I HAVE IT ALL WRONG | honeysplash

It took Chrysaliswing almost two full turnings of the seasons to realize the cyclical nature of life, as though it were some arcane knowledge slowly revealed to him over the course of harsh suns and bright moons - a sort of language that the bugs and the birds spoke, and not him of earthly disposition. As the day rolled over its belly to expose the night, it would continue this (fruitless, one could ponder) cycle. The fact lie in plain sight, and yet Chrysalis' own wool-covered eyes could not parse it through the miasma of anger and temper.

Termitehum always prattled on about how the caterpillar veiled itself from the world, until it became a great butterfly. Chrysalis wanted to ask how the caterpillar even turned into a butterfly inside the chrysalis, though he figured even an insect expert like Termite hadn't a clue. Then, the butterfly would die, falling to the ground as its color faded as though it seeped through the ground and became naught, as the storm's rain and the spring's wind did. The butterfly, once the paragon of unbridled beauty and unfettered liberation, now was the food of which the caterpillar would then feed on. A cycle, inevitable in nature and inescapable by definition.

The presence of those that had tangled themselves in his ties also seemed to be cyclical, as if a spider's web ensnaring misfortunate prey and morning dewdrop alike, of strings leading to one nil end. His father's shrewd gaze followed his nightly visits to the medicine cat den, as though the moonlight reflected most heavy on his serpentine stare. Chrysaliswing had gotten used to it, though, and Dragonflywing's words seemed to have no power if he could not stand proud alongside it. To look down on a man was to absolve him from his sins, a piteous ignominy. Aside from the plague that had haunted him his entire waking life, Chrys' mentor's angled countenance hovered besides him in whatever patrols they happened to be assigned together. Again, pointed glances were the only thing he had come to expect from his clan.

And Honeysplash had returned, much to his dismay. The sable-and-flame tomcat could never find the right words to articulate why he felt the things he felt. By all accounts, he should have felt happy for her safe return from the Twolegs that had captured her in their sickly, gangly claws (as he presumed, because what cat in their right mind would willingly go to the Twolegplace?). And yet, that familiar ire bubbled in his throat like acid, embittering his fangs as snake venom did - a curse, anathema upon bore teeth. It was his only weapon, and a blade he knew how to raise well against friend and foe alike. Why do you come now, after all the suffering that Skyclan has gone through? Do you seriously think that you can just return whenever you want to? Clan life isn't just something you can choose not to do!

Still, the tom wanted to see her. Like the moth to the open flame, the fly to the honey-spill, he was drawn to his own machinated tragedies.

The chimaera-coated tom found himself buzzing near the medicine cat den again - not for the she-cat he once considered his good friend. The herb-scent, pungently tangy and minty with the proclivity to cling to the coat like decay to the crowfood, grew on him. Barely, though, as he always made sure to refresh himself afterwards with the smell of the pines and the foliage. He couldn't guess how the medicine cats stood it at all. This time, he was at the mouth of the den because Dragonflywing had demanded someone help him with his lame leg. Of course, no other cat really wanted to deal with a senile feline, and no warrior was courageous enough to fight the beast that was the constant nagging of a cat inching closer and closer to death by the heartbeat. Do it yourself if you're just going to complain like a kittypet who hasn't eaten for an hour.

Shuffling into the cramped den that smelled of rank herbs and mildew, Chrysaliswing found his father gone from the nest that he had practically rooted himself to. It was strange, as though a tree that had walked out from its knolls and place in the ground - where could such a nuisance have disappeared off to without raising the attention of the whole forest? He must've gotten some sorry other cat to help him. The warrior could hear that grizzled, raspy voice complaining about how his only son was late to everything and never helped his poor old father, or something along that cadence. Unlike you, I'm busy hunting for my clan and not being a total waste of space and medicine.

