sake of the journey, she can only hope it is merely badly bruised beneath the gash.

Her ears twitch when she comments on kittypets, how they aren't made for leaving their nests, and somewhere deep down, she feels a burning sense of embarrassment and shame. She had left her nest and has made it just fine as a warrior. Then again, she had been swift to abandon her collar and any attachment to the twolegs...

She doesn't know why she does it, but Stormywing is quick whisper back, "You're right, they're nothing but lazy, helpless kits. They could never make it out here." It's a good thing Iciclefang can't see her grimace that swiftly follows her words. Why did I say that? It discounts all the work she had ever done to become the warrior she is today. But for some reason, she just wants to save herself that shame in front of the she-cat.

She turns her head towards her as she leans heavier against her shoulder, an almost worried trill leaving her, "Hey, you okay? Need to stop for a heartbeat?"
Stormywing apologizes, though Iciclefang has to admit it’s not her fault she’d stumbled. “Neither of us can see a blasted thing in here,” she mutters, strain thick in her voice and pulling it taut. Like her companion, she begins to wonder just exactly how gruesome this wound is. She can smell blood and torn flesh, but there’s no way for either of them to examine the injury.

She begins to wonder if she’ll lose the limb, if the journeying cats will have to leave her here to die. The idea sends a small flame of panic flickering across her lower belly. I will not die here. I will make it home to my father and sister and my Clan. Determination steels her, and she grits her teeth and begins to limp a little quicker.

SkyClan has nothing but kittypets to send, to be fair,” she muses. Stormywing’s kittypet intolerance is vehement, fierce. “I thought ThunderClan was friendly to kittypets too, or is that not the case?” She wishes she could see the warrior’s expression after a statement like that, but she steps wrong again—this time on a pointed stone that drives up through her paw—and she growls, stumbling.

No,” she says in response to Stormywing’s half-worried trill. But now her pad is bleeding on top of everything, and she slows, huffing. “…Yes, please. I just stepped on something and I can feel wetness in my paw pad.” She shudders, realizing how little she still can see—even the paw she puts right in front of her face is little more than a blurry gray shape. “I can hardly tell what’s what… can you check and see if there’s anything still stuck to my paw?

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
I thought ThunderClan was friendly to kittypets too, or is that not the case?

Her muscles tense unwillingly, a sharp inhale drawn in. "No. Howlingstar doesn't allow kittypets in the clan....Emberstar did, though. So...there are some former kittypets." She doesn't know why her heart is racing with anxiety. She isn't lying. She's just omitting the full truth. That she is one of those former kittypets, a past she despises with every fiber of her being. Origins she will hide from Iciclefang for reasons unknown to her.

Stormywing pauses immediately when she says she needs to stop, face scrunching with a bit of worry. "Yeah, sure, sure. Here, just- just sit down." As soon as she's sitting, she takes a step back to give her room, rolling her shoulder back to relieve it of the strain that's been put on it by helping the other. Her ears perk up in surprise when she's asked to check her paw. "Er- sure," She trills, shocked the she-cat is relying on her for help. Then again, she has been leaning on her the entirety of this cave-trek, so far.

She leans forward to sniff at the paw, the metallic scent of blood filling her nose. "Yeah, I- I think there's something stuck in there. A sharp rock, maybe? Sorry about this," She warns in advance, knowing the cat who has become her rival of sorts will not like what she's about to do. Tentatively, she leans forward and feels with her nose until she can tell where the pebble is embedded between two of her toes. As carefully as she can, she grips it between her incisors and yanks, successfully pulling out the sharp spike and spitting it on the ground. "There we go!" She chirps, proud of herself.
Iciclefang can feel Stormywing tense beside her. The tortoiseshell waits for her response, wondering if she’d offended the tabby. She certainly seems to hate kittypets. Stormywing tells her Howlingstar does not allow kittypets to join their Clan, but that Emberstar did. “Emberstar.” She’d nearly forgotten the cheerful golden she-cat who once reigned ThunderClan. “Emberstar was your leader when I was first apprenticed. I remember seeing her at Gatherings.” She wonders if Emberstar would have ever thought to go to battle over Sunningrocks.

She exhales with relief after the ThunderClan she-cat allows them to rest, then nearly does it again when she consents to check her smarting paw. Though she can’t see much of it, the damp of Stormywing’s nose brushes between her biggest pad and something hard lodged there. Expertly, the other she-cat pulls the offending stone out with a yank. “Much better. Thank you.” She flexes the paw, leaning to lap at the now-empty spot that weals with blood. “You missed your calling, I think. Just as good as Ravensong.

Ravensong. She thinks of her medicine cat back home with a pang, wondering if she’ll ever see his dour face again, hear his scoldings. “What is it like,” she says, circling back to their previous topic, “to have lost a leader? I cannot imagine ever serving anyone but Cicadastar.” She speaks truthfully. It’d been difficult to get used to a new medicine cat and deputy, but Cicadastar seems eternal.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
A scoff leaves her at the joke, playfully rolling her eyes though Iciclefang can't see. "Yeah right. I can't imagine such a boring life," She comments with a wave of her unseen paw. She'd much rather be feeling the familiar thrill of a hunt through the trees or ensuring their borders are secure, not playing with leaves all day. She sits there for a moment longer, prepared to wait as long as the injured tortoiseshell needs to wait. Her tail begins to tap against the ground unconsciously, her ears finally pricking when her companion speaks again.

