I HEAR A SYMPHONY -- moonpaw


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    A white round-eared apprentice with orange eyes and an overall positive attitude. She loves flowers and her favorite food is minnows.
    ⤷ named for her white fur and bright personality
    — female; she/her; homosexual
    — medicine cat of RiverClan, positive opinion of clan
    — created 06.21.2023 at 2 moons / ages every 17th
    — penned by tikki; HEARTCHART ; PINTEREST ; PLAYLIST
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    white masking cinnamon torbie / TOYHOUSE / REF
    Elaborate. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut bibendum lobortis hendrerit. Donec lacinia fermentum maximus. Vestibulum at cursus libero. Praesent non enim rhoncus, egestas sem vel, tristique justo. Vestibulum nec pulvinar nisi, eu dictum erat. Proin mollis magna non nunc rutrum, quis vestibulum libero sollicitudin. Aliquam tellus augue, feugiat efficitur leo quis, congue semper ligula. Vivamus efficitur, elit et tempus tristique, nisi enim laoreet nulla, vitae scelerisque erat augue sit amet nibh.
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    Curious, Moonpaw likes to listen to stories and learn about anything she is able to, even if it takes her a while to get to fully know what she's learning about. She will often seek out those who have been places she hasn't to ask them about their experience. She is easy to get along with and will seek out those she doesn't know well to try to get to know them, wanting RiverClanners to simply get along whether or not they like each other.

    She is loyal and only becomes friends with RiverClanners unless there are specific circumstances around to have the need to make friends elsewhere, such as the yellowcough rogue event. In cases like those she will become friendly with other clan cats to be able to get along while they're needed but once the lines need to be drawn once more she is easily able to not cross them though will remain friendly at the borders unless she is given a reason to no longer be friendly.

    Impatience mixed with her learning ability means that she is able to quickly remember parts of what she is being taught while excitement about learning it causes her to forget how to do something or makes her mess up due to not wanting to wait. She knows how to do some things but the impatience of having to wait causes her to mess up, which then causes her to get frustrated with herself.

    often gets overwhelmed over things she cannot fully control
    love language is gift-giving, will give flowers to those she likes
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    easy to trust if within the same clan, otherwise medium to hard depending on the clan. Once trust is broken it is hard to gain it back.
    SOUNDS LIKE: description. voiceclaim if you have one
    SMELLS LIKE: different flowers every season
    speech is #e4757e

    NPC xx NPC sibling to Rowanpaw | mentoring none , mentored by Ravensong
    Mate to none | Parent to none
    NOTABLE FRIENDS: Beepaw, Cicadapaw, Carppaw, Nettlepaw
  • Code:
    [box=65%][justify][font=verdana][size=11px] text goes here in big [b]bold[/b] letters!
    [tabs][slide=CAUSE LIKE CONTELLATIONS][color=#dfba69][b]--[/b][/color] [/slide]
    [slide=ꕥ][columns=3][abbr='100%'][color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color][color=#4089A2]ꕥ[/color][color=#387B92]ꕥ[/color][color=#2F6D83]ꕥ[/color][color=#275F73]ꕥ[/color][/abbr] [outline=black]flesh wounds[/outline]
    [abbr='80%'][color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color][color=#4089A2]ꕥ[/color][color=#387B92]ꕥ[/color][color=#2F6D83]ꕥ[/color]ꕥ[/abbr] [outline=black]infections[/outline]
    [abbr='100%'][color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color][color=#4089A2]ꕥ[/color][color=#387B92]ꕥ[/color][color=#2F6D83]ꕥ[/color][color=#275F73]ꕥ[/color][/abbr] [outline=black]aches & pains[/outline]
    [abbr='50%'][color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color][color=#4089A2]ꕥ[/color][color=#387B92]ꕥ[/color]ꕥꕥ[/abbr] [outline=black]illness[/outline]
    [abbr='50%'][color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color][color=#4089A2]ꕥ[/color][color=#387B92]ꕥ[/color]ꕥꕥ[/abbr] [outline=black]breathing[/outline]
    [abbr='30%'][color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color][color=#4089A2]ꕥ[/color]ꕥꕥꕥ[/abbr] [outline=black]traveling[/outline]
    [abbr='30%'][color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color][color=#4089A2]ꕥ[/color]ꕥꕥꕥ[/abbr] [outline=black]broken bones[/outline]
    [abbr='100%'][color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color][color=#4089A2]ꕥ[/color][color=#387B92]ꕥ[/color][color=#2F6D83]ꕥ[/color][color=#275F73]ꕥ[/color][/abbr] [outline=black]kitting[/outline]
    [abbr='20%'][color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color]ꕥꕥꕥꕥ[/abbr] [outline=black]poisons[/outline][/columns][/slide]
    [slide=A MILLION YEARS AWAY][outline=black][fleft][img width=100px]https://f2.toyhou.se/file/f2-toyhou-se/images/85735138_Ng21HDz61WrGyCp.png[/img][/fleft][color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color] SH white masking cinnamon torbie w/orange eyes & small ears
    [color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color] 15 moons old; ages the 17th every month
    [color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color] homosexual polyromantic ; mated to [abbr=bosstaurus]beefang[/abbr], crushing on [abbr=lol]redacted[/abbr]
    [color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color] currently mentoring none
    [color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color] [glow=#DFBA69][color=#FFFEDF][b]"speech"[/b][/color][/glow], [color=#DFBA69][i]thoughts[/i][/color], [u]attacking[/u]
    [color=#4997B2]ꕥ[/color] easy in combat unless in water, focuses on defensive tactics[/outline][/slide][/tabs][/justify][/box]
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IMPORTANT THREADS / ( ☆ ) Interaction ( ★ ) Development
☆ 06.22.2023 I CAN LIFT A CAR UP intro thread
★ 07.06.2023 SHIP IN A BOTTLE learning to be brave
★ 08.17.2023 FLYING DUTCHMAN 8/17 MEETING becoming an apprentice
☆ 08.19.2023 MISSED THE BOAT first day of training
☆ 08.27.2023 REWRITE yellowcough cure announcement
★ 08.28.2023 CON FLORES the first show of her love of flowers
☆ 10.02.2023 KEEP YOUR HANDS CLEAN spotting rogues/first rogue interaction
☆ 10.02.2023 SHINE LIKE MORNING gathering peonies to help the sick
★ 10.08.2023 YOU WILL LET ME DOWN DOWN DOWN getting kicked out of camp by rogues
☆ 10.11.2023 SUBMERGED living in SkyClan camp
☆ 10.27.2023 THE GALLANT ONES her first fight
☆ 10.31.2023 SO MUCH FOR STARDUST name changed from Ratpaw to Moonpaw
☆ X.XX.XXX THREAD NAME brief description
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