"Um..." Chrysaliswing's tone, usually acerbic in note, now faltered. It was rare for the adder's tongue to freeze in midair, and even rarer for the stream of criticism to stop at his lips. He faced the golden-and-white furred she-cat that he had mulled over so much in his mind. He had to stop his face from instinctively curdling as if the housecat-stench still stuck to her like a bad dream, and seeing her now was as though his nightly visions had manifested in front of him (for better or for worse). "Hi." He grumbled, awkwardness stiffening spindly whiskers and taut posture.

They felt so unlawfully pathetic.

The days spent in the medicine day had become so long and draining that they just tried to sleep the whole time. Sure some cats came to visit every now and then but it felt like they were obligated too. Though they were just grateful that someone would come in and talk to them at least. It made time go by faster and lessened Slates’ annoying fidgeting and complaining. Swore that the large tomcat was worse than they were with the confinements of the medicine den.

Though it was looking up at least? Their leg was healing for the most part and the marks on her chest were now just pink instead of open wounds. So there was an upside but the positive side of things didnt make up for how they felt and it only made them even more depressed. Parts of their body was healing and ready to go- but their leg was hindering them further and further. They glared at their back leg and cursed the large twoleg that had stepped on them.

Twolegs where so clumsy and never looked where they where going, so one of them had stepped backwards onto her leg as she was slipping by. It broke it and she spent a long time with the leg just hanging with her. This was a moon or so ago now or something like that. It was like their brains as trying to disconnect what they went through in the twolegplace from current memories. It hurt their head and they sighed softly to themselves over it, putting a paw to their temple.

Then the den entrance parted ever so slightly and the young warrior had looked up to see if it was Dawnglare returning to Fireflypaw or something. Maybe even her sister Applefrost or Orangestar, but the cat who entered honestly surprised her. She blinked a bit with around eyes at the familiar dappled crimson and ebony coat, the gaze she had found oddly comforting despite the rage he must feel.

Chrysaliswing had been a friend of her and dare she say she even had a smallest of hints of a crush on him- but then she vanished. She hadn’t meant to go missing for so long, hadn’t meant to leave her clan behind and she was expecting to be insulted. Yelled at or something to unleash the rage in Chrys that she knew was coming- but then nothing came. Just stuttering and a meager hello.

Honeysplash wanted to get up and go to him, to drink in a familiar and friendly scent but she felt so frozen. So shameful. She had practically abandoned them for so long and she had no excuse as to why she hadn’t come back sooner. The twolegplace was a confusing and easily turned around place but she wouldn’t expected that to be taken as an explination. To her it just sounded like more excuses.

They gave a meek smile, one that didnt quite reach her mossy green gaze, “H-Hey! I-..I am glad you came to visit me,” She said softly and then adverted her gaze down from his intense face. Honeysplash couldnt look him in the eye and wanted nothing more than to just be yelled at. Confirm all her feelings of being the worst for the clan and she shouldn’t ever come back. Though that was probably only her feelings and no one else’s.

I missed you, Chrissie,” She tried to add some playfulness to her tone and lighten things between them with her age-old pet name for the tomcat. ​


living in a world so cold
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That familiar shortening of Chrysaliswing's name made his skin crawl as though his whispery coat would fall out in pure embarassment, held together by bitter sap and wormwood absinthe. An astrigent taste, falling sweet upon wildfire and waste pelt, yet upon ears defeaned by the cry of smoke and plug of wool. He wasn't sure why, but he figured that she would not remember him. A strange thought, a lone blossom in a whirlwind poisoned by his own agonies, but it remained. Why would she want to remember him, anyhow? Her life must have been much better - boring, truly, but better - without him and without Skyclan.

He had the temptation to snap that he was not here for her, that he had other obligations that he could not run from and other matters of the heart to attend to. Why did you come back now? Why couldn't you have just stayed gone? His anger, always his steady-footed blade, stood by his side as though it were his claws and his throat and his very voice - though it was never its own manifestation, simply a part of the swirling seascape that encapsulated a tumultuous tomcat. His fury was the brine upon the seashore, acerbic and salt-stained and ever-present. A firth, dividing what was good and bad, though there lie nothing to divide, for all of it was his own chaos.

