She was a warrior once more, and being a warrior meant doing things that she hadn't been expected to do in moons. Breathing in the dreary air of ShadowClan's territory had been a miracle compared to the smog of camp, but the cinnamon tabby had remained distant from her clanmates, doubly so with the grief of a lost friend weighing on the back of her mind. Roosterstrut was gone, taken by the same things that had stolen Dogfur eons before, and whilst her tortoiseshell friend had managed to escape, time would tell if the red tabby would be as lucky. When the patrol was called to an end, she had taken her leave from the territory, slipping through unclaimed lands and towards RiverClan, where she had found her friend on patrol.

They had locked eyes over border, and both of them had known where they would be that night.

She'd disappeared in a cinnamon flash after that, content not to stick around for another RiverClanner to find her. That was this morning. Now, the moon's grin was absent from the night sky as she moved towards Fourtrees, paws carrying her like a swan gliding over a lake. Freedom had been the she-cats for less than a day, but the tracker's senses had not dulled during her time in camp. She'd spent time while her little ones were sleeping mapping the journey in her mind, which trees to dart behind to avoid patrols, which paths would avoid the badger's setts and fox's hides. There, finally, she saw a familiar silver figure, and pain shot through her heart. He was waiting for her - she'd been keeping him waiting for moons.

Ferndance broke out into a sprint towards the RiverClanner, aiming to tackle into him and wrestle him to the floor, purrs filling her as she rubbed her cheek against his. Paws were gentle and kneading if she succeeded, looking down with wide eyes as if she hadn't expected herself to do such a thing. Awe shone in her expression, he was still real, he was still the father of her kittens, he was alive, exhausted, but alive. Four moons had changed a lot, it was cathartic to know that some things hadn't shifted. She raised a claw to boop him on the nose. "Dead," she declared hoarsely, a smile appearing on her muzzle. Wait... Pikesplash might not understand her joke. "I mean, you are dead, killed by my claws, not... not them. Our kittens... they're alive, four beautiful souls. They don't really look like you... except for Bonekit, it's like he plucked out your eyes and wore them himself," There was so much more to say, about what happened at their birth, about Chilledstar's decision to break the code, about ShadowClan's treatment of her, but all of that could wait. For now, Ferndance could enjoy the revelry of her humming heart. "I missed you."


Looks like today will be a good one. Things have been a bit hectic in Riverclan that having days in which are somewhat normal without much going wrong save for clanmates having their disagreements was better than death. He's about to return with the others until the fur on the back of his neck bristles. There are eyes on him and when he turns, eyes lock onto a familiar figure. And once again his heart races, to be honest he's not sure how it hadn't burst. He wants nothing more to rush to her after moons of silence. Moons of knowing that she was heavy with their kits, that they wouldn't be able to meet until after they've been born. For her to be looking at him again meant they could not only see each other again, but that they had a family. And then, she leaves. Fourtrees. He actually isn't sure if she'll be there tonight, but he would rather go than not at all. With a shake of his head he returns to finish up his duties.

Once done, the tom is on a mission. Taking note to cover his scent and avoid any paths some patrols might take. When he arrives she is not there and for a moment he wonders if he misunderstood. I'll wait a little longer. If she isn't here, then I'll try tomorrow. Such thoughts are cut when he is suddenly tackled and as soon as he sees cinnamon fur, the pattering of his heart starts again. It's been so long since they've been together that he can't help but be a nuisance for her as she tries to wrestle him to the ground. There are moments where he is towering over her and kicking weakly against her when he's pinned. Eventually, he decides he has enough and oh, the look he gives her is nothing more than a smitten tom. He hadn't even noticed that he himself is purring alongside her. When she rubs her cheek against him, he returns the gesture by rubbing a bit more forcefully against her.

Four moons of waiting. Four moons of craving this has been worth it. He had feared that she would forget him, that she would stop loving him. However, all those fears proved moronic as she purred and gently touched him. I love you. I love you. I love you. While he was being showered in her love, he continued to stare enamored. Even as she brought his claw to his nose, he didn't move. The lovestruck expression hadn't changed even though she could've easily made him bleed if she wanted to. Humorously enough that action doesn't shock him, it is death. Dead?! Who is?! Had this been a different situation he would've been able to understand it was a joke. Thankfully, she senses his panic.

