Lichenpaw would like to consider Shallowpaw a friend. He's never quite sure when it's appropriate to say that someone is a friend, having never had one before, but that's okay. He likes Shallowpaw, and that's enough. He'd been quick to take a liking to him, latching onto the fellow outsider and clinging tight. His namesake is not inaccurate in that way, lost though this meaning may be on an apprentice still unwilling to think about his Clan name for longer than it takes to say it. But he certainly has been clinging to his fellow apprentice, the other's quiet determination only growing their fondness for him. They've been following him around, of course, but recently they've taken to doing a bit more than that.

Shallowpaw's been more reserved lately, more distant. He still doesn't turn Lichenpaw away, and for that they remain grateful, but it saddens them to see him like this. It seems lonely. They don't want him to be lonely.

And, selfishly, they want to spend more time with him. He's willing to admit that -- he likes Shallowpaw, enjoys spending time with him! So he's been making up excuses, at every chance he gets, to tag along with the blue-furred tom, chatter away at this tentative friend. He wishes he knew Shallowpaw better, though. Lichenpaw is perfectly fine doing all the talking, but he often wonders about his friend... In truth, he doesn't really know him all that well. He'd like to change that.

Well, today brings another opportunity to spend some time with Shallowpaw. The tortie point tom bounds over to him, tail held high, lopsided grim firmly in place. "Heya Shallow!" he chirps. "I uh, I need to go gather some -- some moss, do you want to come with? Good to, y'know, get out of camp, I think." He fidgets a bit with his paws as he says it, rolling a rock back and forth. He glances down at it before tacking on, "And I've -- I've got permission, don't worry, I'm not um. Sneaking off again." He looks back to Shallowpaw with a bit of a mischievous glint in his eye. Well, he's not the only one who's been sneaking off anymore. Maybe Shallowpaw isn't as much of a stickler for rules as he used to be.

He lowers his voice, something he does not have much practice in doing. "But um, we could sneak in some battle practice if you want. A little spar, maybe? Or, y'know, something like that." He knows the other apprentice has been training hard, knows he still feels bad about his performance against the dog. He wants to prove himself, Lichenpaw knows the feeling well. And besides, all the talk of fighting lately has him jittery. "I won't tell," he adds, belatedly. They don't have to, of course -- Lichenpaw would be perfectly content just to take a walk and chat with Shallow. But if he wants to train as well, then they will. Maybe it'll help convince him to come along.


  • Nervous by nature and unused to the familial atmosphere of ThunderClan, it must be hard for Lichenpaw to make friends. Who would he consider his closest friend(s) currently? Does he want to become closer with them?

    // takes place before the sunningrocks battle. used the iconic shinsou quote for the title bc i couldn't resist :3 i think i'm funny

  • LICHENPAW named for the lichen on the trees of his home.
    — he/him or they/them. 8 moons.
    — thunderclan apprentice, mentored by sunnyday.
    — impulsive chatterbox with a near-permanent nervous grin.

    primary character, medium-high activity. penned by saturnid.​
  • Untitled82_20230206025231.png
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