Still, only his ears folded back. Cowering in the face of what he could not face, as though underneath the hissing and scratching lie a scared animal. Fell creature against the light, he stood in front of Bananasplash - no, it was Honeysplash now. Despite her absence, she had still proven herself as a true Skyclan warrior, at least in Blazestar's eyes. She had worked her way up, but Chrysaliswing had been born with all the approval that he needed.

"Uh... Sure." Uncertainty poisoned the words that usually were so quick to sputter out. Like a snake without fangs and prey without a chine, he felt inclined to stay. Staying his fangs, he sat down in resignment. He curled his tail against his paws, as though there was something about his own being to be ashamed of. After all, if the predator were to be struck again and again with his own humility, he would eventually learn to submit to a nature unlike his own. It was against his better judgment, against his bitter heart, but he still stayed. Honeysplash, after everything that had happened in his life, was one of the only cats that seemed to stay by his side. Why? Why do anything for me?

"How, uh... How are you doing?" Mismatched eyes fluttered onto the rest of the den, anything except Honeysplash. Embarassment overtook him, making his paws restless in their place. It was incredibly rare to see him so... crestfallen. Many cats would have said to savor the moment.

( IC opinions just in case, he's always goin through it internally :'3 )
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She wished she could read his mind sometimes. To know what went through him at any given moment cause she could never be sure. Honeysplash wanted him to get angry with her, to tell her how he felt, but yet it seemed like awkwardness was all that was coming. The young warrior looked back up to him as he spoke with a mere ‘sure’ and she sighed inwardly to herself. They had worked so hard to make a place in the clan, to be something worth of importance, and it was never any easier. She had gone from a kittypet to a daylight warrior then a full fledged warrior of Skyclan. Yet moons after- her disappearance hurt more than she knew.

Honeysplash opened her mouth to say something, anything to him, but she just found herself opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water. She didnt know what to tell him. Would he understand if she told him what happened to them? That their disappearance hadn’t been a choice? They had spent so long praying to Starclan to return to the forest, to her friends and family, to Quillstrike and Chrysaliswing. Now their prayers had been answered and the consequences of their actions were stinging.

I-I’ll be okay? Dawnglare says i can return to duties in new leaf,” They tried to sound optimistic, to put on their sunshine front like they always had before, but it faltered. The twolegplace had broken down their spirits and dont so much damage to them that they didnt know how to behave anymore. She wanted to cry, to beg and sob, but that wouldnt do any good. Even if she felt safe with Chrysaliswing, she didnt think the response to tears would be good.

The cream and white warrior twitched her ears slightly, “Physically I am okay,” She admitted after a brief moment of weird silence between them and she moved to sit up in her nest, “My chest wounds healed and my legs gonna be okay, if i keep off of it but you know me- stubborn,” She had tried to do work around camp like putting up leaves in barriers, clear out snow, and the like. Though ever time Dawnglare had manifested and scolded her back to the medicine den.

She shuffled her paws slightly, “How’re you? How has your life been?,” She asked softly and looked back up towards multicolored eyes. She wished he’d look at her, to say something more than tight, tense pleasantries. Honeysplash missed the comfort of her friend, the way they could talk easily to each other even if Chrysaliswing was a bit sour at times. He was a good cat, deep down, just most didnt get to see it.

They paused for a moment then looked down once more in shame, “I am sorry, Chrys, I really am,”​


living in a world so cold
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"... Good for you." A wayward glance fluttered upon Honeysplash's injured leg, a mere stutter of the eyelids - he couldn't imagine what it was like to waste away in a cramped den, counting the days upon one's claws until their time to rise had come. It must be boring, extraordinarily so, almost as maddening as the same birdsong chittering and scraping against the eardrums. Eyes perched elsewhere, anywhere other than Honeysplash in front of him. There were cracks in her optimism, like sunshine breaking through faulty stonework. In a sense, it was a comfort to Chrysaliswing. Any cat would become bitter if exposed to enough strain and woe, just as every boulder buckled and bent at the pressure of wind and sea.