"Oh," he manages to say with a shaky exhale. You scared me! Quickly his relief turns into chuffs as she elaborates that she's killed him with her claws. Not their kits. To soothe her and selfishly himself, he nuzzles against her cheek. "That's right, I'm dead. Right now I'm happy ghost. After all, I was killed by someone I love." Once again he is peculiar. Most cats would turn tail if their mates would joke around in such a manner, perhaps that is why she loves him. He doesn't judge her words, opting to support her and even play along with whatever is thrown his way. You're still so beautiful. The silver tom doesn't stop nuzzling her as she speaks of their kits. A sharp pang of sadness stabs his heart, knowing that he missed out on being by her side while her belly was heavy with carrying their kits and that he missed their birth. There was no way he could have marched into Shadowclan and asked Chilledstar to let him join for the sake of their kits, considering a law was placed many moons ago to prevent such things.

Smokestar would toss him out of Riverclan for sure if he asked the black tom if he could allow his family to join Riverclan. He pushes those thoughts aside, happiness beginning to seep through him when she tells them they have four kits. If she assumed he would be saddened that they didn't look much like him, he wasn't. Four... Four healthy kits is all that I need. No matter what they look like, they're bound to be just as beautiful as their mother. He's grinning ear to ear from the news, not caring that this was wrong. That now, he and Ferndance were under constant trouble of being caught because there was living proof of their connection. The consequences would be dealt with later, for now he was over the moon hearing that he was now a father to four little ones.

The silver tom perks at the mention of Bonekit. He momentarily stopped nuzzling her, pulling away enough to look into her eyes with interest. For one, Bonekit was shocking. The pair hadn't discussed what they would be called in the end, yet he trusted her enough to give them all fine names. To give a kit the name Bone was strange and he's sure if Smokestar heard such a thing he would force the pair to change the name of their kit and reprimand them for such a name. He isn't given much time to think, when more news is given to him. A son. He has a son, Bonekit. Bonekit has his eyes.

Pikesplash has been quiet for sometime now. The silence is broken when he attempts to roll them over so that he laying on top of her. If successful he would lean forward and nuzzle into her neck, almost burying himself into her. He holds her tightly as if she were to vanish if he were to loosen his grip. "I love you." He pauses for a moment, before slowly drawing away from her neck to lock his gaze to hers. "I love you, Ferndance." Did they say I love you? Or was this the first time it was ever said aloud. She has to know. Tell her.

And like a dam, it breaks. "I love you so much. I don't mind if our kits don't really look like me. They're beautiful no matter what they look like because their mother is the most beautiful cat in the forest. Even if they don't know their father, he loves them." Purrs fill him as he rubs against her cheek. "Ferndance... I want to give you a mating stone. You make my head spin all in all the right ways. Ever since that day we met. I don't... I don't even know how someone so beautiful wanted to be with me or have kits together. I want to be your mate."
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 50 moons
    — bisexual / single / looking / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou

Gestures were reciprocated, and it took all of Ferndance's strength to not melt into a puddle right there. Each nuzzle sparked an inferno within her veins, demanding a response, demanding her to prove she loved him just as much - what were once tentative brushes against his neck became firmer. Less like a cat checking to see if something was real, more like a cat who wanted to grip onto reality for fear it would slip out of their grasp. The time would come when it would disperse, they would go back to their clans and act as if nothing had ever happened. She would not be alone, her family and her love remained with her... but how much sweeter the world would be if she did not have to hide a part of herself. Her elaboration bore fruit, relief, and in a saccharine purr, she deadpanned, "You may be a ghost, but I'll be your boo - because I'm good at scaring children."

A lie, spoken with a signature smile and coyish eyes. She was not good at scaring children, they were the only creatures that walked the earth that she found little entertainment in frightening. Little fibs and tall tales often had a way of becoming bloody, but, there had been no such need to pretend when the circumstances of their birth had been so horrible. Her honesty with her kin had not been to make them hate their home, or anxiously pace at the thought of the outside world, but to know that she would not lie to them when the time came to talk about their father. They deserved to know it was a beautiful soul that sired them, one free of judgment and full of weird (and weird was all the tabby had wanted before she discovered how caring the RiverClanner was). He pauses at Bonekit, and Ferndance feels the need to elaborate.

