i hear gods whisper | dazzle


too young to be singing the blues
Dec 28, 2022
Have you heard? Lightning... Struck a rock, cats scared- Oh, Strawmoon had heard, in fact, they had been there. And Windclan is making their way home after the gathering had concluded but Strawmoon had raced in front of the others. With a too-quick beating heart, legs that helped them soar across the moors, Strawmoon feels a weird sense of freedom, with wind whipping through fluffy fur and the cool, night air against their pelt... Nothing could stop them, nothing could stop them from getting to Dazzlepaw, nothing could stop them from telling him everything that went on.

The first steps in camp are exhilarating, with wide eyes and a frenzied look around, looking for a familiar golden pelt. Once they hone in on it, they walk, nearly stumble in to the poor guy before they recover, popping back up with even wider eyes and large ears perked upwards. "Dazzlepaw!" their words come out in a gasp, sides heaving, and now they're finally aware of how much they hurt from the Riverclan battle, from running back home. Bruises set a deep rooted ache throughout their body as the adrenaline wears off and the nasty cut from their chin to their lip feels like it opened from the constant whipping of their head back and forth.

"Dazzle- You- You wouldn't believe-" their words are a jumbled mess as they try to collect themselves. What to say first? What to say? "Starclan... They're- They're angry, there was lightning... And, and there was a storm, and the winds-" think! Just think what you want to say! And it's the most they've really ever spoken in one sitting as well. Aside from Wormclan with Icebreath, of course. Straw could always spare hours talking about the inner workings of it. Orange eyes meet yellow-orange, sunset trapped in his eyes and they slightly deflate, aiming to bump their head against his chest. "I wish you could have seen." they breathe out, taking a breath to finally gather thoughts that are going a thousand miles a minute. "It was... something... The wind all picked up and... It went all dark. And the trees made terrible noises... There was lightning before, when this was happening but... It struck where Sootstar sat, it was bright," and it was scary, too. But they wouldn't dare admit this, they think they're cool in Dazzles eyes and they'd hate to turn his attention away from them. "And then there was a pile of soot right where she'd normally sit! Theres more... too... But..." their voice trails off as they search his gaze for anything at all, excitement, something. They'll tell him about Cicadastars and Sootstars altercation after, but they're still frazzled from the light, from Starclans wrath.

A blessing, Sootstar said. Straw doesn't think they can quite convince themselves of this.