"I'm fine. Life's been fine. Well, not any better than it usually is." Chrysaliswing muttered, his voice low as to not disturb the resting cats within the medicine cat den. It was half-way true. His father had gotten injured, a lame dog among his pack. Yellowcough had ravaged his clan and he watched his clanmates be culled, standing among the bodies and bastards. Other than that, life had been fine for him. Not much good blessed a tomcat like him. "A lot's happened since you went away with your Twolegs. Honestly, it was probably a good thing that you weren't here for it."

A sort of curdling ignominy bloomed in Chrysaliswing's heart, like a flower borne of twisting thistle and curling petal. It was not unbecoming of his garth of emotions - such negativity found its home among the crevices and caveats of his envenomed heart. Why are you even apologizing to me? "You should be. You left when Skyclan needed you the most." You left when I needed you the most. Words that would belie tense strings of his own masonry,
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Well that was good at least life had been fine for her friend. Though then he went on to say that a lot had happened when she was gone and that it was a good thing she hadn’t been around. What did he mean by that? What had happened? She knew of the Windclan threats from words around camp but that was as far as i went for her knowledge of what was going on. They wanted to ask what he meant by that, see if he would catch her up on things but then his venom struck deep in her chest.

Honeysplash felt tightness by the edges of her eyes and she gave a soft breath, looking down at her white paws as she could no longer look at Chrysaliswing. Skyclan needed her most? What happened? Was there something she could’ve done to help her clan and she was unaware of it all? The cream and white warrior shifted in her nest and she wished more than anything to curl up and hide away.

He was right. He was always right.

Suppose it had been what she was waiting for, someone to be harsh and tell her the truth and who better to do it than grumpy Chrysaliswing? “I didn’t mean to leave,” She whispered softly and sniffled slightly to try to suppress the sorrow she felt burrowing like a tick in her heart, “I-I was just out hunting, trying to find f-f-food..,” She shook her head slightly as it tried to recall what happened to her during her disappearance.

Twoleg pups found me in one of those traps,” She muttered to try to do something, try to explain rather than excuse. Though she knew it would just sound like an excuse, something that didnt excuse her actions. They had tried to leave when they could, spent moons wondering twolegplace alone and scared. Though she couldn’t begging to voice this out loud to Chrys, he would just turn it on her and use it as more ammo. The snake never settles after all.

Honeysplash pawed at a mossy green hue, trying to rid the need to start to cry as it wouldnt be well received and she didnt seen sympathy from the tomcat. “What did i miss? What happened?,” She finally managed to ask and kept her gaze down at her paws. ​


failed to be charming

Trembling voice sent a tide of mixed emotions churning within Chrysaliswing, like he were lost in the ebb and flow of the turning ocean, a rowboat with no direction and no prerogative. Though she did not weep, he could sense a sort of sadness broiling in the space between their untwined whiskers and their unspoken words. Tears were something that he abhorred - it was not only a sign of weakness but a jab at pity, the most basal and indigent sentiment to feel. He couldn't stand it. In his youth, the tomcat had learned that crying did nothing to help the situation, and he had been appalled to learn that that had not been the case for his clanmates, If he were to thank his senile old man for something, it would certainly be that he taught his son to never expose his belly for the chance at clemency.

And yet, there was something within him that stirred, that wanted to forgive her. Fluttering in the graveyard of his ribcage, of dirt and bone and flesh, was that spark of mercy. Chrys wanted to believe her when she said she was simply trying to hunt for the clan, but he knew kittypets well. If given the chance between luxury and nobility, they would surely choose a life of gluttony and avarice. (But he believed her, as much as a dead garden of a conscience howled otherwise.)