"Bloodkit, she looks like a tiger, with one little bitty tooth hanging out. Snowykit, she's all black, with white flecks on her cheeks like snow... Needledrift named her. She also named Shadekit, they're... like me, but darker... like the colour of dark wood. Then, there's Bonekit... silver like you... but with stripes like mine..." And your eyes. She was about to remind him when she recalled something else. "They're not kits though... sorry, it's become a habit... They're... 'paws now, apprentices. Chilledstar let them leave the Nursery early." Ferndance was sure it was a response to Frostbite's collapse; an apprentice would never eat first, and if ShadowClan felt the pinch of Leafbare enough to break the code, she felt conflicted speaking up against it. Discourse had smoothed down the burrs on her tongue, but... should she need to hunt four times as much as she normally did to ensure their kittens did not starve, Ferndance would do it in a heartbeat.

Eyes stared into eyes during their silence, and then, Ferndance's world flipped. Before she could blink, shoulders were pinned against the Fourtree grounds, and the purrs in her ear were so loud she swore they shook the very trees that shielded their meeting. I love you. It was fairytale, almost. Two cats from different clans, finding love despite the wars that rage on and on. She'd have laughed at such a statement before, finding it too sweet, finding it too normal, but... the butterflies in her stomach did not place her on a pedestal above such normalcies. A paw raised to bat Pikesplash on the head teasingly, before moving it to bat gently on the dead leaves that had likely attacked his front in their tussle. "I know you love me.. you found me again after all this time, didn't you? I thought you would be a memory, it's been so long and I said so little, I'm... sorry I could not see you sooner." It was easy to believe that, had it been her choice, she would've snuck out and let Needledrift babysit. "I love you too," she whispered.

It was as if the quiet voice had caused an avalanche, She had been the cat that got Pikesplash's tongue, and committed him to an awe-filled silence (she'd never thought herself capable of such power), but, he had shaken it off. He spoke and spoke, poured his heart out in ways that made Ferndance the one who found herself speechless. Vulnerability was new to the cinnamon tabby, it hurt, but that pain built trust. She believed Pikesplash when he said he loved her, she believed him when he said she was beautiful, believed it when he said he loved the kittens he could never know. Just as she felt tears welling in her eyes, she struggled to imagine a world where Pikesplash did not have the same - they both wanted something they could never have. Ferndance tried to deflect from the feeling. "If your head is spinning you should speak to your medicine cat, that's... that's not a good sign... You can't die before you meet your kits," She smiled impishly, and with it, the gravity of the confession reached her.

'Mating stone... he wants to be my mate.' "I thrive on weirdness, instead of shying away from it, you embraced it. It's hard not to be attracted to that," she assured him with a purr. ShadowClan toms had set the bar low, for parents and for partners, but it didn't mean her standards had been lowered for Pikesplash. He seemed like the perfect tom, a catch for anyone lucky enough to know who he was behind the awkwardness; she felt lucky to see just a piece of his life, let alone cradle it within her paws. She bunted her head against his, then, began grooming his cheek. Between the rasps came her answer, Ferndance trilled so much it was hard to get a word out. "I will be your mate, Pikesplash." RiverClanner or ShadowClanner, she was certain Needledrift would approve - just as she priortised her mates' happiness, she knew Needledrift would prioritise hers too.
At her joke, he erupts into laughter. It is so dumb, yet so her. The need to hide their love forgotten. "T-that's so b-ad," he manages in between laughter. Despite the fact that he said it was bad here he is smiling at her words and there is a lack of bite in his statement. When manages to collect himself he leans forward and smirks, "And you're not going to let me join you? I can be plenty scary. We should scare our kits one day, make their little paws scamper for interrupting us cuddling." Let's be the grossest parents on purpose in front of them. Just the thought of their little ones gagging at watching their parents kiss and say words of pure adoration brings a smile to his face. In time they'll tease them for having the same gross feeling towards a paramour.

Anyhow, getting the description of their kits as well as their names was not painful. What would be far more painful was only to know they had kits and never know the names or how they looked. His mind would constantly claw at him to come up with an image of what their kits looked like and what names they might have, so to be given this information was the most precious treasure in the whole world. What he wouldn't give to hold them or teach them all that they wanted. The image of Ferndance with their kits in Riverclan seeps its way in his mind. It could never be, yet the thought of bringing back salmon to his mate and their kits brings happiness. Their pelts glimmering, a nest lined with shells, and teaching little paws how to swim. It's nice to think about, but I think she's happier in Shadowclan. I wouldn't want to take her away from Needledrift either. Besides, we'll get to see each other again.