Her mind races back to that day. The day they'd been told all of Emberstar's lives had been stripped from her at once due to those dogs. The dogs that would eventually be the cause for the battle over Sunningrocks. She remembers the fear, the pain, everything. "It's...hard. Emberstar is the one that took me and my littermates into the clan in the first place. She was always so...I don't know, so sunshiney. Dim-witted as hell but stars she was a good time," She recalls fondly, a small smile etching her features. "Howlingstar is different. Not a bad different,'s an adjustment to serve two different leaders, one after the other. Laws change. Expectations change."
Stormywing’s laugh carries all the facial expression Iciclefang cannot see. “Yeah right. I can’t imagine such a boring life,” the tabby tells her flippantly. She has to agree, purring with quiet and reserved amusement. “Our medicine cat, Ravensong, was training to be a warrior when Beesong chose him for his apprentice. I talked with him about it some, but all I can remember thinking is how deprived I’d feel.” She gives her shoulder a cautious sniff—she knows what a bad wound smells like, thank you very much, and this one smells like nothing but stone and skin and fur. She exhales with relief and begins to carefully groom what she can reach without bending too much. “I’m made for the river. To sit and sort through herbs all day… could never be me.

She listens to Stormywing’s confession about Emberstar with a tilt of her head, unseen. Of course it would be difficult, but she mentions being taken in. “I hadn’t realized you weren’t born a ThunderClanner.” She settles against a stone for support. “Where did you come from before?

Her comparison between Howlingstar and Emberstar only makes her think of something else. A scraggly rosetted tom with flashing yellow teeth and crazed copper eyes, denouncing ThunderClan’s dead leader with every bit of breath he can muster. “Emberstar had a spy!” Iciclefang frowns, remembering the Gathering with a twitch of her ear. “So… what did you think about Emberstar’s…” She fumbles for a moment. “…ShadowClan relationship?

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
Mouse-dung. She hadn't really expected Iciclefang to ask about her past. Her ears heat up as the tortoiseshell waits for an answer. She won't share her true past. She can't. "Not far from ThunderClan's forest," She decides, forcing her voice to be relaxed if not a little quick. "Flycatcher is my uncle. We joined to be with him." She hopes the knowledge that her kin is the deputy distracts her enough away from asking more details about where she comes from. She doesn't want to outright lie, so she will withhold the truth for as long as she possibly can.

She can't help but pin her ears back when she brings up the scandal of Emberstar and a ShadowClan warrior. She only shrugs quickly, accidentally brushing her shoulder against the tortoiseshell's as she does so. "I don't believe it," Stormywing answers honestly, her tail flicking as if it's obvious. "Emberstar is the reason the Warrior Code exists. She wouldn't break her own law. Especially not with a rat-breathed ShadowClanner," She adds the last sentence at a whisper, so Smogmaw can't hear. A light chuckle accompanies her words, but they still ring true. She refuses to believe her first leader would have done it.


Iciclefang cannot see Stormywing’s facial expression, though it’s just as well. The girl’s answer is boring as they come. “Not far from ThunderClan’s forest,” she says. The tortoiseshell thinks nothing of it. Many loners had come to the Clans seeking a new way of life, prey, protection… or so she’d been told by those old enough to remember. She quirks a brow—just barely—at the tabby’s assertion that she is kin to Flycatcher. “ThunderClan’s deputy,” she muses. “Must be a lot to live up to, to be kin to a cat with that much power.” It’s an observation and nothing else; Stormywing may take it as she likes.

The dismissal of Emberstar’s supposed code breaking surprises Iciclefang. “Do you believe it didn’t happen, truly?” She tilts her head, though Stormywing cannot see it. “Well… perhaps you’re right. You knew her better than I did.” She grins dryly. “Imagine sharing a nest with one of them. Ugh.” She squirms a little for dramatic effect.

  • iciclekit . iciclepaw . iciclefang
    — she/her ; warrior of riverclan
    — lesbian ; single
    — short-haired tortoiseshell with white and ice-blue eyes
    — “speech”, thoughts, attack
    — penned by Marquette
    — chibi by Pin
She nods simply, though the tortoiseshell cannot see it. "It is," She admits, a smile in her voice. It's not a fear she has to live up to him. She knows she will do that and more. Her claws twitch with the knowledge of her potential, how one day she will earn an apprentice, earn a spot on the council. She'd be important and known and admired, someday.

She chuckles dryly in response to Iciclefang's comment, her nose scrunching up with faux disgust. "I'd rather be around fish-breath than the smell of carrion," She laughs at the callback, venturing to prod at her companions chest with a paw. The truth hidden well behind her words goes unnoticed by Stormywing; she only means to make a joke and nothing more.

Their companions pawsteps grow fainter as they continue on and she sighs, getting to her paws. "Well, we don't wanna be left behind. How's your paw? Can you keep going?" She chirps, instinctively moving to offer her shoulder once more in case she needs it.