"And you let yourself be taken? It's almost like you wanted to go back to the Twolegplace instead of your ho - Skyclan." Barbed expression painted itself upon the tomcat's face, as if he had been painted with a brush of thistle and holly, of sharp needle and deathly hue. He didn't know of the moons that Honeysplash spent alone in the Twolegplace, searching for Skyclan and for him. He didn't believe that any cat would search for him like that, anyhow. For the first time, a fleeting glance rested upon the sand-and-sun pelt of his (former? He wasn't sure) friend. Still, no kindness shambled its way into heterochromatic gaze or velvet countenance.

"Well, you weren't here for the yellowcough plague. Or the rogue invasion. Or most of the tough leaf-bare. Many of us died out here. Other than that, not much to lose sleep over." Sarcasm dripped from every word, though the sentiment rang the same. To be forced to watch death with one's own eyes, unable to blink or avert from the inevitable, was something he would not even wish on her. He didn't have it worse than his clanmates, but he could see how much it affected them. If there was an easy route out for him too, he would gladly run down it. If he didn't have to live this miserable life, he would do just as Honeysplash did.

That wasn’t it at all! How could he accuse her of such things? She gave up her life for her friends, for Quillstrike, and what did that get her? Some tomcat spitting in her face and accusing her of leaving on her own again. Honeysplash looked up at him with round eyes as he spoke and her lower lip quivered ever so slightly, but they desperately tried to hide it by licking at their own chest for a moment.

Why would i want to go back? Why would I give up my name and my twolegs moons before just to go back?” She countered back and tried to steel her tone, but her voice wavered and strained as she tried to nod sob. Her worst fears were coming true. She was to blame for her capture, she didnt work hard enough to get back sooner even though she prayed to Starclan every night that her home would there when she did come back. No she wasnt around for the plague,the rogue or anything that Chrysaliswing sarcastically put in his words.

Honeysplash swallowed thickly, her mossy green hued gaze moving along the dens’ floor before back to her paws, “Skyclan is my home, always been my home,,” She spoke softly and then shook her head before looking back to Chrysaliswing, “Is this what you wanted? Did you want to come in here and tell me how wrong i am? Confirm everything I’ve been fearing? Are you happy now, Chrys?

Why had he come? Why did he wish to visit her only to lash out at her and call her disloyal, undeserving of Skyclan. Honeysplash curled in tightly around herself, her tail tip twitching ever so slightly, “I tried to come back soon, i really fucking did try to come back as soon as i could,” She spoke more to the ground than directly at the tomcat, “But i kept getting lost, i kept wondering down wrong streets and ending up in dead ends,”

I spent moons alone- all alone and fighting different rogue or street cats or whatever they wanna call themselves,” Honeysplashs’ voice got venom on it as she rambled onwards to try to explain how things went. What she experienced and she hissed at Chrysaliswing suddenly, “No one ever came looking for me! Not a single soul cared enough to find me! I was so lost- so-so scared and you’re here to just throw all my wrong doings in my face!,”

Normally the she-cat was rather kind, warm even with a sunshine attitude towards the world around her. Though with the events of twolegplace and Chrys’ sarcasm wording was enough to push her towards a breaking point. “My own sister hasn’t come to see me either, and we use to be best friends,” Her voice got quieter and she lowered her gaze down, ears back against her head and she shifted in her spot. She’d walk away if she could but she was stuck there in her nest for who knows how long.

I prayed for you guys every night and no one cat cared enough to see if I truly left,” She murmured then rested her chin on the ground, letting a tear slip down her cheek as she turned so Chrys wouldnt be able to see the tear.


failed to be charming

Are you happy now, Chrys? Contentment came as a rogue concept to him, as though he had always been chasing it like the ends of his tail. A fruitless, endlass battle with the endgoal right at his claw-tips. Contentment was a stray leaf emerging from the whites of leafbare's helm. It was rare yet ultimately useless, for no clan could ever be saved with one leaf. And no amount of righteousness or bitterness could ever melt whatever talons of ice had skewered his heart.

