i hate worrying about the future ⚘ report

Wished he had blood on his claws or fur caught between his toes to further emphasize the fear that would hopefully keep those rogues at bay, but unfortunately due to literally running into someone he had lost them in the chaos. The benefit was knowing his former clanmates and brother were safe, that they were not dead and buried somewhere he would never be privvy to. The relief this brought him was so minimal when he realized how much their lives had changed, that they would never be in the same clan again or able to live with one another as they once had but at the very least he could see them. Two-leg place was right there, the same kittypet den area most of their daylight warrior's returned to every night was right around the corner and that was enough to comfort him. for the time being. As unfortunate as it was, his focus had to be on his new clan, his new life, and his first priority after parting ways with Selby on their return was to find Blazestar and tell him the rogue escaped. And, of course, to tell him he'd run into his former clanmates because the last thing he needed was it becoming a whispered rumor among the clan; his full transparency was the least he could do, after all-whether Blazestar fully understood it or not, he owed the tom his life in more ways than one. A life where he could breath, unfettered by the chains of WindClan's cruel system, the leader who thought them all pawns to wage her wars; soldiers rathet than clanmates. He had found himself a new cat to follow, kind but firm. Blazestar cared for his clan in a way he shouldn't view as impressive, but in comparison to his own experiences was a monumental feat. The ragdoll only wanted what was best for them all, circumstances be damned.
Padding forward and dipping his head into the leader's den beneath the overhanging shrub he smiled in greeting, the last time he'd been here he still smelled of the moors and old blood, still walked with a heavy limp that had only lessened in time.
"Them damn cats gave m'the slip in two-leg place, Blazestar but reckon we put a right fear in'em and they won't go tryin' it again." He came to a stop, nodding, his pelt still wet from the faint rain but it had never bothered him, "...ran across m'old clanmates out there too. Glad they all got out, wasn't sure if they were even alive.."

Blazestar paces in his den, the fury still causing his paw pads to tingle. Every time it begins to fade into self-pity, into sorrow, he kindles it again, wearing troughs into the floor as his paws skid and twist.

Rogues -- every time he thinks he is placing unfair blame upon Clanless cats, they slink from the shadows to sink their claws into someone Blazestar cares about. His jaw clenches hard enough to shatter his teeth. His son's eyes had been badly wounded -- and why? Simply because a cat wanted to see his blood on their paws?

Dandelionwish's scent, still faintly shrouded with heather, announces him at the entrance of his den. He ceases his pacing. "Come in," he says, and his voice loses its color. The dust-colored tom enters with his characteristic limp, his fur dripping with rain. "At least they're gone. If they do return, I want them shredded." He stares at Dandelionwish, but the anger is not at him -- after a heartbeat, he sighs and dips his head to the former WindClan medicine cat. "Thank you. You did well."

He's not much in the mood for conversation, and he's about to dismiss Dandelionwish, but the young tom says he had found some old Clanmates in the Twolegplace. Blazestar's ears prick. "More WindClan exiles?" He remembers Dandelionwish's tale, and he nods. "Are they the ones who helped you escape?"


"Ah'll make sure the rest of'em know what the blokes looked like." Shred'em, absolutely. He'd wanted to but he'd run into some old friends; literally.
Dandelionwish is surprised to hear the question, wonders if he can detect a note of caution in the ragdoll's voice but isn't sure.
"Yeah, they are." He answers curtly, unsure, it was nice seeing them again still but there was a lingering sadness that he would never again call them clanmates. WindClan had been harsh, always, but in his youth he had naively believed things would soften; he had not understood the true sense of oppression that would eventually crush him to the earth. His life was here now but he could still remember his old comrades, his old friends from his apprentice days. Picking flowers with Rosepaw, peacefully gathering herbs with Yewberry, being there for Perwinklepaw to be born-he would be a warrior now wouldn't he? Surely? When he was able to go to gatherings he might ask around, see how everyone was doing. He didn't even know where his sister was.
"...livin' in two-leg place it seems, small group of'em. Doin alright." He couldn't imagine not living in a clan anymore, thankfully he'd not had to worry over the decision since being taken in here. "They ain't near the border if'n that's yer concern!" The tom said with a grin, knowing it might be one worry and he was happy to help alleviate it.