private i hear a symphony, it's only irony.

Jun 27, 2022

He'd always held himself as the responsible older brother when it came to his two siblings; they had their own separate needs- Eventide needed a bit more emotional presence, and Dawnpaw needed someone by his side to motivate him through his hard times. It was never easy taking on this responsibility, he'd like to believe it was good for him to be so reliable.

That was, until Briarstar died- and the grudge he had against the molly was left on her grave. He didn't know what to do after that; to look at Dawnpaw and realize that he was the only one who was in the Great Battle, to return gravely wounded? Duskpaw had left his beloved brother behind, and Eventide had left them behind as well. Poor little brother, why couldn't he be a better brother in return? He'd run away from his problems, and that was foreign to him.

Marching along the border of RiverClan, he kept a safe distance away from the twoleg camp as to avoid them. He'd just wanted to pass through, to find a better place to rest before he could collapse and not eat again. He wasn't a horrible hunter, but he certainly didn't enjoy hunting for himself- the idea of being so selfish made him want to puke, and he could never truly understand why. But he'd been selfish in leaving Dawnpaw behind, hadn't he? He wondered if his brother would follow him..

A crack of a stick catches the older apprentice's attention, head snapping up in alert- exhausted eyes scanning the reeds and trees. "Who's there? Show yourself!" He snapped in irritation, tail lashing behind him; with his posture so crooked, he looked a bit odd.