He couldn't say that he was happy, as much as he wanted to rebuke Honey's statement in defiant, fiery ire. Coronary of his character, he drove away the only feline that ever tried hard enough to care about him. If cordate green were to sprout from barren winter's skin, Chrysaliswing would surely trod upon it without a care to its significance. In gentle rending and harsh murmuring, he cared naught of what life's chaos said, but merely that it talked and that it irritated him so.

Honeysplash had wandered for moons alone in the Twolegplace, wondering darkly if her home would ever come looking for her. Linden-hued fence and tenebrous shade threatened to grab at her at every turn. He didn't know what it was like to lose oneself in the ever-winding labyrinth of the Twolegplace - for a day's pace, yes, but never for moons. Chrysaliswing's face never betrayed the emotions that lie sepulchral in the graves that he had buried them within. He made sure to smother them in as much dirt and grime as he could, but he couldn't help but feel there was some kindle between the kittypet and the man who critiqued them so.

Wayward glance turned just to the slivers of the outside light from the den. As though the sun loathed what lie within the medicine cat den, it did not advance further than much of the entrance (and whatever small mistakes it found in the weaving of the abode). If he disappeared today, would any cat come looking for him? As much as he hated it, the thought terrified him. He couldn't think of a single cat that would rather have him here than lying in a ditch somewhere alongside the Thunderpath. If they felt that way, Chrysalis had certainly never heard it with his own two ears. Solitude caught him in the uproarious crowd, in the awnings of dawn, and everywhere his paws happened upon.

"Then you should have tried harder. I cared, but clearly it wasn't enough for you." Emotions running high had blinded him to what he admitted, and for once, the beast of guarded nature let the sunlight of his true self filter through the stony visage. [i[wish you'd have just stayed gone. Then, I wouldn't have to be dealing with this right now.[/i]

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- Stupid tom, stupid, stupid- They thought to themselves and cursed softly internally. Why did they care so much? Chrysaliswing never cared about anyone ever besides himself, everyone was on the chopping block and it didnt matter who you were or what you do. He was just a difficult cat and she tried so hard to see the light in him. To give him a friend, to be someone to the tom so he didnt feel like he was so alone. The young warrior twitched the tip of her tail back and forth, waiting for the other to jut storm out or leave. Typical Chrys things or something.

Then he spoke once more and he expected more venom, more lashing out or hurtful words, but no instead she was taken aback. So much so she lifted her head from her paws rather quickly and she blinked at him a few times. He- cared?. What did he mean tit wasnt enough for her? Honeysplashs’ brow knitted together and they opened their mouth for a moment but then closed it, shifting in their spot for a brief moment.

Its always enough- you’re always enough, Chrysalis,”

She spoke softly, her light tone smushed into pitiful sorrow. Mossy emerald sought for something in amber and spring grass, but they didnt know what they were looking for to be honest. Chrysaliswing never was honest, he liked to keep himself under a blanket so thick of protection that it’d take a whole chainsaw to carve through it. A lot of anti venom for a poisonous bite from the adder.

Honeysplash then seemed to grow rather determined, she pushed herself up onto her paws even if her back leg screamed to be released from its painful prison. The cream and white cat limped her way towards the charcoal and amber furred tomcat but stopped a few steps from him. She looked at him with an unreadable expression, one that didnt quite suite her soft features and she shook her head, “I’m sorry, Chris, I dont know how much i can apologize, but I know my actions will speak louder than any sort of word- no matter what i use,”

She gave a soft sigh and looked at him- offering the slightest of her old sweet smiles, “Ill prove it to you,”

  • 831BEB81-73F8-4BD8-B5FB-C3A0729EEC4F.png
  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.