Needledrift he had met at the gathering and so hearing the name brought a smile to his face. Heck, he couldn't help but chuff. Oh, I'm sure Needle had a hard time with the names. Considering Snowy and Shade are less questionable compared to Bone and Blood. He kisses her cheek before answering, "I was right. Our kits really are beautiful. Bloodk-paw out little tiger. Is she a troublemaker? I hope she's not stressing her mother too much. Snowypaw, our little light in the dark. Is she a sweetheart? I'm sure she is, she's got flecks of stars on her cheeks. Shadepaw, dark as wood. Our little hunter, I bet when they grow up they'll be the finest warrior Shadowclan has seen. That is, if they could find them. As for our little Bonepaw, our son... I bet he is a kind tom with some bite. Like his mother." Bloodpaw, Snowypaw, Shadepaw, and Bonepaw. Our kits. Apprentices. He finds he doesn't mind that much that Chilledstar had broken the new code. However, he can sense distress from her at the news. He doesn't know and will never know what is going on in Shadowclan. That is why he doubles down on nuzzling her. "I don't know what's going in Shadowclan, but I know you're doing the best that you can."

Having her in his embrace no matter how wrong was right. He would stay here for hours if he could, drowning in her. When a paw bats him in a playful manner he can't help but smile. And when he is batted again albeit more gently, he leans into her touch and closes his eyes. His purring has gotten louder and his long tail decided it had a mind of his own, intertwining with hers. At her words he shakes his head, "No, I waited for you. You're the one who found me. " Green eyes open with a fond expression as he continues, "I missed you." His tail tightens slightly, not enough to hurt hers, "It's okay Ferndance, we're together again. I'll always be waiting for you, no matter how long it takes." It's as if Ferndance opened his chest with her claws and took his heart for her own. When she whispers for the first time those words, of love, his pupils dilate.

Time stops and nothing else matters. Only her. If the world ended in this moment, he didn't care. His world was in his arms and that was all he needed. And from her reaction, he can finally see it. His love has reached her. When they had first met there was mutual interest, yet Pikesplash knew there was a barrier. That is why neither of them muttered I love you. He fell hard and fast for her and she fell slower. You would think when she announced she was carrying their kits words of love would be exchanged. They were not. It was only now, after many moons apart. After their kits entered this world that finally they could admit their hearts belong to each other no matter the distance. If only he could speak to their kits, so he could tell them of the most beautiful shadowclanner that stole his heart and how he was able to take hers as well.

Nevertheless he pouts and playfully retorts, "It totally is a good sign!" He nuzzles her, "I'm saying I'm crazy for you. Do you really want Ravensong to make me forget how much I love you? I'm not going to die and leave you or our kits. I have to see them. Our beautiful kits and their mother. All of us... Together here." He's going to be the death of her. How can he say such things this honestly and so confidently? Whatever happened to the awkward mess those moons ago trying to impress her?

Cheeks heat up and bashfulness returns when she tells him that she is a attracted to him. For embracing her as she is. And then, an answer comes. A mate. He finally has a mate. A mate who loves him and wants to be with him despite the difficulties that comes with it. There will be times where they can't see each other, but all of it will be worth it. He knows it. If they're like this, then every time they meet they'll finally be able to hold each other and drown in each others love. He's the happiest he's ever been and the both of them are a mess alright. Happy trills and loud purrs permeate in the air. "I am yours, Ferndance." it is his turn to bunt his head against her and groom her cheek.

She's going to kill me for this, but there's nothing wrong with lightening the mood. With a sly curl of his lips and shifting so he could whisper in her ear he pauses for a moment. "The next time we have little ones, I want to name one Deathkit."
  • — pikesplash / riverclan warrior / masculine pronouns / 50 moons
    — bisexual / polygamist / taken / open to flirting and crushes
    — short haired silver mackerel tabby with green eyes
    — may powerplay minor harm / can powerplay healing
    biography / @ on discord for plots
    — penned by velou