You're always enough. The sentence rang simple, true - and the tomcat wished he could believe it. What did it mean to be 'enough'? Perhaps every cat was an empty goblet, a balancing act of which ambrosial contentment was its only sportsman. If he were to frame it in comparison to everyone else, Chrysaliswing imagined every cat as a hollow form. Family and friends fulfilled them, raising the level of the water by the cupful - a demitasse amount, but it still filled one up. By the time death rolled around to them, they would draw their last breath in the presence of loved ones, knowing that what was once empty had become a living shell.

Chrysalis then figured that he must have been born with a leak in his cup. Whatever goodness had been with him at the start had slowly leaked out, pooling at his feet and staining his needle-sharp claws. He had never looked down at the ambrosia at his footfalls, how it dragged honey-sweet along all that he poisoned with his touch. Why would he lap up the rosewater at his feet if it would surely go to waste? As though he had been created with a kink in the shape, a beast lacking a heart, Chrys had never reckoned with the force of change, for he knew there was no changing what had been set in stone from the very beginning of his tragedy.

The cold, hard truth was that no cat could ever save him from himself. No blessed hallow nor pious prayer had ever stopped him from driving away everyone that dared to love him, as if there were no passion holy enough to drag him from darker, dredging seas. Aspersions fell heavy from his mouth, as it was all that he knew, like it was the mother language for an animal forsaken and fought. He went through life crawling along his belly, never seizing scraps of solace for himself. Pride made one a fool enough to deafen at the voice of reason.

It was everything to him that Honeysplash tried, though. She wasn't good at it, and far from it. But she definitely tried, and Chrysaliswing saw that. He waited, waited, bided his time until Honey eventually tired of him like every other cat in the clan. But she had not, even after she had come and gone. Pyrrhic flame engulfed him at the thought, as though it were just the setup to a drawn-out joke crafted in callous cruelty. And when the day came and Honey would declare him everything that he was, he would say: I told you so. I told you that I did not need you. I told you that I am unworthy of your love.

And yet, the molly stayed. Why? He wished to ask, though bayed the tongue so eager to lash and writhe. "Don't apologize." A mutter fell from the chimaeric tomcat's maw, lips pursed and fangs sheathed, like the war-borne blade that lie in shadow for the first time in an eon. "I should be the one saying sorry. So, sorry." He winced, as though the mere word seared through his verses. It was the best one could hope for with the stubborn warrior, and perhaps Honeysplash would consider it a great victory to have him utter that and mean it.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ- She had been raised to believe everyone had a place, that everyone was worthy of respect, love and care. No matter the background, no matter the past, it was what kept the family so strong. Alice always assured her that every cat had some sort of good in them even if they had the thorniest outside possible. Every feral creature wanted a hug, someone to tell them theyre special or loved. Even when they had twolegs, they had wanted to make sure all her friends, new and old, mattered.

Though she felt like nothing was right in the world in the moment. She was grasping at straws, trying to prove herself to someone who wanted nothing more than to tell her to shut up and sit down. Her face felt tired with tears, but yet she pushed onwards trying to quell the claws and teeth of an adder who only wanted an afternoon snack. Honeysplash felt so hopeless that cats had been avoiding her, that she had lost more friends than she thought, but yet something funnily constant stayed; Chrysaliswing.

Even if he was mean, even if she silently agreed with his words, even if he clawed and snapped at them- he was there. A voice of reason in an otherwise sunshine brain that would walk first head into danger at the given chance. He was realistic and it was nice to be pulled down from the fluffy palace of their own head. At least if anything- he could count on him being the same. Always.

Yet as they stood there, Honeysplash had adverted her gaze and was about to speak that Chrys didnt have to stick around anymore or if he had better things to do she’d be fine on her own. Yet something shifted, something- changed, and she looked up into amber and spring grass with round hues. Was..was he apologizing to her? For what though? She hadn’t taken his words too harshly, taken regardless, and his awkward ‘sorry’ had her lips quivering slightly.

The young warrior couldnt help but break a little and smile ever so softly, one that gave light color to her deep greens. Honeysplash then moved forward a few steps, her leg protesting with each pace but of course she ignored it and just held it higher up off the ground. The white and cream cat was maybe a few inches shorter than Chrysaliswing, he’d always been a lanky fella, and she wasn’t large like her sisters in size.

Oh, Chrys,,” She mused to him sweetly, and lifted her muzzle to gently touch his cheek with her nose, “its okay, i understand- I’d be mad at me too if I disappeared randomly,” They then took a light step back to give the other black and sunset patched cat space. Physical touch was something she normally did, she was a touchy cat at times and she knew it wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Though she hoped she hadn’t crosse the line too far in her attempts at touch.

She then grinned, “Do you have anything else to do today? Do- Do you wanna come take a nap or something?,” She offered with a gesture of their cream paw towards the nest she had in the medicine den. Sure it wasnt her warrior dens nest- but it was okay for what it was!

  • HONEYSPLASH she/they, Warrior of Skyclan, 24 moons.
    A lithe, cream tabby cat with high white and green eyes.
    Younger siister to Orangestar, Applefrost and Apritcotflower and littermates with Blueberrybounce and Cloudberrythorn // Former mate to; Quillstrike
    peaceful and healing powerplay permitted / / underline and tag when attacking
    see battle info here
    penned by youwolf_1997 on discord, feel free to dm for plots.


He didn't understand why Honeysplash stuck around. She was no leashed hound - and from the very first day, she had been free to go wherever she pleased, just like every other cat that he had the misfortune of knowing. Those green eyes shone like the stars, ever-persistent upon a pitch sea of the night sky. In fact, the beast of soot and bane had tried so hard to snuff out the lights around him, so that none could behold him in the darkness. If no cat were around to hurt him, then he would surely be safe within the confines of his own undoing. Still, the cream-colored cat had remained on his heel like a burr lodged into his skin, and no matter how hard he tried to groom or shake her off, there she was. A bad habit, a constant buzzing in his ear, a luster that never faded. No matter how many snarls painted his face or how many envenomed words rolled out of his maw, the sun always shone. He hated it, but not entirely. Perhaps it was in due to the lack of control, how even he could not change the course of moons and fates, but maybe he need naught to control it.

Honeysplash moved to touch him, and he stepped a little backwards, as if there existed tensiles of disgust even in such burning intimacy. A mere kiss of the air between them proved enough to singe already flame-colored fur in a blaze of shame. Honey thrived on feeling that love was present, but Chrys was very much the opposite. She tried to capture the elusive shadow, though such impermeable form flew right out of tangible hands. He did not allow himself to be taken so easily. Still, he attempted to not make it as obvious as he could have, as if he tried to tamp down the smoke of a billowing wildfire. Acting had never been his strong suit, and embarrassment varnished itself plain on a sunset-studded face.

"Uh, a nap? No." Familiar serpentine poison flowed from loose lips, like incredulity at the insinuation had invaded his words next, for he always allowed virulent emotions free reign over his verses. "I'm a warrior with all his legs still working." Unlike you, he bit back the scathing remark this time, a true test in spiritual strength and recoiling restraint. For some reason that he couldn't elaborate on, he didn't want to hurt her feelings. Was that what caring about another cat was like? To protect them from what you are? Jaded as the tom was, heterochromatic gaze now lie cowed and pooling onto the floor. Paws shuffled against loose foliage and crumpled herbs along the floor. Even a wasp could only sting so many times, and even Chrysaliswing ran out of poison eventually.

"Um, tell me if you need anything else. I've spent enough time in this cramped, damp den." The Skyclan warrior muttered (hoping Dawnglare had not been in earshot to chastise him). Long whiskers twitched as he turned around to the entrance of the den. Rays of light now beckoned for him to join him, an eagerness fluttering through pawsteps that had not graced him in so long. Freckles of closure began to sprout within his flesh, and though he could not explain it, there lie a bout of calmness from him, emanating from pelt to tail to ear to whisker. She remembered me.
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